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![]() 1) The Animals: We want the titles!
2) Leviathan: Increase the beast
3) Bridge/Thunder: Laying "The Foundation"
4) Ty Lomax: Naturally..
5) Dave Deadly: Deadlymania is running wild
6) Damian Smith(pre Blitz): Right down the middle
7) Bridge (pre Blitz): Rage? Who?
8) Mac Maloy(pre Blitz): I ride trucks, not bikes
1) The Animals
(The scene opens on the Animal's standing against a white screen which reads 'WE WILL MAKE YA FAMOUS!'. Lil Animal Austin turns to the screen.)
L.A.A: Firstly I want you all to know, No longer will I be LITTLE ANIMAL AUSTIN, From now on I want to be known as AUSTIN THE ANIMAL and if anyone crosses my path they will find out why I finish with an Extinction Level Event!
(BDA claps)
BDA: Very good bro, nice speech, can we go and have our pudding now?
(A.A scowls at BDA.)
A.A: Will you shut the hell up! you can have it in a minute.
BDA: Oh...OK.
(A.A looks towards the camera again and shakes his head.)
A.A: Next up...we want the EWA tag-team belts. There is NO doubting that we are the best team. Just look at the way we took apart Fight Club.
BDA: But Oz aint we the only two Tag-teams in the EWA?
A.A: Shut up will ya...
(BDA shrugs and looks down at his feet.)
A.A: See it doesn't matter whether we are or not...we deserve those belts until someone more worthy comes along.
BDA: There is no one more worthy bro.
A.A: That's the smartest thing you've said all day.
BDA: You told me to say it.
A.A: Your not supposed to tell 'em.
(A.A slaps BDA round the head.)
A.A: Now go and eat your pudding.
(The Animal's walk off as the scene fades out.)
2) Leviathan
Standing at the edge of a large inground pool is two beautiful women dressed in tight white jumpsuits, one with Athena and the other with Dianna on their backs holding a white robe and white towel each. Both are looking at the water as an enourmous figure emerges. He walks backwards straight into the robe and nods approval to the two women and grabs a towel and drys his bald
head. We now see that this figure is Leviathan.
Leviathan - Any messages Ladies?
Athena - No, just a package has arrived.
Leviathan - Good, I was expecting it. Lets go inside.
Leviathan leads the women inside as they walk through the hallway they pass a huge black man sitting reading a paper. At his feet is a rottweller. Leviathan leans down and pats the dog.
Leviathan - Ah Cerebus, good to see you. Hades, I believe the package has
Hades looks up from his newspaper and then passes the package to Leviathan. The package reads Leviathan c/o Styx Security.
Leviathan - Run along girls. I will take this in the study.
Leviathan enters large room with a indoor pool which has no water in it. Inside there is a table with chairs and a whiteboard with pictures on it. As Leviathan gets closer the pictures are revealed as EWA superstars. Leviathan walks to the desk and sits down, opening the package. The package contains documents and what appears to be a photo. Which Leviathan shows the camera backwards hiding the face.
Levaithan - So this is the first victim of the Depth Charge. How enjoyable. Odd choice who he picked. Its time to Increase the Beast.
Leviathan throws the package on the table but we fail to catch a glimpse of the sender's address lable
3) Bridge/Thunder
Scene is the EWA ring at the Bateman Center. Alive by P.O.D hits the > arenas speakers and the crowd cheers. At the top of the ramp stands the EWA TV champion, Bridge wearing his wrestling trunks and a t-shirt hanging out of his trunks. Bridge raises the TV belt over his head and walks casually down the ramp to the ring. Bridge stops at ring side to give the t-shirt to a child at ringside. The shirt reads "Learn the Lesson" on front and "Bridge 101" on the back. Bridge walks over and grabs a mike.
Bridge - Its great to be in the Bateman Center (crowd cheers). You know I haven't been long in the EWA but here I am TV champion. An you know during that time I have met some mean and ugly sons of bitches. El Spastico and Corruptor to name a few. Even the standing brick shithouse "Rick the Brick". And during that time it has been survival of the fittest. Hey thats fine with me, as you can see I am fit. I have survived and dominated the EWA TV title. I have planted my opponents in Monument Drive with the Landmark.
Crowd cheers.
Bridge - Also during this time only one man offered help when I was cheap shotted by Spastico. And at May Massacre this man help raise Bridge to the next level and put on what many say the match of Massacre. At Massacre I offered the hand of friendship but you were still down from the Landmark. So now I say to you, Johnny Thunder (crowd cheers) come down here and lets shake.
Bridge looks at the top of ramp waiting arrival of Johnny Thunder. Forsaken by David Draiman hits the speakers and the crowd roars. Making his way to the ring is Johnny Thunder. Johnny Thunder enters the ring and walks over to the commentary side and asks for a mic. The two men now in the center of the ring look at each other with Bridge extending arm for a handshake.
Bridge - Well Johnny Thunder what do you say.
Johnny Thunder - At May Massacre, it wasn't me that raised Bridge to the next level, and that's not all I raised. You and I raised the bar in sports-entertainment, and we blew the freakin' roof off the arena!
Appreciation from the fans is shown with a loud pop.
Thunder - Although the outcome wasn't what I had planned, you earned my respect, and my response to your offer of friendship is simple.
Thunder drops the mike and advances towards Bridge. Thunder raises his fist, opens it up, and extends his hand to the Television Champion. The audience responds with enthusiasm and enjoyment as Thunder and Bridge shake hands in a show of respect. The Bateman center erupts. As the two men drop there hands and Thunder begins to walk to the ropes. Bridge raises the mic and motions for Thunder not to leave.
Bridge - Like you said we raise the Feakin roof at May Massacre. Now I am asking you to raise the freakin EWA foundation, to raise the freakin EWA faithful as a member of the most formidable alliance in the EWA. "The Foundation". (crowd roars) Bridge and Thunder an upstoppable alliance which the EWA faithful (points to the crowd) know, will raise the EWA to the next level. What do you say?
Johnny Thunder - You want to form an alliance with Johnny Thunder? All I have to say about that is, EWA, watch out, because the two single best Superstars in the business just joined forces.
Bridge - That settles it. To all the EWA superstars in the back. You now see the the formation of the unstoppable juggernaut in the EWA, "The Foundation". To all, you are either with us or against us but you will not STOP us. The two EWA superstars raise their arms above their heads and look around > the crowd who are on their feet in an enourmous ovation.
Fade to black.
4) Ty Lomax
::[ The scene opens. We pan around inside an empty arena. Pretty sizeable, but certianly no big league. We look at the chairs, and they look dank and used. Looks like thre was a show last night, and it hasn;t been cleaned up. We see food, drink, rubbish and programmes scattered across the floor, and in the middle of the ring is an old man, sweeping. Just sweeping. We look back to see an unfamiliar figure walk into the arena, carring a large holdall bag, and dressed in sweats.]::
[What a dump. I cant believe I was actually talked into this. I was always told when i was a kid "Get into wrestling, there the best athletes in the world". Sure. I wish I could wrestle my guidance counsellor. I'd give him a beating he wouldn't forget. Oh shit, who's this guy....]
::[ A man with a video camera approaches the mysterious figure. he is almost running to catch him.....]::
[Shit, I hate cameras...]
Cameraguy: Hey man, are you Ty Lomax?
Ty: I might be, who's asking?
Cameraguy: My names Dusty, i'm your cameraman.
::[ On sayng that, he slips over and falls on his back. Ty shakes his head]::
[Great. Just what i need, a spotty college kid working his way through his photography degree. What the fuck kinda good is he to me. Either way, better pick the kid up...]
::[ Ty picks up Dusty and helps brush him down. ]::
Ty: You O.K man?
Dusty: Sure, i'm fine.... Sorry about that Mr. Lomax, I....
Ty:...It's ok, I get it....
[As I look into the kids eyes, i see something I havent seen in a while. I see thanks, and admiration. SomethingI have to admit, I miss.]
Ty: And your welcome....
::[ The kid looks confused, but smiles and acknowledges the assisstance. Ty once again looks around the arena ]::
Ty: So this is the EWA huh?
Dusty: Heh... The one and only....
[Thank God]
Ty: So how long you been working here?
Dusty: About 5 minutes.
[Five minutes? Shit this kid IS green.]
Ty: And, remind me why you were sent here?
Dusty: i'm your cameraman. i'm supposed to tape you and stuff, you know, like they do in the WWA....
Ty: Don;t mention the WWA to me....
Dusty: But the WWA....
[What's this kid fucking retarded?]
Ty: i only warn people once....
Dusty: But....
::[ A stern look crosses the face of Ty Lomax, and Dusty shuts up. ]::
[Thank god, I dont want to have to hit him]
::[ The odd couple take a walk up the rampway while Dusty keeps on Hassling Ty.]::
Dusty:So, how does it feel?
Ty: What?
Dusty: Actually being on a Pro Roster?
Ty: Pretty much the same as before....
[Shit, hat does this kid know?]
::[ Dusty looks confused... to be fair, I doubt i takes much... ]::
Dusty: Well, i may be wrong, but Didn't I read this was your rookie year?
[Thank god.... now Ty, just play it cool...]
Ty: Do you believe everything you read in the papers?
Dusty: No but I just assumed....
Ty: You assumed. That's your first mistake. in this business, you assume nothing. There is no real there is no fake. it's a fine line. The difference between who you are and who you wrestle as is like a seismograph. You can be right on the line and wrestle as you, the man you are, or you can take on hat persona. That extension to your own body and mind.
::[ Dusty looks deep in though ]::
Dusty: Which are you then?
Ty: You know what, I just don;t know anymore.... Only one person truely knows me. The one person that means the most to me in the world.
::[ Ty holds a pendant he has around his neck, and kisses it]::
[I love you baby]
Dusty: Who is it?
Ty: [Snapping] its none of your god damn business who it is.....
[Damn, i shouldn;t have snapped, it's not the kids fault. And now's the worse part.. the awkward silence. I hate awkward silences... sometimes I just babble on about total bullshit, somethimes I eve do it in my head and I....]
::[ As they continue through the backstage area, they pass many different people, some training, some packing up, others just asleep. ]::
::[We look to see a guy kicking the shit out of a punch bag.]::
Ty: Who's that....?
Dusty: Hmm.... Lockdown, EWA Extreme Champion. One hardcore SOB.
Ty: He good?
Dusty: he has gold doesn;t he?
Ty: Jackson Kraven had gold, but that didn't make him a good wrestler....
[Jackson Kraven... a blast from the past...]
::[ They keep on walking. We see another man. Except he is simply packing his bag. He makes an acknowledgement towards Ty, and Ty simply nod's back. ]::
Dusty: hey you know him?
Ty: he's a wrestler, i don't need to know him....
Dusty: Ah, i get it... he's the opposition, you hate his guts and think he suck's right?
[This kid really is as thick as shit.]
Ty: It's a matter of respect kid. That little seven letter word that means more than love or hate. The word you have to earn before you can use it as a tool, or a weapon.
Dusty: but you just got here?! How come you get respect and I get laughed at.....
::[We turn side on to see both men. Ty is a well defined, quality piece of male dominance. Dusty is a scrawny, greasy spotty kid.]::
Ty: And you don;t know why you get laughed at?
Dusty: Not a clue....
[Poor kid, I got to teach him the ways of the adies, get him on the straight and narrow... and it had better be straight, Or i'll be firing him faster than i can kick him, and I have a quick kick.]
Ty: Who is that....
::[ They stare at a man simply layed down in his locker room. Ty stares longer than Dusty at the shiny metal belt draped across the man's body. ]::
Dusty: What are you staring at?
::[ Ty pauses before answering ]::
Ty: The Holy Grail.....
::[ Fade To Black ]::
5) Dave Deadly
[The camera shows Dave Deadly in a locker room. He is wearing his sunglasses, a red bandana and a yellow T-shirt that reads 'Deadlymania' in red]
Is this what I have to do to make it on Monday nights? Is this what I have to do Vinnie-boy to get your attention? No.I won't stoop this low for your support. I won't stoop to saying my prayers and taking my vitamins. Why? Because I'm Dave Deadly, the greatest thing that ever happened to professional wrestling, the Extreme Machine! Here in the EWA, we do things on a Tuesday Night. Well Deadlymaniacs, it looks as though Tuesday Nights are about to heat up. I was too hot for Monday Night, but the question you've got to ask yourselves is 'Is Deadly too hot for Tuesday Night?'
I think you all know the answer to that question already. As soon as I make my huge wrestling debut for the EWA, I'll show all of you. My opponent will beg.no, he'll cry for mercy. All of you sick fans will witness the Deadly Bomb that has ended so many careers in the past. You will witness the awesome strength and power of a true wrestling icon.
.and whoever steps into the ring with me will witness first hand the extreme fury of Dave Deadly.
So come on. It's Deadly open season.you wanna prove yourself, you wanna make a name for yourself then come get me. It's time for the EWA to fall victim to the Extreme Machine!!!
[He tears the 'Deadlymania' T-shirt off. Underneath is the Dave Deadly 'Too Hot for Monday Night' T-shirt, but Monday has been crossed out and replaced by Tuesday.]
6) Damian Smith
\W/ Seemingly calm he sips at some tea and reads on in a newspaper about something ignoring the camera crew for the moment then he raises his head and looks at the camera crew and speaks.\W/
Damian: " You know i grew annoyed about this the last time i lost in a very unsavory way. This time to intereference and its not appreciated, But i do have a new role in the next title match. Simply put im the referee. No doubt i will call things fair and down the middle. After all i am a fair individual and will win or not win with my own skills and abilities. Now to the two opponents this is and will be brief. Play fair boys because this referee is no push over. Have a good day gentleman!"
\W/ Damin Smiths short but brief message was quick and straight to the fact as he quietly sits back and waves the camera crew away.\W/
EWA locker room. Scene sees Bridge loosening up for his match against El Spastico. Marcus Allen and the EWA crew walk over and motion for Bridge can they a word with him. Bridge nods his head ok and Marcus Allen gets the Undercover Crew ready for the interview. Bridge : Marcus there is no need for you to talk just give me the mike. Marcus hands over the mike to Bridge.
Bridge : Good. I'm about to enter the ring here in Victoria, Texas (crowd cheers) and once again defend the TV title. This time against El Spastico, the man I beat to win the title at Eve of Destruction. It is not going to be pretty because lets face it, Spastico is not the cleanest player in the game. But I believe that the outcome will be the same, with Bridge holding the TV title above his head.
Bridge pauses to gather his thoughts and then looks intensely at the camera.
Bridge : Now lets get to Rage, Steven esquire. You first off, you call me chicken. Then I tire you with my ranting and raving about an open challenge. Chicken, you called me chicken. Now you mention a dangerous match, oh because your Rage and your Hardcore. Then you are going to call me out. I guess you don't hear or see that well. At every event I'm there in the ring putting the title on the line. At every opportunity I issue an open challenge looking for opponents.
Bridge now pauses and his eyes seem to be on fire as he stares into the camera.
Bridge : Never don't the desire inside the Bridge. Rage after Spastico, you have your wish. Just get me the contract and I will sign it. Just get me a cage and lets go the distance. I am not like any other EWA superstar. I don't talk about bullshit of how I will do this and that. Watch the tapes and you will " Learn the Lesson of Bridge.....(crowd : 101)"
8) Mac Maloy
( The Camera fades in after a lead in by the EWA "Undercover" commentators. Marcus Allen is sitting in a black leather lounge chair with a clipboard in his lap. A close up shot of Allen's face begins to pan back slowly as he begins his introduction to the interview.)
Marcus: Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for joining us on EWA "Undercover". Tonight I'm sitting here with the current EWA World Title Champion Mac "Truck" Maloy.
( The camera pans back fully to reveal Truck sitting in a similar chair adjacent to Marcus Allen. He's wearing a black torn sleeveless T-Shirt that reads " Rollin' on Hell's Highway" with a picture of Truck's black rig on the front. The World Title belt is draped around his shoulder as Truck sits and looks at Marcus.)
Marcus: Truck, There is a lot of questions on peoples minds these days and probably the biggest one is, why? Why, did you smash that beautiful motorcycle that Steven Rage gave to you at the last Pay-Per-View event.
Truck: Well I'll tell ya Marcus!!! I did it to prove a point. Steven Rage has nothing I want. Not a title! Not Money! And especially no damn kid's bicycle. I got a ride. And if your not to familiar with it just step out in that parking lot and I'll make you real familiar with it.
Marcus: I'll pass!!! Truck, next Tuesday you have yet another bout against Steven Rage in that evenings main event! Now it's not for the title but do you think maybe you have motivated Rage just a little bit by turning down his gift in that less than subtle manner?
Truck: Personally I don't give a damn how Steven Rage took it! If he wants to take it as an insult and come down to the ring with an attitude, looking to whoop my ass for what I did, that'll suit me just fine. I'll beat his ass just like I did last time and the time before that. The fact of the matter is this, I don't trust that son of a bitch not one little bit. And if he thinks that giving me a motorcycle is going to take back all the times he come at me from behind and bludgeoned me across the back of the head with a steel chair, ....well....he's got a lot to learn about Truck Maloy!!
Marcus: But obviously Rage has tried to make amends for those past encounters!! I mean that was no cheap motorcycle!! It was top of the line!!!
Truck: What? So Rage spent a little money!!! That should make me forgive and forget? I don't think so!!!
Marcus: As I mentioned before, this is a non-title bout Tuesday!!! After that match who do you think should become the number one contender for a shot at the World Title?
Truck: Well, obviously if Steven Rage gets lucky and happens to pull a win out of thin air, you would think he would be the number one contender!! But I can guarantee you this, Rage doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of beating me on Tuesday. He hasn't beaten me yet and he's not going to beat me. I think it has escaped everyone's mind that me, Truck Maloy, has yet to be defeated here in the EWA. Not by pinfall, Not by submission, Not even by disqualification! I'm a winner! Steven Rage is going to get his third chance to try and prove he is the better man next Tuesday, but I assure you the outcome is going to be quite the same. I'm gonna lock Rage into the Transmission and that will be the end of it?
Marcus: It is true that you are undefeated as you said! But, knowing that, do you feel your days as champion are numbered! I mean everyone loses sometime.
Truck: I think maybe you ought to run back there and ask the make up girl for some q-tips.
Marcus: Pardon?
Truck: Yeah, so you can clean the peanut butter out of your ears! I just got through telling you, I'm a winner! I don't even let the thought of losing cross my mind. I'm addicted to winning. Some people have heroin. Some people have cocaine. I got gold. This belt is my addiction. I will keep this belt around my waste, period! The only way someone is going to beat me for this title is if they pry it from my unconscious hands and even then I suggest they look behind them for the rest of their lives because when I wake up I'm coming after them and I'm gonna take back what's mine!
Marcus: Well, that's all for tonight! Truck, thank you for joining us on "Undercover" Back to you in the Control Center!
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