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![]() 1) Leviathan: About to choose
![]() 2) The IPWA: Intruding, IPWA style
![]() 3) Bridge: Ready for Rage
![]() 4) Ty Lomax: Hunting "The Wolf"
![]() 5) Bridge: Can't break this HEART
![]() 1) LEVIATHAN
![]() The camera opens looking at a room where everything is white. Walls, seats and tables. Sitting is two gorgeous women, known as Athena and Diana, who are sitting at a table looking at documents. In the middle sits the beast known as Leviathan. To his left sits Hades reading the New York Times. Cerebus is sitting at his master, Leviathan's feet. Leviathan looks at the camera with a sinister expression.-
Leviathan - Greetings EWA plebs and welcome to my humble abode. Now I am here to enrich you daily dribble with an address regarding the status of the EWA and eventual entrance of myself.
-Leviathan takes a drink of wine.-
Leviathan - Now in the EWA there is 4 titles and all are ripe for my choosing but which one deserves my attention. Now you my little parasites will choose. By elevating the champion to a degree will certainly peak my interest. The down and dirty Chairman, now really what retard gave him that name. Oh he carries a chair, how original. The outback hack Bridge, maybe an opportunistic opponent. Or the brooding, sin sucker bird boy. He has appeal, but what is up his rectum with this sin stuff, please. Now maybe I should turn my attention to the EWA champ, Mr Tootles or Honky Man, Mac Malloy. I guess you must be tough because you drive a truck, I get it. I always thought that truck drivers were just fat slobs.
-Leviathan takes another drink of wine-
Leviathan - You see any of them makes a good choice but again, you no hope maggots will choose. Which one will it be, how utter delightful the entrance of the Beast will be.
-Leviathan gives a demonic chuckle, which Hades just looks at then turns back to the paper.-
Simon Fury: hmmm.....interesting. I thought that sneaking into Blitz and giving those three nobodies the beatings of their careers would be more gratifying. Hell, now I don't even remember their names. It wasn't anything personal, we were just making waves.
(It's dark. It's always dark. But there are voices, and if you squint your eyes hard enough there are probably silohuettes. You wouldn'y be able to tell what they are doing though, it's too dark for that. But there are passing lights. It seems like we've been here before. The voices are familiar. SImon Fury. Max Mancuso. The New Adam. This can't be good, not at all.)
Max Mancuso: Waves...that's right. Waves. Becasue if we were going to make a splash we would have aimed a little higher than those three.
(A light passes. The three men are illuminated as the roar of an engine passes by)
Fury: True. So very *beep*ing true. But if you think about it, there isn't any one person in this Fed that we couldn't literally destroy in less than one *beep*ing nano-second. Even the champions...Mac Malloy. Bridge. Lockdown. Jarrod Crow. None of them would even be able to hold my *beep*ing Jock-strap when the *beep* hits the fan.
Mancuso: Yours? Need I remind you that I took the IPWA Championship from you, not once...but twice.
(Lights pass again. Damn it must have been a semi this time. I almost went deaf.)
Fury: Fine then..ours. Listen...where is Adam?
Mancuso: He should be over here. Damn I hate the dar, Are you sure this is where we are supposed to be?
Fury: Goddamn it, This is EXACTLY where we are supposed to be. He said it plain and simple. If all three of us aren't here, it'll be hell to pay. ADAM! GET YOUR GERMAN ASS IN HERE NOW!
Adam: (Thick German Accent) What? I have been here the whole time.
Fury: Whatever. Listen, we need a gameplan. If we don't get *beep* done by the time the boss gets here were all going to have to pay the prices.
Mancuso: Yeah...I want to avoid that. I remember last time when he...well..nevermind. I don't want to think about that at all.
Adam: Then what is the plan?
(Lights pass, engines roar, the three men slightly duck for cover. Then the dark returns. Are they hiding?)
Fury: Well...we're not booked on Blitz. That is fine, since when have we been the one to need a *beep*ing key to get in the door? If President Flaws doens't want us around, then that is even more of a reason to show up.
Mancuso: Anything good on the card?
Fury: Let's see.....I dunno. I can't find the *beep*ing card anywhere. Who cares anyway!? There are three of us. I'm more than certain that there are more than three matches. This time we go solo, you understand? I want three EWA superstars put in traction by Tuesday evening. No exceptions.
(More lights. More Engines. Christ what is this place? An underpass?)
Mancuso: That's fine with me. Who are we assigned to?
Fury: Use your *beep*ing imagination, would you? I don't *beep*ing care. I want it on TV, and I want it to be brutal...*Beep*ing Brutal.
Adam: I will destroy every man here. Adam doesn't need anyone's help.
Fury: That is pretty big talk for a Rookie like you. You haven't been through the wars that MAx and I have been, so shut your *beep*ing mouth. You're big and your bad, you have one of the most brutal finishers I've ever seen, but that doesn't mean you don't have to listen to what I say. He put me in charge, remember? Go to Blitz and put some *Beep*er in the hospital, got me?
Adam:.....I understand.
Fury: good. Let's runt hrough the list. JC Swinger. Isn't that that guy that Ian brutalized with that ball bat?
(A car door can be heard shutting in the background)
Mancuso: Ian....yeah. That mother *beep*er.
Fury: Well we don't want to touch that guy then. If Ian has already *beep*ed with him then there is no fun in it. Let's see...How about the champions? Lockdown?
Adam: Typical American. I would love to crush him, and compress his first three vertibrae into the base of his skull wiht my butterfly piledriver.
Mancuso: The big guy has a point, this guy needs a beat down....BADLY!
(ANother light. A huge shadow is cast over the three gentlemen as the cars pass. None notice)
Fury: Point taken. Jarrod Crow? Wait. Wasn't that the guy we beat like a child last week?
Mancuso: Yeah. It was.
Fury: Forget about it then. Bridge? Malloy?
Adam: It doesnt' matter. Point me in a direction and I will eliminate everyone one by one. Some one must pay for the oppression of the Germans.
Fury: SHut up. You're with two Americans. Okay. Here is the plan....
Voice: You want to know what the plan is?
(Foot steps are heard. Big ones, and is someone whistling? It's still dark. The cars have stopped)
Adam: BOSS!?
Mancuso: BOSS!?
(TBC. Fade to black)
![]() //Comercials//
//EWA TV cuts back to Marcus Allen who is sitting with the EWA TV champ Bridge. Bridge has the TV belt laying across the desk. He is wearing a navy t-shirt with white letters stating "Learn the Lesson"//
Marcus Allen : I am here with Bridge to discuss the upcoming Main Event with Steven "Heartbreaker" Rage. With count them two special guest referees EWA World Champ Mac Malloy and EWA Euro-American Champ Jarod Crow. So Bridge what are your Thoughts on this match?
Bridge : My Thoughts. Well you see they are simple, Rage can sprout all this Bullshit about him being extreem and he is gonna put a world of hurt on me. But all that matters is in the ring. Words have no meaning and here is where Bridge speaks loudest. All along I have never gone on about how I gonna do this or that. Just stated the obvious, you want come to the ring and you will find me. As for Rage's enthusiastic belief in himself, it doesn't matter to me. As for his "I'm a heel blah blah" it doesn't matter. Come Blitz this is all that matters to me.
//Bridge points at the EWA TV Title on the desk//
Marcus : What about the special referee's involved and why did you pick Jarod Crow?
Bridge : Special ref's well that is the Prez making those rules, not me. As for Truck, all he has to do is call it down the line and keep out of my way. As for Jarod, well Johnny Thunder has a match earlier in the night and needs to concentrate on that. As for Jarod, two things. One he has copped alot of flak lately about some decisions and its a chance at redemption, to show the real Jarod Crow. The other well, he and Rage has history which ain't good so I rather him covering my back than some others.
Marcus : Just on Jarod, he is looking for some allies against the Invaders at the Next Blitz, any thoughts on joining him?
Bridge : Invaders, is that what you call them. To me they are cowards, Jumping people from behind. See Bridge fights in your face. If I want to fight I walk over and tell you. New Adam, master race, hey Pal I hear your German well guess what buddy you loss the war and Hitler had sifliss. Simon Fury, Oh I'm scared of a mythological Greek woman as for Max Man..Man whatever who cares. I have one message for them stay out of my way or you will pay. This is for Jarod, you want some allies against these clowns, you have got one count Bridge in.
Marcus : Last words on the upcoming Main Event?
Bridge : Rage, you change you alignment like you change your underwear and it still doesn't matter. When you see the lights from the canvass you will have learnt the Lesson.
//Bridge stands and turns his back to the camera showing his shirt which has the writing "BRIDGE 101".//
![]() [The scene Opens.]
[In the middle of the room sits a burning candle.]
[Just burning.]
[Suddenly, and without warning, A man walks into the room andextinguishes
the dancing flame.]
[That man is Ty Lomax.]
[The Natural.]
Ty: Damian Smith. "The Wolf". Well you certainly sound like a man to be
feared. Named after one of the most noble yet aggressive creatures on this
earth. Proud creatures. They protect there own to the death. This is the
only reason theyare percieved as being aggressive though. If a human were to
interfere with the young of a wolf, they certainly wouldn't live for long.
These are the respectable wolves.
[Ty moves the candle, and relights it, the light flickerin in his face
cast's an eerie shadow.]
Ty: But there are some wolves that just want to kill. Rabid, and dangerous,
these creatures ARE the ones to be feared. Attacking in violent degrees of
randomosity, these violent creatures are the most feared animals on the
[He Pauses.]
Ty: Which are you Damian?
[Again, a pause.]
Ty: Are you a rabid monster, out for my blood and to maim me until there is
nothing but bone left, rotting in the middle of the ring? Or will this be an
act of self defense?
[Ty extinguishes the light and we are again plunged into darkness.]
Ty: Well I'm telling you how this is going to be. This WILL be an act of
self defense. You WILL be on the back foot. You WILL lose. And you know why?
[Ty relights the candle, this time right by his face. The sunglasses reflect
the flame brilliantly, as Ty continues to talk.]
Ty: It's OK if you don't recognise me. Thats the plan. I am after all,
simply a rookie. A rookie waiting for his first match in the sister fed of
the WWA.
[A pause.]
Ty: The WWA. Good times.
[Another pause.]
Ty: You see, at one point, I was the greatest. I was the greatest natural
the game had ever seen. Naturally talented. Naturally gifted. And,
Naturally, I was screwed. Screwed out of legend Status. With one more win, I
would have been secured in the annals of history.
Ty: That's annals Smith, not ANALS. Dont get excited.
[He continues.]
Ty: But no. For one man screwing me out of the greatest prize on the planet,
and it sent me on a downward spiral of drink, drugs, and rock and roll. But
I'm back now. And I'm better than ever. And I am just biding my time until
the moment comes when I can reveal my true Identity, and shock the wrestling
[He extinguishes the candle on last time.]
Ty: And the word, Smith is Pillock, not Pallack.
[Ty laughs.]
Ty: A natural loser. Until our match Smith, I wish you luck. Your going to
need it.
[We fade to black.]
//Camera opens up with Bridge sitting in a Pub at a table with schooner glasses piled up in front of him.//
Bridge ; Rage you start your mouth running about what you are going to do to me. I will take this time to give you a history lesson. You see I am Australian and you know what that means. I am hard as a brick shithouse. We play football without helmets. We have the 8 of the most deadly snakes in the world. We are an island continent of only 18 million yet dominate the world of sport. We as country were formed on the outcasts of society, all of Britains worst criminals hoping that they would die. Yet we survive in a country that is 70-80% barren land. Aussies don't know the meaning of giving up. So Rage all your Pretty boy shite about how your going to make me leave in a ambulance. It doesn't worry me, because I have something the "Heartbreaker doesn't have and that is "H....E....A.....R.....T" and in case you can't spell that is a ticker that won't quit.
//Bridge takes another drink and then focuses back on the camera//
Bridge : And Jarod you can count Bridge on that ass kicking at the Next Blitz.
//Fade to Black//
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