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![]() (June 19th 2002)
![]() 1) Bridge: Addressing Spastico
![]() 2) Dave Deadly: I have arrived
![]() 3) Steven Rage: Why Mac, why?
![]() 4) Lionheart: Whatever it takes
![]() 5) El Spastico: The Spaz is back!
![]() 6) Steven Rage: The morning after the night before
![]() 1) BRIDGE
![]() EWA camera opens up at the Dallas, Fort Worth Airport. People are flowing out of the terminal looking for familiar faces. Last out comes a large figure wearing long shorts and a red t-shirt with bong written on the front in white. Walking with him are two hostesses. Bridge stops and gives the hostesses a card and then writes something on the back. The camera crew now move closer to Bridge hoping to get some words from the EWA TV champ.
Marcus Allen : Bridge with just got confirmation that the President has had to change your match at Blitz because El Spastico has exercised his number one contender clause. What do you think about that?
Bridge : Well, Well. Every time I get ready for an opponent, the Prez gets jittery and then changes the opponent. Is he trying to unsettle Bridge, maybe, or is he getting bent over like Lockdown during his prison days. Who knows and who cares. It doesn't matter to me because it doesn't matter who steps in to the ring with Bridge at Blitz in Victoria Texas. As there will be the same outcome, Bridge standing on the top rope. Raising my arms and bang, THE LANDMARK for 1, 2, 3 and victory.
Marcus Allen : El Spastico does have a victory over you, does this concern you?
Bridge : If I was concerned would I be here. Concern is for the weak. El Spastico and I have been together in the ring many times. He is definitely one EWA superstar I respect in the ring, as he has had a victory over me. But as a person, he is low. I haven't forgotten the chair he smash across my head after I beat the Corruptor. Spaz this coming Blitz, its payback. With the TV title on the line once again, I'm gonna rock the EWA foundation with an annihilation of the Spasation.
Marcus Allen : So you are confident of another Bridge victory?
Bridge : Marcus of course I am confident. So Spaz wants another shot, I can't wait, for this is not going to be pretty. Now I ain't gonna rant with all that bullshit the other EWA superstars go on with. I always say its simple, I ain't hiding. You want the TV title simply walk down to the ring for that is where you will find me. Waiting to teach all who what to know Bridge 101.
Marcus Allen : Bridge, so.....
Bridge : Enough. This is over as I have to take some flying lessons in a French plane. I think it is called Ménage III. Fade to black.
![]() [Cut to locker room. Dave Deadly is standing smiling, holding a EWAcontract. He takes his sunglasses off and stares straight into the camera.]
Well, well, well. Here I am! You're probably wondering what a wrestlinglegend like me is doing here at the EWA. Quite frankly I asked myself the same question. Why should I stand here tonight in front of all you losers with an EWA contract in my hand? It's very simple...the big leagues had no space on TV for somebody with my all-round ability and talent, so I decided to come on over to the EWA and kick some ass while I wait. After all, I believe you've got some pretty talented guys up here...
[Deadly stops and flicks through a few names on the EWA roster sheet.]
...Actually no..in fact these guys suck! I've signed a contract here so that I can wrestle nobodies?!
[He tears up the roster and tosses it over his shoulder]
Well it looks as though I'm gonna have to teach these guys a lesson. It looks as though I'm gonna have to set things straight with the boys at the EWA. Dave Deadly's just arrived in town, and they don't call me "The
Extreme Machine" for nothing! It's time for you all to play by Deadly's rules or face the consequences! I'll prove to all you worthless fans and to the deadbeat wrestlers in this promotion that if you mess with Deadly.....you'll be taken to the EXTREME!!!
Steven Rage is sitting at a bar that is covered with beer bottles. He is still wearing what he was in the airport even though its days later. He orders another beer and tells the bartender he wants a Shinerboch. He takes a few swigs of the dark ale and spits it in the bartenders face.
Rage: God that stuff tastes like shit! No wonder Truck is always in a bad mood. OK give me a Victoria Bitter instead. At least that tastes like beer.
The bartender sets down the beer and leans over toward Rage.
Bartender: Can I ask you something?
Rage: Sorry bud I'm not that way.
Bartender: No No No...........I was wondering why you're drinking all this beer down like water. Whats wrong?
Rage: I'd rather not say......it's kinda personal.
Bartender: You can tell me I've heard it all.
Rage: Well the other day at the airport I slugged my dad in the face, I found out hours ago that someone I gave a million dollar bike just threw it in a machine wrecker, and .......<whispers to the bartender>.
Bartender reaches above the bar pulls down a bottle of Jack Daniels and takes a few sips.
Bartender: Damn that sounds like some problems. Well I don't know what to tell you about the bike or your dad but as for the girl............you're in the hottest bar in town look around there are beautiful women everywhere! Go find one!
Rage: Nah maybe later thanks for the drinks. How much for that bottle of tequilla back there?
Bartender: Man you can have it! Later!
Rage takes the bottle and lays down $200 dollars and then walks out of the bar.
Lionheart is sitting in the EWA gym lifting weights while he is approached by Marcas Allen.
M.A.- So have you heard "The Corruptor"'s comments concerning you match at Blitz aganist him?
Lionheart- No I haven't! Why don't you tell me?
M.A.- Well he has said that he will lay down the bottom line on you at Blitz and earn his first win to date in the EWA. He also claimed that after defeating you he will begin carrying the EWA on his large shoulders.
Lionheart- Is that so? Well I know that the corruptor might have a plan for what he will do on Tuesday live from VICTORIA, TEXAS !!!! It's just a shame that he thinks just because I'm a good guy I can't play dirty from time to time! He thinks that his puney little shoulders can hold the weight of the EWA's future? <laughs> The weight of this match alone will prove how easily he buckles under pressure. He knows that he has something to lose from this match......well I have nothing to lose and nothing to gain. So I dare that little punk to put the title shot he will get on the line if he is so confident! If he is so self assured that I LIONHEART will simply go out there and pull a Jobber on him.....and simply say "Pin Me, Pay Me" he is deadly mistaken!
M.A.- What do you mean by that? Do you mean that you will use uncharacter like tactics just to have another member of the roster removed?
Lionheart- I told everyone when I first arrived that my duty was going to remove ALL these pathetic excuses of wrestlers from the EWA and it just so happens my first match gives me the opportunity! So if I have to get a chair or a table or heck even a whole army of people to come and jump him just to remove him from the EWA. I will do it! I will not do it for anyone other than the fans who have been lulled into slumber from having to sit through his horrible matches in the past. He doesn't deserve to be here so I'm going to help send him on his way.
M.A.- I don't think we have ever seen this attitude from you in the past.......whats going on?
Lionheart- Lets just say I am a good guy but I can get down and dirty when business calls......and Vice President McDaniel has made the call for him to go.....So I'll do what my boss says!
Lionheart walks away from the weight room toward the showers.
Lionheart- Oh yeah have a nice day and I hope all my fans will be out there to cheer me on!
Lionheart walks out of the room and locks the shower doors behind him.
A large hospital is shown and we see several people being taken in on stretchers and operations on others. A door is show with the words 'Mr Spastico'. We go the camera man goes into the room and we see several bad wishes cards on a bedside table. In the bed, is El Spastico. His legal team is standing by his bedside.
Spastico: Sue Johnny Thunder! That little runt cost me my title shot and crushed my lower vertebrae with that tombstone to a chair, I want Bridge fired, and I want control of EWA.
Lawyer: I'm afraid your contract says that performers aren't responsible for your injuries.
Spastico: Oh well, there is Spastic corporation!
Lawyer: Um since you got injured, the corporation was bought out by a larger firm.
Spastico: Who and how much?
Lawyer: the NZERUBA corporation. They now lisence your name and charector. And heres the check.
Spastico: $25?
Lawyer: No, thats yen.
Spastico: These means I have to return to EWA.
Lawyer: Well we can pull a few strings and get a title shot
Spastico: Go forth, and while your gone, send me a page of potato chips.
<black and white spy cam>
Steven Rage is found laying in the bathtub as Summer comes in and wakes him. She hands him a glass of water and 3 advil. After that she hands him a towel and turns around while he gets out of the bath tub. Rage who is still drunk and working on a good hangover turns her around after the towel is securely placed around his waist.
Rage: Ya know......this match has me a lil worried.
Summer: Well I'm worried for you. I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to say those things.
Rage: It's OK.....don't don't worry about it. Ya know I was thinking while I was passed out in that bath tub.
Summer: About what?
Rage: How I am tired of hearing Bridge rant and rave with his open challenge to ANY match.
Summer: Well maybe Spastico will beat him and gain the....
Rage: NO he has to keep his title because after this weeks match with Maloy I'm going to challenge him. I am going to call out Bridge.......he might not have to put the title up for grabs if he's chicken but I want him in the ring! I want him in the ring in a dangerous match........
Summer: I think you're looking a little far ahead......focus on Maloy first then what happens happens.
Rage: You know you're so beautiful when you're right.
Rage leans in and kisses Summer.
Summer: Hey thats not very professional of you. That is kinda...
Summer then leans in and kisses Rage.
Summer: Maybe we should talk about this in the morning and then see how you feel?
Rage: You're absolutly right.........
Rage walks off toward the main part of the hotel and as he walks through the door you see part of the towel he was wearing fall to the ground.
Summer: Whatever he drank tonight he doesn't need again. Looks like I'm on the couch tonight.
<black out on spy cam>
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