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![]() 1) Steven Rage: The Rage Invitational
![]() 2) The Chairman: Snaps!
![]() 3) Bridge: Choices
![]() 4) Jarod Crow: Taking Sides
![]() 5) Damian Smith: Pondering of arrogance and stupidity (pre meltdown)
![]() 6) Lockdown: I'll take your "seat"..chairman
![]() 1) STEVEN RAGE
![]() The noise of chairs smacking against skulls begins as a death toll begins. A bell chimes and at the 13th chime a voice breaks the eeire noise.
"And now I have become a champion.......but at what cost?"
A shadowy figure appears a shimmer of gold is seen and then Steven Rage steps out of the darkness.
Rage: Well I did what I said I was going to do......."first I'll kick your ass then I'll walk out with your title." That is a true Bridge 101 lesson that you forgot to put into your books. Maybe you should go back to school and see if you can't actually graduate this time. And as far as Jarod Crow goes.....it's a good thing he made that count or he would have went from a 100 to "Ground Zero" awfully quick! Mac i understand that you had some problems before the match and I just wanna thank you for coming down to the ring to help out. I appreciate it you're a good friend weither you know it or not.
But right now I have my mind set on a few things that are very important. I mean shit the EWA is being over run by some thugs that answer to Rick the Brick. I have to worry about defending my TV Title belt. Shit I know there are a shit load of people who over look this belt.......well I think that everyone should plan on this becoming a more sought after belt because right now, at this very moment i am issueing a huge challenge to everyone involved somehow in the EWA.....even if you're a member of the IPWA.....shit I don't care if you're a ring announcer, one of the food service people, or one of the grease monkeys that set up the f**king ring. It is open to anyone!!! And starting today I am accepting people who want to enter a tournament......MY Tournament and the winner will not only get a title shot at ME, the TV Champion, but will also recieve $25,000 for a clean victory. Thats right the winner will recieve a shot at me the television champion but will win $25,000. So anyone who thinks they have the guts to enter this tournament simply has to sign up! Shit we fight every week 6 people have a chance to at least get $25,000 for winning...........it's that simple just have the balls to step in the ring. So step up.........if ya got em!
![]() (Scene – An empty office. The camera pans across to the rear corner and zooms in towards a forlorn figure sitting back in a black leather recliner. The shadowed figure lifts what appears to be a crystal tumbler from the table beside him. As he raises it to his lips and takes a drink, what little light there is shows the contents of the tumbler to be scotch whiskey and ice.)
SHADOWED FIGURE – “Unbelievable.”
(The figure reaches behind him and pulls a cord which illuminates a lamp hanging above and overhead. The figure is revealed to be The Chairman, who appears to have not slept since the Tuesday Night Blitz. Indeed, he is still wearing the referee shirt from the event, which is dotted and streaked with what appears to be blood. He takes a final gulp from his glass, stares
into the camera, and throws the glass across the room, smashing it into a million pieces.)
CHAIRMAN – “The events that transpired at the Tuesday Night Blitz were unprecedented. Earth shattering. Career threatening. On Tuesday morning I was still on a high from my recent title win, ready to take on all comers. Now... well… I just don’t know. These IPWA guys have just come in and destroyed everything that this once proud company stands for.”
(The Chairman sits upright and raises himself from the recliner, and walks the short distance to his office bar, picks up a quarter full decanter and pours himself another glass to the brim, this time without any ice, and takes another swig.)
CHAIRMAN – “All I can say, is President Phil Flaws, you have my full and unconditional support. All the wrestlers here in the EWA, friend or foe, you have my support too. Nevertheless, I am still the reigning EWA Extreme Title Champion. And I will continue to defend this belt one-hundred-and-ten percent, whether it be against these ingrates from the IPWA or my work mates here in THE EWA.”
(The Chairman downs his glass and pours another.)
CHAIRMAN – “Now, onto these workmates. Just because I work with you and want to protect my livelihood and the company I work for, doesn’t mean I have to like you. There was a number one contenders match for the Chairmans Belt...the EXTREME TITLE…this past Tuesday, in case anyone forgot. Lets summarise...Lockdown, well he was a non factor, and the less said about El Retardo the better. JC Swinger… you go on and on and on about being the first champion and the Extreme icon. Well the only icons I know of are those on my computer screen… and they are pixellated and grainy. Kind like your face after the match, hey? And being the first champion will put you in the history books…and that’s where you will stay, in the ANCIENT history books!”
(The Chairman gulps down another glass of scotch, and pours the remaining liquid from the decanter into his tumbler.)
CHAIRMAN – “And now onto the present. Dave Deadly. The name that puts fear into the hearts of elderly hypochondriacs subject to anxiety attacks me thinks. That’s about it! You won the number one contenders match, Ill grant you that. But lets look at exactly HOW. Not on your own…like any real man would, but with the help of about 10 morons from the IPWA, some kids in the front row, the janitor and who knows who the hell else. I’d say the odds were stacked in your favour. I mean lets think about this for a second… lets analyse the situation. Some new guy debuts and then not long after… coincidentally…the IPWA guys debut. You do the math. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were linked to them in some way, and I don’t ONLY mean sexually!”
CHAIRMAN – “Anyways the fact is, you are the next in line to get your ass kicked, your head busted open, your heart torn out and your limbs broken by The Chairman. Why you would want to do that I don’t know. Fear of success maybe? You say I am not extreme enough. The plain and simple answer is that I haven’t had to be...YET. I haven’t had time to work up a sweat. But your wish is my command, Dave...you name the match and I will raise the levels of extreme to the top of the corporate ladder!!”
(The Chairman squeezes his again empty glass tight in his hand, and it smashes into shards, some fly in the air, others penetrate his skin. Blood oozes out of his palm, exacerbated by the quantity of alcohol consumed, making it flow faster. He rubs his palm across his forehead, leaving a streak of blood and little shards of glass as well.)
CHAIRMAN – (laughing) “If I can do this to myself…imagine what I would love to do to you!!! I’m gonna customise my chair for maximum brutality...I might bring a couple...one wrapped in barbed wire and another lit on fire!! Then Ill shove one down your throat and the other up your ass!”
(The Chairman stares at the camera and decides to stop talking, realising the extreme mental toll the events of Tuesday has taken on him as the screen fades to black)
![]() //Camera opens with a figure sitting in a darken room with a towel over his head and a punching slowly swinging. The figure hears the footsteps of the EWA camera crew and looks up. The figure stands and and elivers a thunderous right to the punching bag. The bag has its connection pulled so hard, parts of the ceiling flake off to the ground. The figure is Bridge, who is wearing a Steven Rage t-shirt//
Bridge : Hello gentlemen. I guess your hear to get my thoughts on losing the title.
Marcus Allen : We sure are Bridge. But first why are you wearing a Rage t-shirt?
Bridge : That's easy I will wear this as a reminder. To remember the loss at Blitz. Remember the man who put me head first into a chair. Rage, so first blood goes to you. Congratulations and enjoyed. But a word to the wise savour it now because you are living on borrowed time. I will return the favour and beat you. And I mean beat you down like the maggot you are. I was sloppy and made some bad choices.
//Bridge pauses to gather his thoughts.//
Marcus : Choices? What were they Bridge?
Bridge : Shut up Marcus. The EWA faithful want to hear from me, not you. First bad choice was Jarod Crow. As an aussie I don't trust pommies and should not trust him. I should have realised with that brooding victim bullshit, he was not worthy to be there. Jarod you have earn the privilege of joining the list of EWA superstars to get a dose of high octane ass kicking from yours truly. The only thing saving you at the moment is those 3 cowards Fuey, Manury and the new Madam. First these clowns need to be
taught a lesson.
//Bridge pauses to take a swing at the bag and again the the pin in the ceiling moves and dust falls to the ground//
Bridge : This is what I want. Rage you and me again any match you want numbnuts. Then when I have finished with you I want Crow. Again any match that whining bitch wants. Now as for any of the IP daily crew. Don't get in my face. I am EWA through and through and if anybody gets to beat on Rage its me. So Jarod even though I want to raise you up and plant you in that ring with the Landmark. I still have got your back against those cowards. You can count on the Bridge to defend the EWA, as always an Aussie
has to pull the Brits arses out of the fire.
//Bridge turns and delivers a roundhouse to the bag which sends it flying across the room. Marcus looks at the camera with a holy shit look on his face//
---------FADE TO BLACK--------------
![]() -The scene is set in an empty arena where in just a few days thousands of fans will gather to see the EWA perform. But that is not for a while yet. It is days before the first members of the EWA roster begin to arrive, but one man is here early. Standing in the middle of an empty ring, in an empty arena, in a deathly silence is Jarod Crow. Dressed in his usual black, covered by a trenchcoat, he is standing perfectly still. His head lifted to the heavens, breathing in the atmosphere, Jarod slowly turns to face the camera, a look of serenity on his face-
“Quiet … so quiet. I come to find peace. Well, I found it. I stand here and breathe in the emptiness. I let the thoughts drift out of my head. So for a few moments I can be free. Free of the pressure. Free of the anger. Free of the guilt. Free of the screams. For a few moments I am at rest.”
-He closes his eyes and brings his arms together as if cold. He looks downwards in disappointment, because he knows the peace cannot last-
“But always will those thoughts come back, and I must join the call to arms. Like this arena will soon be filled to the brim. People packed in fit to burst, so will my head be in so short a time. There is too much in there. Too much to think about, too much to do.” -
He suddenly sways and leans against the ropes, suddenly short of strength. Before once more lifting himself onto unsteady feet-
“Victims to protect. Bullies to bring down. Fallen to avenge. Family to make proud. Vengeance to wreak. Sins to redeem. All this and more is packed into my head like a pressure cooker. Ready to burst.”
-He lifts one hand and holds his head for a moment, his eyes closed. And without opening his eyes continues on-
“The pain is always there now. Since Blitz it is not stopped. Why won’t it go away? They hit me in the head. Again and again. The T.V. title. Their fists. Their boots. The Fourth Reich. They hit me with it all. And the pain won’t leave”
-Suddenly his eyes snap open and he continues almost frantically-
“For God’s sake why? I don’t want the pain. But it stays. Held in my head, suffocating me. Why? Is this a punishment? Punishment for not fighting? For not stopping them while I had the chance? For letting the president take the beating that I should have stopped?” “But it won’t happen again I promise you. I vow that from now on I will fight to my last breath to stop them. To stop the IPWA. But I will need help. There are four of them now. The leader as well as the underlings. But Rick the Brick is not of the IPWA. He leads them, but he is not one of them. So he won’t be included in the match.” “Six men we need. Three on each side. They have their three. Fury, Mancuso and Adam. But we’re still one short. Bridge has already pledged his services. I was here from the beginning. But to complete the six-man tag we need one more. I am sure there is no shortage of opponents for the IPWA. But that does not make them my allies. To build a team that can fight and win, we need someone who we can trust. Someone who has proven himself time and time again. Someone too perhaps is “The Natural” choice.”
-He laughs bitterly to himself, a twisted smile on his face, before he begins to speak once more-
“That’s right everyone, to join the three who will fight the IPWA I invite Ty Lomax. You may ask why, but even I am not sure. I watched Ty’s match and I saw something. Something that I recognised. The moves, the speech, the look, everything triggered a memory in the back of my brain. I couldn’t quite piece it together; I still can’t fit it all. But the Oakley’s gave me the biggest piece of the puzzle. I’ve seen them before somewhere. I don’t know quite where, and I still don’t quite know who you are. But I know one thing. You’re a cut above the rest and if you accept my offer, then I will be “One Step Closer” to fighting the IPWA on my own terms” “But until then if Mancuso, Fury and Adam want to attack people from behind and mug people who are already exhausted after a match then that’s fine. Because two can play at that game. So before you go looking for trouble, make sure you don’t find Jarod Crow there. Because if you do, then The Sins of The Many will be Carried out ON YOU!!!”
-He pauses for a moment half remembering a verse of poetry he once heard-
“So Pressure Cooker pick my brain, And tell me I’m insane, If so I’m so F***ing happy I could cry … But I’m not insane and I can’t cry.”
-fade to black-
![]() \W/ Damian Smith walks across the floor carrying a folder from the WWA obviously several pictures of himself in the WWA and stops and sits at a desk as he places the folder down and opens it up spreading several magazine articles across the desk top and then pulls the contract out and points it out to the camera as he speaks. \W/
Damian: " Let me correct you on this matter Mr/ Grammar. It was stated as Pollock which is obviously more above your terms ya damn wanker. Beyond your less than obvious educational needs your threatening a man who does not give a careless if you rot in a boarding home of left over prostitutes who wish to fullfill your needs. I will pin you simply for the 1...2...3!! So where do you get off believing you will defeat me hands down and ultimately defeat me forever. Your about as wise as the three idiots that came into this damn fed attacking our regulars. Also to let you know i was a former wrestler in the WWA. Whilst i was getting hammered day in and day out those damn yanks were hagging me for my contract. I left and retired from wrestling for awhile until our esteemed president deemed it necessary for me to return and offered me one hell of a contract. Yet you never where there were you Mr. Lomax?? No you weren't you weren't even good enough to lick my knickers!!"
\W? Damian Smith gets up and flips through pages of the folder and then tosses it back on the desk and then turns to the camera and speaks again. \W/
Damian: " Your verbal skills are atrocious for the fans my friend. Perhaps beating you in the head a few times will knock that brain of yours to your senses. Damn your ignorance permiates around the room. I must santize my office space again. Once i have it clean enough i will have to make sure it is doubley sanitized for safety purposes. You must come with toxic warning cards dont you Mr. Lomax. I mean god man how may men think that because they are a rookie they can beat me squarely. Your such a pathetic excuse for wasting camera time with your worthless camera comments. Yet again i come on the air and decide to grace the EWA's fans with my superiority and intellect. Yet again its always the fans that make us who we are. Not your lousy skills chump monkey!!"
\W/ Damian Smith walks away from the camera and walks back into view holding up a magazine.points out a cover as it clearly shows Jarod Crow and Damian Smith upon the cover and under the picture it reads. " Englands Best!!" and then he tosses the magazine down and speaks.\W/
Damian: " Once you have achieved the level that i have reached and Jarod Crow has reached you may speak of us in lower terms. Yet in the near future i must teach you a nasty lesson in respect and cockiness. Im not cocky im confident that im going to kick your ass from post to post. Pinnacle to bloody pinnacle and back and in some words of Winston Churchill...It will be a cold day in hell before i stop flying the Union Jack!! See you in the ring Ty Lomax your going to need all the bloody training you can get!"
\W/ Damian Smith turns to walk away but stops and looks back at the camera again and speaks.\W/
Damian: " Jarod Crow i have no ulterior motive. If you wish to believe this or not i do not give a damn. I have more things to worry about than hurting your damn feelings. First i will have a way to handle those three thugs and then i will resume my quest for that title you hold. Twice i have been screwed out of it. This time i will have it and win it in the end. With no interference. Even if i have to hire a damn bodygaurd to make sure there is no interference from anyone from now on!! As for you doing this alone your in your own corner , But your not alone im going to have my revenge come hell or high water i will have my bloody F%@!@%# revenge against these stupid yanks!!"
\W/ Damian Smith throws the desk over onto its top and walks off with anger and rage breathing through his system and the camera fades to black. \W/
![]() (scene opens with a shot of an empty ring at the Bateman center. The crowd is getting restless, waiting for something to happen. From backstage emerges Lockdown, with microphone in hand. Strangely, Cowboys From Hell is not playing. Nothing is. Lockdown walks slowly down the ramp. The fans are neither cheering, nor booing. No pop whatsoever. A wrestler's nightmare. Lockdown, obviously sore from the beating he took in the #1 contender's match, gingerly climbs through the ropes. Walking to the center of the ring, he raises the mic to his lips.)
Lockdown: Well... That was some fucking beating I took In the #1 contender match! Such a beating that I dont even remember WHO the fuck won. But it really don't mean shit to me anyhow. See lately I have not been very focused on the EWA. On my "Wrestling career." I've been putting so much of my energy into my various "business" ventures that the EWA was on the backburner. I mean ..Hell, I just do this for fun anyway.
(Crowd Boos.)
LD: Wait, wait. Hear me out. It got a little more serious when that when that yuppie little rich boy CHAIRMAN decided to try to make a fool of me.He thought it would be SOOO f**king hilarious to dress his dad up like me and toss him out of the ring. He thinks he's some bigshot because he's got some big tittied skank running around with him. I dont give two wet shits what kind of fancy clothes you put her in; A skank is a skank. Chairman, I bet you didn't know that before you found her in that Titty Bar, she'd do ANYTHING for another bump, did you? One time, after she s****d me and six of my buddies off, we made her give h**d to my buddy's German fucking Shepard. Another time, and remember this next time you kiss her, she let me sh*t in her mouth!!! If you dont believe me ask your Dad, he was there!. And for what, you ask? All for a couple more snorts of that dope. (Considerable laughing in the crowd) But Im getting off the subject. Chairman, don't you know what happens when you get on my bad side. I mean, SHIT boy I tattooed your ass when I had nothing against you. Dont you remember a man named Ethan Hunter?
(Crowd Cheers)
LD: when he crossed me, not only did his precious little Jaguar get blown to hell, but he received the worst ass raping of all time. (crowd boos violently) I WILL get my title back in due time, but first I've got personal business to handle. Chairman, I want you in a match, any match. You choose. I dont even care about that little belt you have. This is about respect. And dont let me see you backstage... or in the parking lot... or at the movies... or at the grocery store... or ANYWHERE!!! Cause if I do, you're gonna bleed...FROM YOUR ASS!!!!! (Lockdown drops the mic, end exits the arena)
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