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![]() 1) Steven Rage: About to cross the Bridge
2) Jarod Crow: Black and White
3) JC Swinger: The Extreme Icon returns
4) Dave Deadly: As extreme as extreme gets!
5) Damian Smith: Ty Lomax? The first man down
6) Bridge: Accepting the challenge
Steven Rage sits in a TV room filled with a large full wall television. On the screen are several of Bridge's matches. Rage studies over every single second of the footage and as the tape somes to an end Rage simply looks at the camera and smiles.
Rage: Ya see Bridge i have had a discussion with the Prez and he feels that the damage I could do to you in that cage would be too extreme so he feels that simply a regular match will be enough. But then he got a twinkle in his eye and asked how I felt about a special guest ref. So now we have out match for your title. Now if you think that Mac Maloy is going to help me simply because I beat him the other day you're wrong he's not that type of guy. Hell I wouldn't expect it and I know he wont do it.........now as for your ref Jarod Crow I'm not sure how much he can be trusted and for that reason I'm keeping an eye on you and the other one on him. But you can bet your ass that whn all the smoke has cleared and the dust settles I will walk out of that damn ring with your title around my waist. So when you strap up your boots and walk down to the ring be prepared to get them knocked back off of ya. So come June 2.........! when we get in the ring I will bring you a world of hurt and like I said before first I'll kick your ass then I'll take your title.......and plus I make a much more attractive Television Champ than you ever could and the sad thing is you know that all the fans, all the wrestlers and hell even the powers that be in the upper offices want that title to leave your possession......so we can do it the hard way or the easy way..........walk out to the ring and hand me the title or get your ass handed to you and I'll drag it from your dead lifeless fingers. Persoanlly I hope you pick the hard way because thats always more fun <laughs>.....
The camera is focused on an image in black and white. A white angel, on a black background. The image begins to fade away and is replaced by live footage. Through the camera we see Jarod Crow in a referee’s shirt, facing away from the camera. But something is not right. Something is different. The image is still in black and white-
“It looks so simple. It always does … when you see things in black and white. Because when it’s black and white, there are only too choices. There is no middle ground. There is no uncertainty. There is just the decision you know you have to make. That’s what a referee should do. See things as either black or white. Right or wrong. Legal or illegal. But that’s not always the case.”
-Colour begins to flood back into the picture bringing things back to their normal shade-
“Because in real life things aren’t black and white. They’re not just right or wrong. In real life the event is coloured by our personal opinion. Like the difference between play-by-play, and colour commentary. The first is the hard facts the second is opinion. And where there is opinion there is bias. That is why decisions are so hard to make. Because like there is myriad of colours in our world. By the same effect there are infinite decisions that each person could make, each being tinted by our own personal colour. Like a pair of Oakley’s sunglasses tinting our vision.”
-He laughs a little at what must be a private joke-
“Which is why being a special referee is always so difficult. Because your vision will always be coloured by bias. As will your decisions. So even the most perfect of calls in your opinion will be wrong in another man’s. This is the reason why these matches are so popular. Because the referee’s bias will always cause friction. In this case between refs as well as wrestlers. So even while I like to think of myself as impartial, I probably won’t be. Because aside from Bridge I have a problem with everyone involved in the match at Blitz … including me.”
-He laughs once more, but this time the laugh is bitter-
“Because my only loss in the EWA is to one of the competitors. Steven Rage. My one loss through disqualification. Because Mac Maloy interfered. So not only do I have a history with one of the wrestlers, but with the other ref as well. And we all know that I have a history with myself.”
“So what can I do? When everything I see is tinted by bias, how can I call it straight down the middle? I can’t. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try. So if I see someone interfere I will stop them. And if I see someone cheat I will punish them.”
“And speaking of punishing. I have thought long and hard. Over and over I have contemplated what to do. What to do about the IPWA. I am outnumbered, three to one. And with the odds against me, how can I hope to find vengeance against my attackers. To make it fair I would need two more men. Two friends. But I have no friends here. So I will watch Blitz and I will find two men who will help me.”
“And when I do, it will be three on three. Six men. A six-man tag. I hereby challenge the three men of the IPWA to a six-man tag team match next week, where the odds will be even. But until then I will be looking for you. At Blitz I will be searching for you looking to take by revenge. So I advise you to stay away because if I find you. Then The Sins of the Many will be Carried Out ON YOU!!!”
-fade to black-
[The scene opens in some sort of private office in the corporate building in downtown Seattle. Sitting behind a very expensive black granite desk is EWA legend and superstar J.C. Swinger and sitting on the edge of the desk in a black mini skirt and blue belly shirt is Swinger’s long time girlfriend Tina. The camera moves in and gets a close up of Swinger as he arrogantly leans back in the white leather desk chair with his feet on the desk while he talks on his cell phone. The conversation he’s having must be important because Swinger doesn't even pay any attention to the camera crew. Swinger huge muscles bulge as he hangs up the phone and begins to look into the camera and speaks]
J.C. Swinger: Finally after the long wait, finally after all the weight training and physical therapy I have made my way back from extinction. Two long months it has taken for me to get over all the injuries I have accumulated over my wrestling career and now look I’m back and better than ever. As I noticed every since I left the EWA has been reduced to having losers as champions and jokes as their hero’s. The time has come for me to educate you boys in the back, you see you are looking at the man that revolutionized the Extreme division, you are looking at the man that made the Extreme title as prestigious as the world title. I J.C. Swinger the first EWA Extreme champion has done it all, and the time has arrived for me to do just a bit more. What you current roster boys needs to understand is I helped build the EWA and if I want I can take each and every one of you apart because I am the pure honest to god icon. There are a lot of guys that like to clam to be an icon but I am the only man that truly is. I am a cornerstone of the EWA like it or not and I’m going to start to take back my once glorious place in this company. I could go strait for the world title but right now I don’t want it, I want my Extreme title so that I can split some sculls like I did in the old days with guys like Outpatient
[Swinger stops leaning back with his feet on the desk and sits up]
J.C. Swinger: Right now the Extreme division is not as violent as it was when I was running wild around here and that’s going to change big time. I am a true bad ass, I crack sculls for the hell of it, I break backs just the hear people scream. I’m not a hero; I’m not the guy that everyone looks up to. It’s just this simple I am one dangerous SOB and I will walk over anyone that thinks other wise. Now at my return match I am schedule to wrestle for the number one contenders spot to the EWA Extreme title. In one single night I can take one huge step towards the title that I made, and all I have to do is beat three men. These three men have the idea in there mind that they know what being extreme is, then have it in there mind that being extreme simply means you know how to swing a chair and put someone thru a table. I think not boys anyone can go out to the ring and use weapons but it takes a true champion and icon to step out into the ring and play the game the way it’s meant to be played. I live and breath extreme, I have had battles with the likes of guys no one around here could last a few seconds with, I the J.C. Swinger have been in battle with Violence a man that name says it all. Can any of my opponent’s say that they were hurled thru the top of a cell and went on to still beat two men in that very cell? No they cannot because that is extreme, that is how lives are broken and how careers are elevated. But even with all the highlight tapes and specials that have been made because of my extreme take on wrestling I still feel like I have some more to prove. No to the idiot fans, not to the talent less roster, but to myself…I feel like there is so much I still can do, and you know what? Phil Flaws should have never brought me back because the time of extreme violence is now and there will be no mercy for anyone.
[Tina starts rubbing Swinger’s massive chest]
Tina: Oh I love it when you talk so force full, you’re getting me all hot.
J.C. Swinger: When I finish here we’re going to see can I get you any hotter.
[Swinger grins at Tina then continues talking]
J.C. Swinger: Now before I continue talking about my match let me take the time to speak a little on the current Extreme champion. Now Malcom Sommers the so-called Chairman is a nice example of a man that has no business as the champion. When I was around this place he would have never even took a glance at the title because I would be the on walking around with that fifteen pounds of gold. And that is the reason why this division is in some separate need of me. Extreme in the EWA has lost it’s way, it’s not at brutal as it was before and it is jammed pact with assholes that can’t wrestle there way out of a wet paper bag. How sad is it that a guy calling himself the Chairman is the extreme champion? This is a slap in the face of everything I stand for, you do not come into a mans how and make a mockery of what he built. That’s what you are doing Sommers, like I have said before the extreme division is my house and when I get my number one contenders spot I’m going to toss your ass out of my damn house.
[Swinger pauses and continues]
J.C. Swinger: Now back to the my main agenda and that’s my match next week, I’ve waited so long that it’s almost unbelievable in a few days I get the step into the ring and show these guys how it was before my neck and back injuries. Dave Deadly, Lockdown, and you El Spastico are about to take the ride of your life. It doesn't matter if it’s triple threat, fatal four way, hell it can be a freaken handicap match and it still wouldn’t matter because I am still going to win the match hands down. And let me tell you why, because of raw and unwavering talent, and even more importantly I have experience. I have said it before and I will say it one last time for the morons that didn’t hear me I am the first EWA extreme champion. That not only means that I have a spot already made in the history books, but it also means anything you can do I can do better. Lockdown, Dave Deadly and El Spastico, you will find out first hand that there is no one that knows the ring the way I do. Look I have other things that I need to be doing so I’ll make this short, come Blitz I will show you why I dominated in the ring.
[The scene fades to black at Swinger put his hand on Tina’s leg]
[The 'DeadlyVision' camera opens on an empty arena. In the centre of the screen can be seen an EWA ring. The camera pans across the arena left and right, searching for Dave Deadly]
Hey up here! Pull up!
[The camera stops on the Psychotron and zooms in on the figure of Dave Deadly standing on top of it, leaning over the side]
Greetings to all of you deadbeat EWA fans. Today I come to you live through the power of DeadlyVision from the site of next week's Tuesday Night Blitz. You see, it is in this very arena next week that I will make my huge debut for the EWA. So you're probably asking 'what have you got in store Davey-boy? You gonna go straight for a title? You gonna go straight for the jugular of the EWA?'
Well I can guarantee all of you Deadly fans that I will make an impact on Blitz this Tuesday. I will demonstrate to the morons in the locker room just how far Dave Deadly is prepared to go in order to be recognised for what I am...the absolute greatest athlete in the world of sports entertainment. Last week I told you all that I was too hot for Monday night. Those that doubt me tune in on Tuesday night and witness why Dave Deadly is too hot for Monday night, Tuesday night, hell, I'm too hot for any day of the week!
So now that I've set you fat-heads straight it's time to turn my attention to the locker room. The Extreme Era starts here in this arena. The casualties begin to rise right here on Tuesday night. You want names? Lockdown, El Spastico
But the person I’m most looking forward to teaching a lesson is JC Swinger. Here in the EWA they call you the Extreme Icon. Well I’m the Extreme Machine. I could kick your punk-ass any day of the week. But you know what really pisses me off is that you have the guts to come back here to the EWA and steal my spotlight. The Extreme Title should be mine by right. I’ve worked too damn hard to get where I am in wrestling today and there is no chance in hell you’re gonna steal my moment of glory.
So I’m asking you, no, I’m telling you, stay out of my way on Tuesday Night. Its Deadly’s time to shine here in the EWA. Those that stand in my way will be taken to the EXTREME!!!
[Fade out]
\W/ Damian Smith walks across the floor looking around shaking his head and grins as he furverently kicks his feet at the floor looking back and forth. Then he stops and heads to a bench and sits down on in noticing where theyare the camera crew pans around the old empty factory building as Damian Smith clears his throat to get their attention. \W/
Damian: " It seems obvious as to what im going to have to do. Silent broodijg doesn't work for anyone. I get attacked at the last show and then this Lomax character gets a match with nme because he requests a veteran. Mistake number one ya bloody pallock. Damian " The Wolf " Smith has gotten his mind in a mad uproar and he will go Churchill all over you in about ten seconds flat. Simply put Mr. Lomax where even your mind can be made tounderstand. You challnged me therefore your going to feel my fury. Crying and screaming are optional for you. Im going to hurt you while i defeat you Mr. Lomax. Do you understand this. I sure as hell hope you do. It is going to be a very messy situation come Tuesday. Did you ever think that i was going to take it easy on you. Not in this lifetime boyo. Not even the queens own can protect you from the damage im going to cause you. Your career may end with me as it has began here in the EWA. Quick and useless yes your verypathetic to demand a veteran. Now its time to take you to the market o you can gather a meal because it will be your last meal you will eat freely without help."
\W/ Damian Smith gets off the bench and walks to the window and looks out and stares at the trees outside and smiles as he speaks looking at an old downed WWII bomber which belonged to the German Luftwaffe and then he slides his hand on the bullet holes in the wall of the building and turns and speaks again. \W/
Damian: " Seems like forever doesn't it. Britain riled to war. Yet again this time individual British citizens are going to do what they do best and deliver an amount of satisfaction to the world. Jarod Crow i haven't forgotten about our running feud, But at this moment we have bigger things to worry about. If this mess gets bigger we may have to ally ourselves to deal with the problemas a whole. Your the only man i respect in the EWA and the only person i could ally with. Soon the EWA will understand that enoughs enough and we will get things rolling fast and when all the smoke clears the Union Jack will be flying over my head in victory and another War will be won by the British. God Bless the queen. I'll address more of this in the future right now i need to muse over a few things that are disturbing me. As for the Three ingrates who attacked me at Blitz you will soon see some of us do not take this lying down. Get ready for a mess of biblocal proportions coming your way."
\W/ Damian Smith walks off as the camera focuses on the downed bomber again as a loud laughter is heard and then someone whistling Englands national Anthem. \W/
//EWA logo flashes on the screen, then still scenes of the EWA TV title match are shown. A shot of Bridge standing on the top turnbuckle and then the pin. This is followed by the attack of the Corruptor. The Last image is of Bridge standing with TV title above his head.//
=Now we cut to the studio with Marcus Allen who is sitting at the desk of EWA Undercover. At the bottom of the sceen is graphics reading, "EWA Tuesday Blitz Review".=
Marcus : Welcome back. At Blitz as we have already covered, it was an eventful night. The Invasion has begun. Corruptor vs Lionheart, where Corruptor managed to keep his job and the apparent respect between Steven Rage and Mac Malloy. Also on the night we saw the EWA TV champ once again retain his title with the devestating finishing, "The Landmark". A virtual
unknown months ago who has repeatedly defended his title against anyone the President has thrown at him. After his match I was able to catch up with Bridge to get his thoughts of the match. Lets take a look.
=EWA Undercover cuts to a taped segment form Blitz which shows Bridge standing with Marcus Allen. The TV belt is draped over his shoulder and beer in hand.=
Marcus : Congratulations on another victory, from here it looked brutal. How are you feeling and where to now for Bridge?
Bridge : Thanks Marcus. As for how I feel, give me a case of beer and I will be fine. That should numb the pain. Because any match with the energiser bunny is always going to be interesting. Spas is gonna try anything for a victory and that he did. As for what next. Well if the President keeps to what he said at Massacre I guess its the re-education of the Corruptor in Bridge 101. Any kind of match he wants.
=At this point there is a commotion in the EWA locker room. Bridge and Marcus Allen continue.=
Marcus : What about the comments between you and Steven Rage? Will the EWA fans get to see that match?
Bridge : Steven Rage. Well, again you have got to ask the President. As for myself, the Bridge will always accept any challenge. Rage has made a mistake in one thing. That is to call me chicken, that just pisses me off. For I want the match and your dam straight the EWA faithful want that match. Title, non title, any place, anytime, any match, I will be there. Again its up to the Prez.Some say Rage has changed but one good deed doesn't turn the world.
=Loud boos are heard from the arena.=
Marcus Allen : I'm sure the fans will want to see that. Can you beat Rage as most people see him as the veteran and yourself as a rookie? He has fought for the EWA World Title.
Bridge : Look in the ring. Once move can signal victory or defeat and it doesn't matter who you are and how long you have been there. Sure I am still learning but I ain't the EWA TV champ by accident. Rage may have fought Truck but he lost. As I said there will be time when Truck must cross the Bridge and when the time is right it will happen. If I have to use Rage to climb the ladder then so be it for I will rock the EWA Foundation.
=EWA crew motion to a nearby TV monitor which shows the bodies of Jarod Crow, Damian Smith and Johnny Thunder lying on the concrete floor.=
Bridge :Shit when did this happen? Marcus Interview is over.
=Bridge storms out of the backstage area. The program now cuts back to Marcus Allen at the EWA Undercover desk.=
Marcus : That was the interview of Bridge after his Blitz match against El Spastico. And you guessed right. During this interview the Invasion had begun. As for what next for Bridge. Bridge vs Rage, I am sure many of you fans would like to see that. Well after the break we look we the rematch between EWA World Champ Mac Malloy and Steven "Heartbreaker" Rage.
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