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![]() 1) Ty Lomax: Promises
![]() 2) Steven Rage: Nothing to prove
![]() 3) Lionheart: Truly deserving
![]() 4) Dave Deadly: Take a chair......man
![]() 5) Steven Rage: The Rage Invitational..Part 2
![]() 6) The IPWA: Taped warnings
![]() 7) Damian Smith: The ties that bind
![]() TY LOMAX
![]() (We open the scene.)
(Backsage in the locker room, we see someone clearing up.)
(Strange, normally the cleaners do that.)
(But not this man. This man worked himself up from the very bottom.)
(He had roots greener than grass itself, and yet, somehow, he became a star.)
(Not that you know who he is.)
(But still the man s clearing his own mess, picking up his towel, taking it with him to wash, and even tidying his locker.)
(As he turns around, we reveal it is Ty Lomax.)
(He spots the camera.)
Ty: Guess old habits die hard huh?
(The camera gently nods, acknowledging his respect.)
Ty: You see when you have worked yourself up from the streets of New York, From the bottom of the barrel. From Nothing. You appreciate the little things. You appreciate the cleaners picking things up after you. You appreciate the ring staff packing away after a show. Hell, even when you've lost a match, you even appreciate he referee's because you know just how tough the job that they do is. When you work yourself up from the bottom of the ladder, work your apprenticeship, you learn not to take things for granted. You learn not to take people for graned, and Smith, you should have learned not to take me for granted.
(Ty zips up his adidas gym bag and hoists it over his shoulder. he then sits down on the bench.)
Ty: You assumed I was a rookie. You assumed I wouldn't know a ring from a dead donkey lying in a road. Well Smith, you assume too much.
(He sparks up a cigarette that he takes from his jeans pocket. Another old habit.)
Ty: And look where your assumptions got you. It earned you a loss against the EWA's newest roster member. I could see it in your promo. You were arrogant. You were stupid. You paid the price. how does it feel to be humiliated like a little bitch? How does it feel to look like Ty Lomax's personal Ho? Sure, your not female, and even if you were, I wouldn't waste my money on a cheap slag like yourself, but surely it was humiliating. Surely it was demoralising. Surely you felt the pain?
(Ty grins a little as he scratches his chin, takes a toke on his cigarette and continues.)
Ty: Did the wolf enjoy crying? Did the man who had an EWA title shot just two weeks previous enjoy getting knocked out by the sheer pain of my Sharpshooter? Did you wake up feeling refreshed? Fuck it, did you even wake up? It wouldn't surprise me if you didn't. You see, despite what you may think, I am a technical genius. If Bret Hart was the best there ever will be, then i say Bull Shit to that. Look at him now. Wrestling in a less than stellar promotion with the booking skills of that WWA President. That would be none. Bret Hart may be a legend, and legends will never EVER die, but his skills diminished, and he is paying the price. i however am at the top f my game. Tis time last year I was being prepped for the big time. My career was about to be skyrocketed. In fact it was one year ago this sunday....
(Ty looks deep in though and just laughs off his memories of last year.)
Ty: If one man hadn't chosen me, i would not have been launched into the limelight. And that's a fact. In two weeks time it will be a year since I was the biggest thing in sports entertainment. I was an Icon, and I became a legend.
(He grins.)
Ty: Thats right. I was a god damn legend, and I could not be defeated. I proved it on Blitz. I beat the "Veteran" Damian SMith. And yes, I showed off one of the things that made me what I am today. But you still dont know who that is, don't you?
(Lomax laughs. He is obviously finding the whole mystery funny.)
Ty: I've seen the rumours. the-ewa.com is arife with "Who is Ty Lomax" news stories. Stories that to be fair, make me cringe. If I wanted people to know who i was, I would have let them know. I wouldnt wear these sunglasses. There is a reason for the secrecy. And that reason will not be revealed.
(He winks.)
Ty: Well it might be.......
(He returns to his serious face, and continues addressing the camera.)
Ty: When the time is right, and the moment is perfet, perhaps you'll see the real me. But for now, you will have to wait. Because for now, I hve business to attend to. It's open season on the EWA roster, and Ty Lomax just got is license. Smith was the first, but mark my words, every person in the EWA will know and fear the name Ty Lomax. And that....
(The camera zooms in.)
Ty: is a promise.
(The camera fades to black as Ty walks out of the locker room.)
![]() Steven Rage is sitting outside the arena where Blitz will be held this coming week on his brand new Harley Davidson. Wearing a leather jacket and torn blue jeans with the EWA TV Title still around his waist. He gets up and walks to a rack that was filled with chairs and tables. He grabs a chair and sets up a table.
Rage: Ya see there are several ups and downs to being a champion. I mean once you get that strap that so many people through out the federation desire and fight and bleed for........EVERYONE comes out of the woodwork simply to see if the champion has what it takes to keep that title. Everyone has to test a champion to see IF they can be the person to dethrone him! But the true beauty about being a champion is that you dont have to beat your opponent to remain champion! They have to beat you and as far as Lionheart is concerned he had better be ready to find out how painful these toys of mine are! The unforgiving steel of the ringsteps and the chairs, the splinters and pain of the tables, the burning sensation that the metal posts and concrete leave when they smack against flesh! All of these are things that Lionheart will find out about when he steps into the ring with me! Because HELL I have noting to prove..! ....I am the champion I won this title.....NOW someone has to play my game to take it away from me! Someone has to step into the ring and beat me before I injure them seriously.......and I know alot of fun ways to do that!!! Time for you to learn that Lionheart and you'll find that out the hard way!
![]() Steven Rage's picture is being projected onto a white wall in an empty classroom. The light dim you can see the outline of Lionheart as he stands in the back focusing on the picture. As he walks toward the picture of "The Heartbreaker" he begins popping his knuckles.
Lionheart: Well FINALLY the talent and the skill of THE LIONHEART has been noticed and coming up this week I FINALLY get my chance to prove my true skill, my true desire and my true lust for EWA gold and Steven Rage will be the first to taste how hard I strive to become the best in the ring and for him it will be a truly bitter taste as I will strip that TV Title from around his waist and put it where it truly belongs around the waist of the man that people turn on their TV to see.........the man who since his arrival has sky rocketed the rating on EWA Bli! tz........has sold out the box offices and has placed EWA in a class of its own! That belt doesn't belong around the waist of a man that the crowd cheers! It doesn't belong around the waist of a man who had to cheat to win the title by use of a chair. I believe that the EWA TV Title belongs around the the waist of a true champion that the crowd will cheer for and be proud to turn on the remote to watch as HE entertains the millions of viewers and thousands in attendance each and every show! That belt belongs around MY waist Rage and I will get it and I will get it THIS week on Blitz of come down to the ring and get ready for a night YOU"LL NEVER Forget!!!
![]() [DeadlyVision comes up on Dave Deadly sitting in his luxury hotel room watching a video. As we close in on the TV we can see that Deadly is watching old IPWA videos. The camera turns to look at Dave Deadly, who is casually laid out on the bed. He sits up revealing an IPWA T-shirt…does this prove what we all suspected?]
Well folks, now do you believe me? When Dave Deadly says he’s gonna deliver then he delivers! In case any of you inbreeds missed Blitz – shame on you – the world witnessed the beginning of the Deadly Era. I systematically destroyed three EWA nobodies to become the number one contender for the Extreme Title. Chairman, don’t get too much blood on that title of yours, because next Tuesday I want it shined up real nice for my victory celebrations.
[Deadly reaches for the remote, pausing the tape just as Max Mancuso has his opponent locked in The Man Trap, he notices the cameras interest in the IPWA.]
So you’ve all noticed my T-shirt. I just hope all you pathetic fans realise what this means – Dave Deadly in an IPWA T-shirt…It means that I am no longer simply an EWA superstar and icon…I’m a fan of the IPWA! I mean wow! They sure livened up Blitz on Tuesday night. You fans should be glad that a group of talented guys like the IPWA have joined this roster. For a while there I thought I was the only talented wrestler in the locker room. As a debt of gratitude for ‘livening’ up my match on Tuesday night I am now a fully signed up member of the IPWA fan club. And to think I sit in the back listening to whiners in the locker room go on and on about the IPWA invasion. Well guys, they don’t look so bad to me [smiles]
And now I turn my attention to you, Chairboy. You want to raise the levels of extreme? I say bring your little chairs with you next week. In fact, I have a present for you.
[Deadly reaches under the bed and pulls out a steel chair. On it was written ‘My ass was kicked by the Extreme Machine Dave Deadly and all I got was this lousy steel chair’]
You like it? I’ll send it to you, but be sure to bring it with you come Tuesday night, because when all the smoke is cleared, Deadly’s music is playing over the speakers, and they’re carrying your broken body out of the ring, you’re gonna ask ‘what just happened?’ One look at your chair will remind you that you suffered at the hands of the new Extreme Champion.
Welcome to the Deadly Era.
[Fade out]
![]() Steven Rage is sitting in a bar wearing a faded denim vest and some ripped blue jeans. Around his waist is the EWA TV Championship Belt. He is playing a game of poker with some fat bikers who are drunk off their asses. Marcus Allen walks into the bar and pulls up a seat next to the EWA TV Champ.
Rage: Did I say you could sit down?
Allen: Well no but I thought...
Rage: <interupting Marcus Allen> Then get the fuck up!
Marcus Allen gets ready to stand up.
Rage: Shit man I was just kidding put your ass in that chair. So what ya comein to pick my brain about Marcus?
Allen: Well a couple of things actually........well first off what do you think about haveing to defend your title at the next Blitz against "The Lionheart"?
Rage: <mocking MA> What do I think about having to face Lionheart? Well I am the television champion......see the belt? Thats what I do I fight who Flaws tells me to get into the ring with....if Flaws thinks that Lionheart will be a good match for me then I believe that I have no option but to get into the ring and fight him.......that was a easy question, NEXT?
Allen: OK well I recently finished having a discusion with Bridge, The former TV Champ who you beat this past Blitz, concerning his feelings about losing the title to you. He made several comments about facing you again after dealing with the IWPA.....saying that "if anyone was going to beat you up it.....
Rage:<interuppting MA again> Yea I heard your damn interview with him! I heard what he said! And as far as Bridge goes he has every oppotunity to face me and he also has the chance to win $25,000 if he has the balls to get into my invitational........to face 5 other men in the ring and come out on top.....shit if he can do that he deserves another shot at me! As far as him beating me or getting me back for dropping his ugly grill against the steel......he was the one to first use that chair and his use of it bit him in the ass.........as always If anyone wants to go one on one with me at my game they dont stand a chance because I have proven I can wrestle, I can brawl, I can get hardcore and extreme and this past week I proved that I can win some gold.
Allen: You most certainly did! But on a lighter note you have sent a challenge to 6 men who have the will to get in the ring and fight for a shot at the TV Title......in what has been dubbed "The Rage Classic" what do you have in store for the competitors who sign up?
Rage: Simple........with the 6 men in the ring surround by a cage and the first man to escape and climb the ladder at the top of the stage and grab my briefcase full of money wins the tournament.....anything goes and shit I will provide the weapons myself if I have to..........each and every man, woman, child.........whoever has a chance to win the cash and a chance to step in the ring and get a shot at ME..........at the show following the end of the tournament. It's that simple.
Allen: Yeah that does sound kinda simple. What are your feelings about the IPWA and their attack on you....
Rage: Do you ever get the feeling you've over stayed your welcome? Get the hell outta here your bad luck!
Allen: <laughs> Oh another joke......good one!
Rage looks at Marcus Allen angerly. Rage: No Im serious get the fuck outta here. Oh but before you go........let me tell ya LIONHEART HAS THE UNFORTUNATE BAD LUCK TO BE IN A MATCH WITH ME AT THE NEXT BLITZ AND I WILL PROVE TO THE WORLD THAT I am that bad.....I am THAT DAMN GOOD at being the baddest.........so I HOPE HE STRAPS HIS BOOTS TIGHT CUZ HE'LL BE IN A WORLD OF HURT COME BLITZ!!!!
![]() (the following is an audio tape which was sent to the EWA president's office on Saturday evening.)
![]() (The voices are slightly distorted, pulling, slowing, speeding up. It is a tape. A very disturbing tape, and cryptic warning to everyone. The voices are familiar, They warp and distort, they are the IPWA)
Brick: oh the fun....It makes me almost scream in agonizing joy.
But all this...this isn't my fault. This isn't Simon Fury's fault, New Adam's fault, Max Mancuso's fault. No no no.
This is President Phil Flaws' fault. This is Lockdown's fault. This is everyone who ever hired me's fault. I merely took advantage of a good situation, and none of you ever saw it coming.
And now I have a match with the EWA heavyweight champion, Mac Malloy, but Flaws was too cowardly to make it a title match. I don't blame him. Not one bit. But a a good opprotunity when I see one, and I will make a statement on Blitz. s you all know, I know
A statement that every single EWA member, with all their recent 'hoo-ra' comraderie, can ignore. Not even in their single most private moments. Truck, what better place to start? What better match? What better person to rip to shreds? Your first Truck, but don't worry...you definitely WON'T be the last.
Mancuso: And the Animals. Are you stupid?
Are you brain dead?
It either takes balls the size of Manhattan OR an enormous amount of stupidity to challenge me and Adam.
Call me crazy, but I'd place a lot of money on the latter.
Adam: Is bad enough that someone such as myself must lower himself to enter into a contest with someone who calls themselves the Animals, but is even worse that someone such as yourselves would willingly BEG for the amount punishment that is waiting for you.
Mancuso: Boys, you've never been in the ring with talent like us. NEVER. And the sad, sad, part is that you never will be again...
Adam: because on Blitz...we are going to end your career.
Fury: And let's not forget about me.
It seems Flaws considered me much too dangerous to santion a match with me in it. That's just fine by me.
I see Flaws appointed himself the special referee, but that just doesn't seem too fair, now does it? So the way I see it is that the big boss, Rick The Brick, needs someone to even up the odds.
So Flaws...be on your best behavior, because to tell you the truth it took a lot of balls to charge into the ring like you did on Blitz, and I respect you for it, but that doesn't mean I won't sink in the Chains of Misery on you so deep that you will have to have a Halo permenately attatched to your shoulders.
This isn't a threat, Phil. I don't threaten. This is a promise...this is a guarantee...this is the absolute fucking truth. Please listen to me. it would be the very smart thing to do.
Brick: The stage is set EWA.
All the players are in their positions...
all the moves are being calculated...
and everything is on the line.
This is a war you cannot win. This is a war that will destroy this company, and this is a war 100% funded by the EWA's own President Phil Flaws.
Oh the delicious irony.
How is the mirror Phil? Does is stare back at you with hatred yet? Does it ask you 'why?' over and over and over again?
Phil this battle isn't you versus the IPWA. This is you versus you. This is every bad thing you've ever done coming right back at you to bite you in the ass. This isn't anything personal Phil.
This is business.
Wasn't that your clarion call? Business?
I hope you sleep well between now and Blitz, Phil. I hope you sleep like a baby. Because if you screw me on Blitz...I'll put you to sleep forever!
End Tape
DAMIAN SMITH (pre Blitz card amendments)
![]() \W/ Damian Smith stands up as the camera comes into view and he is seen grinning evilly as he looks at the camer and steps around the desk he was sitting at and then walks towards the camera and speaks.\W/
Damian: " It is such a grand day. My revenge has finally come full circle. i get not one, But two of the men i want revenge against. Johnny Thunder and Simon Fury. Thunder your going to get hurt in ways you cannot imagine and Simon Fury your just going to be plain tortured. The Wolf has come for his hunt and you two are the prey. As for Ty Lomax you had a very good match and i'll see you in the ring again very soon. I am issuing a challenge to you to have a match as soon as possible against you. Will you accept or walk away because you may believe you will lose this second time out. None the matter soon you will see what i am capable of. Two on one, Them against me such an unfair odd for them they should have at least another two. No matter im going to hurt them and i will do this with severe punishment."
\W/ Damian Smith turns and looks at a magazine and picks it up ointing at the title IPWA and grins and speaks. \W/
Damian: " The Wolf i remember when i got that name from Boris Checovski when he and i were tag teamed together. He stated i was like a wolf hunting my prey in the ring. he and i faced each other in his very last match and he lost to me as i foprced him to ta out with a submission which is now banned from wrestling in Russia. i defeated him in his homeland and he recieved my utmost respect after that. he did not whine and moan about winning or losing. he shook my hand and left gracefully. As im stating now i lost to Ty Lomax good job rookie. The next time won't be so easy. I underestimated you in the ring the first time. I give you respect for that. First i have a bigger situation to handle. Simon Fury and Johnny Thunder the workld is revolving fast gentlemen. Do you see me yet where am i hiding and when am i going to strike. You will soon see. yes you will soon see.!!"
\W/ Damian Smith gets up and walks out of the office as a red line has been crossed through the IPWA name as the door slams shut and the camera fades to black. \W/
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