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![]() 1) Mac Maloy: Withdrawal
![]() 2) Chairman: An offer..
![]() 3) El Spastico: Faking it
![]() 4) Fight Club: Serious decisions
![]() 5) Leviathan: Formal Introductions
![]() 6) Chairman: EXTREME(ly) Pleased
![]() 7) The Animals: One more time
![]() 8) Steven Rage: Rage..in the cage(?)
![]() 9) Lionheart: Telling it like it is
![]() 10) Jarod Crow: Facing the invaders....alone
![]() 1) MAC MALOY
![]() ( The camera fades in on a large grassy field. Tufts of brown grass destroyed buy the hot Texas sun, litter the otherwise green field. The camera moves forward slowly toward a tree line of tall thick Oak trees. As the camera nears the largest Oak in the center of the tree line, the ground makes an extreme downward slope. At the bottom of the miniature manmade canyon is a small dirty pond. A baseball size yellow ball bounces off the water before settling afloat on top of the water. The ball has a thin fishing line attached to it. The cork bobs up and down a little then stops when a voice pierces the chatter of birds and locusts.)
Voice ( angry ): HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!
( The camera quickly pans up in the direction the voice is coming from. The figure is shaded by a mesquite tree making it very hard to determine just who the person is. The shadowy figure sits in a chair holding a long fishing poll in his lap. What seems to be a cowboy hat sits upon his head. The figure reaches down to his feet and retrieves what looks to be a bottle of some sort. The bottle is almost rectangular at the base with the usual round elongated neck protruding from the center.)
Voice ( annoyed ): WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!!!!!!
( The camera pans left to find Marcus Allen standing next to it. Marcus raises a hand pointing at the figure. Marcus walks towards the figure and the camera pans back to the figure and follows behind Marcus. The camera inches closer and closer to the shadow and details of the person's identity slowly become available. Finally we recognize that Truck Maloy is the mystery man. Truck takes another swig off of the bottle now revealed to have a yellow label with "Jose Cuervo" printed across the side. At Trucks feet is a cooler with the EWA Title resting across the top of it. Sitting on the belt is an assortment of cut up lemons and limes, some eaten, some not.)
Truck: I don't remember inviting you here.
Marcus Allen: Please forgive us for our trespassing but we at EWA wanted to find you and ask some questions. We have not seen nor heard from you since the last Blitz and frankly were getting a little worried. You suffered your first lost in the EWA and just dropped off the face of the earth. What is going through your mind right now? How do you feel?
( Truck never looks at the camera or Marcus. He just stares off blankly at the cork that bobs up and down in the muddy pond.)
Truck: How do I feel? Well if you'll remember right, I told you last week that I was and addict. A victory addict. Last week, when Steven Rage pinned me on the mat, I failed to get my fix. So how do you think I felt. I came home. My stomach was all knotted up. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep.........I started to shake. Sweat poured off my entire body but yet I hadn't done anything physical at all. I saw flashes of Rage pinning me as the ref counted 1...2...3. I couldn't take it!!!.......So I packed up cooler with Shiner.....grabbed me a bottle of the finest Gold and a handful of limes and lemons. Through my gear in the back of my rig and drove down to my fishing pond. And this is were I've been for the last few days. I eat what I catch and sleep with my head propped up on that log over there.
Marcus Allen: Truck.......obviously with the lack of a truly defined number one contender at this point it could be some time before we see back in the ring defending your title. However, this Tuesday on Blitz your scheduled to be one of two referees in a match up between the current T.V. Title Champion Bridge against Steven Rage. How do you feel about that particular event.
Truck: Obviously I'm disappointed. All I want to do is get back in the ring at get a win. All the Cuervo in the world and all the Shinerboch can't replace the high I get when I make somebody tap out to the Transmission. Or pin their carcass to the mat and watch the ref count 1...2...3. But.... there isn't anybody worthy of challenging me for the title, according to the boys in the head office. So I'm reduced to putting on that pansy ass, zebra striped shirt for the second time in my EWA career. When I won this belt I said I wanted to be the best champion ever. To go down in the halls of EWA fame as a champions champion. A fighting champ!!! But it looks like its gonna be harder than I thought, since there isn't anybody to fight.
Marcus Allen: Last week Steven Rage beet you and did what nobody had yet to do, however since he had lost two previous times to you it only knocked him up to T.V. title contention. What's it going to be like stepping into the ring, on the request of Steven Rage, and refereeing a involving the man who handed you your first loss.
Truck: Well Steven Rage may be a jerk. A silver spoon fed pretty boy but....he did beet me, so therefore he does have my respect. That don't mean I like the sumbitch but the man knows the ring. Now if Steven Rage thinks I'm gonna come in there and favor him in the match and turn my head whenever he starts his shady wrestling tactics, well he's in for a big damn surprise. I'm gonna go in the ring, call it down the middle, and count the one, two, three and then walk out. That's it.
Marcus Allen: Do you foresee having any problems with the..other...referee, Jarod Crow.
Truck: Not if he stays the hell out of my way!!!! If he doesn't, then Jarod Crow knows exactly what will happen!!!!
( Truck jerks on the fishing pole as the tip of it bends sharply. He begins reeling a fighting with what is attached to the end of the line.)
Truck: Now if you'll excuse me......Supper is coming!!!
( The camera fades to black.)
![]() The new EWA Extreme Champion, The Chairman along with Miss Wise (carrying a black and white striped chair) make their way down to the ring, basically ignoring all the fans. They step in the squared circle, and the Chiarman grabs a microphone off the ring announcer and pushes him roughly to the mat.
THE CHAIRMAN - "You know normally I would come out here, and tell all you morons how good I am, and I will continue to do so tonight. The fact of the matter is, I AM - THE - EUROMERICAN - WRESTLING - ALLIANCE – EXTREME – TITLE - CHAMPION!"
Backstage, we see the four combatants in the upcoming number one contenders match looking on.
THE CHAIRMAN - "And for each and every one of you, right down to every nimrod in the back that said, “you'll never make it...' - who held me back - well, last Tuesday night, I DID IT. I turned it around, and I crammed it down all your throats, like it or not, I am THE Extreme Champion. I proved to the world what I said I was, and that is - I AM the CHAIRMAN, and I rule the boardroom now!!!!! And that boardroom is this ring! NOT Dave Deadly - not JC Swinger - not El Spastico - not Lockdown no, because after I warmed myself up with Lockdown at the Tuesday Night Blitz, I am ready to DESROY each and every one of you!!”
CROWD – “Chairman Sucks! Chairman Sucks!”
THE CHAIRMAN – “And each and every one of you in the crowd if you aren’t careful! The fact of the matter is you can line 'em up and I'll roll 'em down, from the very bottom all the way up - it doesn't matter who it is, whether it's the El Mongaloid or Crapdown or anybody else, I will beat you in the most…”
(Chairman gestures to the belt around his waist)
…EXTREME manner possible.”
(The Chairman hands the microphone to Miss Wise.)
MISS WISE – “So, what the people WANT...the people shall RECEIVE. This Tuesday, right there in that very ring, El Spastico, Dave Deadly, Lockdown and JC Swinger will be competing for the number one contendership to the Chairman’s Title. And just to make sure that there are no problems, no crooked referees, I figure there's only one man in the EWA that we can trust to be enforce the rules, and someone who is unbiased, and that is ALSO the Chairman. He hates you all equally, as much as he hates all of you in the crowd! So if you four don't mind, in your match, the Chairman has volunteered his services to call it down the line, fair and chair…I mean SQAURE! See you Tuesday!”
(From nowhere, the Chairmans theme hits and he and Miss Wise exit the ring and leave as quickly as they arrived.)
El Spastico: What has my life come to?
The scene opens in a lousy motel room. Empty bottles of whisky are scattered round the floor. A crappy hand held camera is being held and positioned by El Spastico. Finally he walks infront of it and sits down.
Spastico: So, this is what my life has come to. I tried phoning a camera man to document this 'cos I gotta lot on my mind. First of all, when I came to this country, I was full of hope. My name could be translated as 'the Smiler'. No one liked me, and I was mugged by a fan who jumped over the rail in the middle of my first pro match. Imagine how that feels. I had trained for 2 years, just so every little thing would go right. But, in wrestling, the most unpredictable things are the fans. So, I became evil, and even though everyone hated me, they all respected me. I got married, had 3 kids, and then became a coporate figurehead. So, where is it all now? My high priced lawyers sold my company for 25 yen, my wife took the kids, and the reposetion men knocked on my door a few days ago.So all I can do is win the match and get an extra 100 dollars for winning, stay in a motel for another month, win the title and get back on my feet with the $25,000.
HA I LIED! Things couldn't be better! I made 1 million on my shares in midgets, bought stock in a highly wanted product, and my beautiful wife is pregnant with my fourth! So there!
Sebastion Knight and Jake Logan are sitting in the gym of the Logan Wrestling Academy. Jake Logan has two black eyes and a bandage on his nose. Sebastion Knight is holding an ice pack on his head.
Knight takes the ice pack off his head and looks at the camera
" After our lose to the Animals me and my partner had to decide about our future as a tag team."
" Yeah," Logan says. " As you may tell by our faces the discussion got just a little bit out of control."
Knight starts to laugh, " Sometimes I get a little bit to intense, but let it be known to every one, Fight Club is not going anywhere."
" Sebastion, I heard the Animals talking about how they should be the tag champs, and after the way they handed us our asses on Blitz they may be right."
Knight nodes his head. " I have to give it to the Animals, that night they were the better team. I don't like them but I'll give them some respect. However, if they think that were just going to sit by after one lose and give them the tag titles then they are highly mistaken."
Logan and Knight both stand up and walk towards the camera,
" So Animals, " Logan says, " If you think that you are the best team, then I'm asking you to prove it one more time. If you win then you are truley the best team in the EWA, but if we win then maybe it's not going to be such a cakewalk to the belts."
Knight looks at his partner and then back at the camera.
" How bout this Animals, if you win not only will you be the best team in the EWA you will the only team in the EWA because we will break up."
" Whoa, hold up Sebastion, let's talk about this."
" No," Knight says. " I'm through talking it's time to start fighting."
Knight and Logan walk out together past the camera, maybe for the last time.
- Scene is EWA undercover TV where Marcus Allen is sitting opposite The Aquatic Beast Leviathan. -
Marcus ~ Welcome back and for our last segment of EWA undercover, I'm about to interview a newcomer to the EWA. The man called Leviathan. Leviathan how are you settling in to the EWA?
Leviathan ~ Well settling is about all I can do. I haven't been scheduled for a match just yet. So as far as the EWA goes its quite easy. But when the Beast enters the ring all who enter will be wishing for exit light to come on and the hostess escort them from the ring.
Marcus ~ They are some interesting words. Considering the sometimes brutal nature of EWA matches. What is the style of Leviathan and what can we expect?
Leviathan ~ Style, well you could say that it is a calculated and systematic annihilation of my opponent. I am not here to win friends just glory, gold and money. I have no interest in allowing an opponent to leave the ring thinking "wow that was a tough match". My purpose and desire is for them to leave not thinking but dreaming in a deep sleep following the Depth Charge.
Marcus ~ Again, those words are strong considering you haven't had a match. But...
Leviathan ~ Marcus let me interrupt. I told you I was calculating the time for my EWA tenure. That means I am waiting for the precise time to make my impact. When I do, only one word will leave all who watches lips and is the word I believe is too vile to repeat. That is the word that starts with F and rhymes with truck. Now if you excuse me Marcus it is time to the leave. Time to Increase the Beast.
Marcus ~ Well there you have it. Strong words from an imposing newcomer. The man Known as Leviathan. That is for today's edition of EWA Undercover. We're out of time.
-Fade to Black-
(Scene - Bateman Center)
The Center is packed to the rafters and is eagerly anticipating the entrance of the next EWA superstar. The lights slowly dim and “Bang and Blame” by REM starts up over the PA system, immediately drawing boos from the capacity crowd.
The Chairman emerges from backstage, accompanied by his voluptuous valet, Ms Wise, who is as always, carrying his purple steel folded chair. It looks like the newly crowned EWA Extreme Title Champion means business, as he is dressed in a pinstriped double breasted business suit, and Ms Wise is attired in her business jacket and short skirt. No sign of his newly won belt can be seen.
The Chairman slowly walks down the ramp to the ring, stopping occasionally to jaw with the hostile fans and tear up a couple of signs which read “ChairMAN sucks” and “Demote the ChairMAN!!”. Before heading into the ring, The Chairman spots a teenage kid in the crowd with a large sign reading “ChairMAN for President”. This brings an even bigger smile to The Chairman’s face, and he walks over to the kid, asks to borrow his camera, hands it to Miss Wise and poses for a photograph.
TEENAGE KID – “Gee thanks ChairMAN!”
CHAIRMAN – “It’s the new Extreme Champions pleasure!”
At that point, Miss Wise throws the camera on the ground and steps on it with her high heeled shoe, breaking it into smithereens. The Chairman rips up the kids sign anyway, drawing even bigger boos from the crowd. A half empty soft drink cup is thrown and narrowly misses The Chairman as he enters the ring, and grabs a microphone.
THE CHAIRMAN – “Greetings inbreds! It is your pleasure to be graced with the presence of the EWA’s most Extreme Wrestler! I am your new EWA EXTREME TITLE CHAMPION!”
(the crowd boos)
THE CHAIRMAN – “Thank you! Now there are two reasons why I am here tonight in this good for nothing town...firstly I am...(turns and points to some extra vocal fans in the front row)...shut your filthy mouths you rednecks! Or The Chairman will do it for you!
Now where was I? The first reason is that I am here is to gloat. Last week at the Tuesday Night Blitz was the dawning of a new era. The Chairman was promoted to the new position of EWA Extreme Champion, and ironically, Lockdown was “Promoted” to within an inch of his life!! Bet you didn’t see that one coming, Lockdown!”
CROWD – “Chairman Sucks! Chairman Sucks!!”
THE CHAIRMAN – “Now although I am superior to each and every one of you peons, I am the kind of man who will defend this belt to the best of my ability, and folks, my ability knows no bounds. I will be the fightingest champion that has ever held this belt.”
(Chairman unbuttons his jacket to reveal the shiny EWA Extreme Title Belt)
THE CHAIRMAN – “So tonight, I am pleased to announce that in a few moments, an UNSANCTIONED REMATCH for the belt will occur between myself and Lockdown.”
(the crowd stops booing and erupts into cheers.)
THE CHAIRMAN – “So without further adieu, my opponent….LOCKDOWN!”
"Cowboys from Hell” by Pantera kicks in over the PA system, and a few moments later, a portly midget dressed in minature Illinois State issue clothes and carrying plastic toy handcuffs rushes down to the ring. The crowd is less than pleased. The mini Lockdown enters the ring and is decimated with a chairshot to the head by The Chairman. Chairman picks up the prone midget by the back of the neck and back of the pants and promptly dispatches him over the top rope. The Chairman wipes his hands clean and laughs heartily, mocking the crowd, whilst Miss Wise looks on, nodding and smiling at what just eventuated.
THE CHAIRMAN – (having to speak louder into the microphone to be heard over the booing) “Secondly, now that I am the Extreme champ, I need more challengers...now I could walk out into this stinking crowd and beat up all of you beerbellied assholes, but instead, I am now issuing an open challenge to all the pretenders out the back...COME AND GET IT...YOU WILL NEVER FORGET IT... BUT YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!!”
(Miss Wise walks over, close to the Chairman, and puts her arms around him...removes his EWA Extreme Title Belt from his waist, and lays it flat on the ground at his feet.)
THE CHAIRMAN – “Now what gets me is that… and I’m going to start shooting here…is that all my potential challengers are HEELS!! I mean Lockdown, well he’s yesterdays news, but he IS a HEEL...Dave Deadly – HEEL, and JC Swinger, and what kind of name is that, did your parents lose a bet or something – he is a HEEL too! Buyrates will tank! But it wont be my fault, oh no no! Maybe we could all get together and have a HEEL on a pole match to determine the biggest and baddest HEEL in the company! Or a barbed wire and flaming tables eight way HEEL vs HEEL match...Or a HEEL in a CELL match!... or a...”
CROWD – “Chairman Sucks!”
THE CHAIRMAN – “Well thanks for your time, nimrods! Just remember, I’m gonna be around for a long time so you better get used to it! I’m going to be the fightingest Extreme Champion in the History of the EWA!! All I need is a decent challenger! Hell, I’m going to make this title so damn prestigious even that doofus Mac Maloy will want to challenge me for it! It doesnt matter to me..HEEL or FACE, YOU WILL SOON LEARN YOUR PLACE...ON THE CORPORATE LADDER!"
(With that, The Chairman tosses the microphone to the referee, picks up his belt and leaves the ring with his valet – FADE OUT)
(Scene opens on the 2 brothers standing face to face having a relaxed conversation. Austin turns towards the camera.)
A.A: On Blitz we kicked Fight Clubs Candy behinds all around that ring and won in record time.
(BDA nods his head in approval.)
A.A: But the only problem now is where do we go from here?
(BDA shrugs)
A.A: Will you stop that Brian for gods sake before I kick you to the curb.
(BDA salutes and lets out a little snigger.)
A.A: Where was I...Oh yes...We have beaten the all the tag-team's in the EWA.
(BDA nods again. This time Austin looks round quickly and scowls at BDA who backs up making hand gestures that he wont do it again.)
A.A: Though I wouldn't mind kicking Fight Club's ass again, me and BDA here want to get in the game. So i'm telling everybody in the EWA to watch out cus The Animal's are coming and if we find you...
(BDA grabs the camera and pulls it close to his face. He grits his teeth.)
BDA:...Consider your self EXTINCT!!!
(BDA lets go of the camera and both brothers laugh with approval as the scene fades out.)
Steven Rage is found sitting in the den of his beautiful Las Vegas mansion and he is wearing a "bridge 101" shirt.
Rage: Bridge Bridge Bridge.........you have the nerve to accept my challenge........well that makes me extremely pleased. And you even wanna step into a cage with me <laughs> well I might have failed to meantion that this isn't simply another cage match we're talking about.....we're talking about you stepping into the ring with ME and being locked into a painful steel structure.....and its not going to be a very happy day for you when you wake up in a hospital bed suffering from multiple wounds that I can give you inside that 4 walled cage <laughs>......NOW I told everyone that I am not a babyface I am still the best damn heel in the EWA.....and I will come down to that ring ready to send you to the hospital and I have every intention of doing just that.....as a matter of fact I promise you that before you are carried out of that cage you will be a bloodied and broken man.....<laughs> and not only will I kick you're ass but ill take your title when im done!
Lionheart is found sitting in his dressing room after the match. He has his head in his hands as he shakes his head. He begins pulling his hair.
Lionheart:I can't believe I got screwed......I can't believe I got cheated out of this win. But you know what? I'm going to show that ref that screwed me out of my win how to do things. Because I'm going to be the special guest ref in the title match that Corruptor gets for "winning" his match I'm going to show all those refs in the EWA how to do their job......and what do you know by the time they see how well I do President Flaws will probably sign me as a ref. So let me make everyone perfectly clear that the match that Corruptor gets against Bridge for the TV title will be called fair and right down the middle......also there wont be any illegal weapons or outside interference or I will declare the match over. I am a man of integrity and I just hope that President Flaws does the right thing and let me create a presidence for these slack ass refs........so I am a man on a mission and this is my next step.....so Prez do the right thing.
(A candle burns. In the dank, stifling dark all we see is the flame. It flickers this way and that, threatening to fade out of existence.
Threatening to leave and take the light of the world with it. Shadows are cast. Shadows of what? Of a face, of a symbol, of a man, of a victim. He who stands against the bullies who tormented him. He who is your victim and mine. In fact he is Everybody's Victim)
"It was better than I expected. He called it right down the middle. It was more than I expected … more than I deserved. I was so sure. So sure that he would fall short of what he claimed … but he didn't. Damian 'the Wolf' Smith proved himself to be the honest man he boasted of. That doesn't mean I have to like it. Or him. Just because he lived up to his claims, doesn't mean that anything's going to change. It doesn't mean that my opinion of him is going to go up. It doesn't mean that I'm going to make some idiotic show of respect. Like giving him a gift … maybe a motorbike? Just because there is one honest man in this sea of deceit and duplicity, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have an ulterior motive. I guess he showed what that was later on that night.
Attacking the EWA World Champion may not be the smartest thing to have done, but trying to attack him and hitting his opponent. That begins to set new levels of stupidity. Then again … insulting a potential ally, days after taking a three man beating isn't exactly the smartest thing to do.
(The candle sputters out and there is darkness. Suddenly a flash of blinding white lights up the scene. An image is burnt onto the retina. And still remains in the blackness. Then the candle sparks into life once more)
That brings me onto my next subject. That was some beating guys. You former IPWA's sure can give out a beating. But I've had worse … and you seem to be forgetting something.
Mancuso you said, "No one cares about Jarod Crow. No one cares about Johnny Thunder. No one cares about Damian Smith." But you're wrong … you have to be. The fans care about us. Don't they? They have to care about the people who go out there week in, week out and fight for them. Don't they?
You can't possibly be right, because right now, I'm the champion … and you're just three guys who want to make names for yourselves. Just three more wrestlers with something to prove, who attack from behind when no one
watches. So you're not right. You can't be RIGHT!
But I feel the doubt; it claws at me as it always has … holding me back. Making me think: what if I really am made a victim again? Because I don't want to be. I don't want to take beatings like that. I don't want to have my neck compacted into my body by a Butterfly Piledriver. But I'll keep on doing it. I'll keep taking those beatings and getting up, and do you know
why? Because I can draw strength from my cause. I draw strength from the knowledge that I fight for the victims. And that if I don't get up, then that's one more voice I'll hear crying out in pain in the night.
So I'll keep getting up, and getting beaten down, and I'll keep fighting against the odds. So that maybe, just maybe, I'll achieve Redemption. And I'll be able to look in the mirror and not feel ashamed.
Oh and one more thing. New Adam, you say you are the perfect race. The embodiment of a race's hopes. Well I guess you could say I'm the opposite, because I am 'Everybody's Victim'. And it is my experience that nobody is
perfect. So maybe someday soon we'll meet up and see what is stronger, the hope of the master race, and the creation of the supremacist bullies. Or the champion and embodiment of all the victims your creators stepped on along the way. And then on that day The Sins of The Many will be carried out ON YOU!!!!!
But until that day I will just have to do my best to oppose the three men that have 'Invaded' the EWA. Alone.
(He blows out the candle and all is black)
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