![]() |
![]() 1) Jake Logan: Schools out...forever
![]() 2) Steven Rage: Not afraid of Lions
![]() 3) Bridge: Where to next?
![]() 4) Sebastion Knight: The fight is still alive
![]() 5) Bridge: Still deciding
![]() 6) Lionheart: Rage, just bring it
![]() 7) Mac Maloy: Eye for an eye (part 1)
![]() 8) Dave Deadly: Shopping for Blitz
![]() 9) Jarod Crow: Crossing the Bridge, taming The Wolf and stamping out The IPWA
![]() 10) Mac Maloy: Eye for and eye (part 2)
![]() 11) Leviathan: Ready to go
![]() 12) The Animals: The one and only..tag team that is
![]() As the camera comes on it is the interior of the Logan Wrestling Academy Gym. All around the gym, things are being boxed up and the ring is being torn down.
Jake Logan is standing in the gym watching all the movers pack up things. Logan reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a pouch of chewing tobacco, pulls some out, wads it up and puts it in his mouth.
One of the movers walks over to Logan, who is just standing with his hands on his hips chewing tobacco. " Mr. Logan, were would you like us to move the ring to?"
Never looking at the man Logan says, " It doesn't matter I just want you to get all this shit out of my sight as soon as possable."
Looking at Logan's face the man shakes his head in disgust and quickly walks away.
Slowly turning towards the camera Jake Logan looks like a man who just survived a horriable accident. His face is just one big bruise. " I've got a lot of things to get of my chest but for right now I" want to tell you about why I did what I did to Sebastion Knight, my thoughts on what Fury, Mancuso and that big German bastard did to me will have to wait."
" When I first started this business I was just a stupid punk kid." Logan shakes his head and spits tobacco juise on the old wooden gym floor. " My first day of wrestling school my instuctors talked about the future of wrestling and how a wrestler must have a good gimmicck if he wanted to be successful. When they asked me where I was from and I told them Mud Creek, Kentucky they laughed and said the hillbilly gimmick was dead. Then they came up with this good guy wrestling instuctor idea. I could act all nice and tell the kids to train and eat right."
He turns back to look at the men who are working on tearing down the ring. " I did what I was told because I wanted to be successful, I sold out. For years I was " The Future Jake Logan" good guy wrestling trainer. I hated every damn stinkin minute of it. Then that faithful day I met Sebastion Knight. I had to sit by as he bitched and moaned about every little thing. I had to smile and nod my head because I was the good guy."
" Well our last match against the Animals I had Austin wrapped in the Detention and that dumb sonofabitch Knight blind tags me when I had the win. That was the last straw. What I did to Sebastion Knight is just the beginning of what I got planned."
" The Future is dead. Long live Jake Logan " The Redneck Assassian." Logan leans back and spits, covering the camera with a brown mess of tobacco juice.
![]() Steven Rage is found sitting in a huge room painted gold. The walls are shimmering and glisten as the light hits them. Steven Rage walks up to the camera where Marcus Allen awaits the TV Champ for questioning. Steven Rage approaches his interviewer and looks at him with an annoyed stare.
Allen: Hello Mr. Rage how ar.....
Rage: Hold IT!! Stop talking right now.....last time you got to ask some questions NOW I'm going to tell you something you little maggot......this is addressed to the man who thinks he is going to rob me of my TV Title......<holds up the belt> He THINKS he is going to stroll down to the ring at Blitz and simply have me hand it over and save him the agony of defeat at my hands! The Lionheart thinks that NOW THAT I'M the champ he will simply take what I have fought so hard for? Well I know how to stop a LION FROM ATTACKING YOU STOP HIM DEAD IN HIS TRACKS BEFORE HE CAN GET TO HIS PREY!!! Well Lionheart you love to rant and rave about how the fans of the EWA love you.......I'd love to see them save you at Blitz <laughs> because this week EVERYONE is going to see some old school RAGE! Some people may have forgotten my old entrances and some may have failed to remember I can sneak up and get you at anytime and take you out!&! nbsp; Just because I have chosen to look out for Mac Maloy.....
Allen: Speaking of which your new found "friend" has a match against the leader of the IPWA in the main event at Blitz do you have any plans of coming down and watching the match and looking out for Mac Maloy this week?
Rage: Listen Mac is a BIG boy and he can handle THE BRICK no questions asked! As far as the main event goes I'll be there if it turns ugly but Mac and I talked and we have a mutal understanding that we don't mess around in each others business.......but dont change the subject, jackass!
Allen: <slightly cowering> I...I'm sorry Steven Rage....I didn't mean to.
Rage: Well make sure it doesn't happen again! Now where was I?
Allen: You were talking about......
Rage: <Raiseing his hand to smack M.A.> I KNOW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!! Now come hell or high water Lionheart will be flat on his ass at the draw of the match and I will still have MY TV Title............So all I want him to remember is to watch his back! Look out because there are alot of things in the back that might "cause an accident" prior to the match. It simply happens that I am one of those things! <looking down at Marcus Allen> Now I believe once again you have over stayed your welcome..come to think of it I dont remember inviteing you! So get your ass out before i throw it out!
Allen: You have it folks Steven Rage verus The Lionheart! TV Title up for grabs and well it seems to me like RAGE IS PUMPED FOLKS! Who knows what can happen? Who will walk away the survivor and the TV Champ.....<Rage walks behind M.A. and grabs the mic>
Rage: DAMN SIMPLE...........ME!
![]() //Camera opens with Bridge sitting on park beach in Sydney's Botannical gardens looking out across Sydney Harbour. Passing by are all sorts of boats on a sunny yet cold day. Bridge stares out over the harbour and begins to speak.//
Bridge : You know after being on every card for these past couple of weeks, it is good to be home and able to mellow out. But it doesn't mean I ain't gonna be at Blitz. Because I am going to be there just in case the Animals or Mac Malloy need help. Now Mac settle down, I know you can rip Brick a new arsehole but if Mr Angry, Mr Manure or the New Madam try to do the usual sneak attack bullshit. You might need some back up. Bridge will be in the back watching and waiting.
//Bridge takes a deep breath and continues to stare as the camera now moves to try and get a frontal view of Bridge//
Bridge : Now where do I go after that. Well Rage has written a cheque for a lobotomy curteousy of Dr Bridge. Or should I give the Chairman his Face opponent that he desires, if he beats Dave Deadly. Or is the IPWA more of a contest. Hey I can't decide, maybe I should let the EWA faithful decide. That is something that I will let slide until after Blitz when my focus is to defend the EWA. I can't help wondering why when I was lying on the canvass why the IPWA did not take the opportunity to eliminate then. I guess they now might live to regret it, its time to rock the foundation.
//fade to EWA logo//
Sebastion Knight is sitting in an alley his head is down with his back leaning against an old brick wall, trash and cardboard boxes are all around him.
" Logan, I have to admit that I didn't think that you had it in you. All these years together and I didn't think that you had the balls to do what you did. In a way I'm even kinda proud because all that time with me must of really destroyed your brain."
" But I am glad that you did it , that's right Logan, I'm glad. I am so happy because I don't have to hold anything back. Without you there to stop me I can let all the darkness out of me, all the pent up hate and loathing will be released."
Still looking down Logan continues,
" You think that I have been holding you back, well the truth is you were the one holding me back. Thanks to what you did to me at Blitz I'm about to begin a reighn of havok and terror on the EWA that no one has seen before. It's all going to begin with you. First I'm going to take the match, then your career, then I want your soul."
Knight jumps and grabs the camera with both hands,
" You may have destroyed Fight Club but the Fight still is in me and it will destroy you and your career. Get ready Jake Logan, I'm coming and I'm comeing for you."
//EWA Undercover opens with Marcus Allen standing in front of the EWA undercover logo.//
Marcus Allen : Welcome back. Well now I have the man from down under waiting outside but first lets take a look at some of Bridge's moments here in the EWA.
//Shots of Corruptor being planted by Bridges Landmark//
//Shots of Johnny Thunder being planted by the Landmark//
//Shots of El Spastico being planted by the Landmark//
//Shots of Bridge being beaten by Steven Rage//
//The camera now is back on Marcus who has Bridge standing beside, who is shaking his head//
Marcus : I guess Bridge those are your best and worst moments since joining the EWA.
Bridge : Yep, I guess you had to show that last one didn't you.
Marcus : We wanted to get your thoughts on that and the comments of Steven Rage this past episode of EWA Undercover.
Bridge : My thoughts. Well Marcus you didn't need a blowdryer at Rages' last interview with all that hot air coming out of Rage's mouth.
//Marcus has a slight laugh at that comment//
Bridge : Oh by the way Rage I am going Ballooning soon and we are low on hot air, do you want to come.
//Marcus is laughing a little louder.//
Bridge : Steve Fossett has called and has an opening for his next around the world journey.
//Marcus is trying hard to contain himself//
Bridge : Now seriously. Rage has said the ex-TV champ can line up in the Rage invitation for a title shot. Rage, I don't want your money and I don't need to line up for an opportunity to go draconian on your leather fetish head. Rage when the occasion rises and Bridge needs to walk down that ring and raise you to the roof and plant you in that ring, it will happen. But now you can just wait because I will take my time and when it occurs, you will stain those tights and beg for mercy. Rage watch your back for I will attack. For now I may turn my attention to other matters, the IPWA and the elavation of Bridge.
Marcus : So the IPWA has caught your interest?
Bridge : Of course, the EWA has given me an opportunity. Its the place where as a rookie I tasted gold early in my career. Now when cowards, lets face it they are, come in and destroy my fellow superstars. That includes Spas. Spas and I have met a couple of times and if anybody deserves to crack a chair on his head its me. Now that interests me.
Marcus : You mention the elavation of Bridge, what does that mean?
Bridge : That is something you have to wait and see about. I haven't decided yet who to go after but when I do it will have an impact on the EWA.
Marcus : Well thanks Bridge but thats all the time we have.
//Fade to EWA logo//
![]() Lionheart is found standing outside the postoffice with some paper in his hands. The camera pans as to get a better view at the papers that The Lionheart is holding. It appears to be a contract to "The Rage Classic".
Lionheart: You know what Rage you flap your lips enough and after this Blitz all MY fans will cheer for me as I fatten those lips that you can't seem to stop running. And just to add insult to YOUR injury I'm not only going to take the title from you this week but then I am entering myself as the first man in your tournament so then I will take your money as well. So I can get the oppurtunity to whip our ass one more time! And you may ask yourself why I'm doing this Rage. You might wonder why I would put myself to the limit.....pushing and working harder and harder each time. Well that's simple BECAUSE T! HE FANS LOVE ME. The fans love the fact that I comeout time and time again to simply entertain them.......and thats what I do best I make them cheer for me as I beat punks like you all over the ring. And as far as bringing your twisted side down to the ring and useing weapons or what ever you can get your hands on to help you try and beat me this week.........I DARE YOU!!! Because not only will I still beat you but then all MY fans will see what a jackass you really are! All my fans will see you laying on your back with that TV Title around my waist awaiting for me to finish you off and believe me once I LOCK YOU IN THE DEATH ROLL.........it will be your death toll that is being played as YOU TOO will be carried out on a gurney just like The Corruptor was last week! So enjoy the time you have until Blitz and make sure you wax the title up for me.
![]() ( The camera cuts in. The darkened interior of Truck Maloy's rig surrounds the camera. The chain dangles motionless from the drivers side roof, opposite where the camera sits. A set of keys hang from the ignition on the dash at the base of the steering wheel. A small chrome skull is attached to the key chain. The camera shows a building outside the rig off in the distance. A glass door with words above it reading "Brackenridge Hospital" is visible. The glass door opens and a man walks out. The man is Truck Maloy. Truck walks to the rig crossing a street into the parking lot and up to the door. Truck climbs into the drivers seat and shuts the door. He sits starring out the front window.
Flashback: The camera makes a white flash and then the screen color becomes an incandescent yellowish orange. A man sits in a barn welding a small piece of sheet metal. His biceps bulge as sparks of metal bounce off them. The man stops and pulls his protective goggles up onto his forehead. A voice comes from off the camera. The camera pans to the voice.)
Small boy: Daddy?
( The boy stands at the entrance to the barn. He has a busted lip that slowly trickles blood down to his chin. The man, now off camera, rushes to the boys side and kneels down in front of him.)
Man: What happened boy?
Small boy: A couple of the kids stopped me before I got to school and took my books. One of them punched me in the mouth and threw my books in Washman's Creek.
Man: Are these boys in your class?
Small boy: No sir! They were older! They're in junior high!!
Man: I see. And what did you do?
Small boy: I ran back home?
Man: That's okay son? But, know this. If you just run home every time, these boys will just keep doing to you what they did today!
Small boy: Then what do I do daddy?
Man: Tomorrow, you go back up to Washman's Creek. You wait for those boys to show up again. You walk right up to the boy who hit you and you pop him right in the mouth.
Small boy: But dad, he's twice the size of me!!
Man: That's okay son. Cause tomorrow your gonna take this with you.
( The man reaches into his pocket. He extracts a gold metal object and hands it to his son. The boy takes it peering down at it. The sun beams down into the barn and bounces off the metal gleaming.)
Man: Now the other two might whoop you and whoop you good but all you got to do is get that one boy. You get your payback. Remember what the good book says.
Boy: Yes sir! Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.
Man: That's right! And scar for a scar!!
( The camera flashes again this time returning to the interior of the rig. Truck still looks off into the distance then suddenly turns his attention over to the passenger's side. He lunges over and opens the glove compartment and reaches inside. He pulls out a set of gold brass knuckles. He places the brass knuckles on and then looks up into the rear view mirror. He rubs the scar that is just under his hat line. He turns the mirror back into its proper position and reaches down to the ignition and starts the rig. The engine roars as he pumps the gas. Black smoke shoots from the exhaust just outside the door.)
Truck Maloy: Eye for an Eye!!
( The camera fades to black.)
![]() [We see a downtown street in Chicago. A few homeless drunks gather around a white limousine, which is parked outside a construction site. Seeing the DeadlyVision camera approaching they slowly move on. The camera reaches the window of the limo and looks in. The owner is nowhere to be found. We turn and notice the entrance to the construction site. Venturing slowly in the camera focuses on a man wearing a leather jacket and blue jeans. He is pushing along a supermarket trolley. It’s Dave Deadly. He notices the camera and beckons us over.]
Hey! Welcome to DeadlyVision. Today Deadly fans I come to you live from the downtown area of my hometown. You’d be surprised what you’d find here Chairboy, lots of useful little goodies. Hell, I just might bring some along to our little hardcore ‘show and tell’ on Tuesday night. Plenty of barbed wire here and wood, metal, a few slabs of concrete. No chairs though. Sorry, I know they’re kinda your thing! But hey! Look at all this cool stuff I’ve found to kick your ass with anyway!
[In the trolley are a few rusty bundles of barbed wire, some sharp pieces of steel, a can of gasoline, some broken bottles, an old fire extinguisher and some splintered pieces of wood.]
And the best thing is I’ve only just begun! These are just a few basic ‘essential items’. Oh by the way, did you get that personalised steel chair I sent to you in the mail? I sent it to your office, just hope you get it in time for Tuesday. I know you’ve got this whole ‘chair fetish’ thing so I just thought I’d tell you to bring all the chairs your filthy little arms can carry, because in order to beat Dave Deadly you’ll need them. I told all of my opponents last week that I was not to be underestimated. Don’t take me lightly Chairboy. I’ve ended careers before, believe me it would give me great pleasure to do the same thing to you. You’re nothing but phase one of the Deadly Era. I suppose that’s something to be proud of. In fact it’s as high an accolade as you’ll ever achieve here in the EWA. The Extreme Title belongs to the Extreme Machine. Thanks for keeping it warm for me but now it’s time to hand it over otherwise I’ll hand your brains over to you on a plate.
So this is how it goes. You have a week to vacate that title of yours to me. But if I stand in the center of that ring on Tuesday night and you come out with all your little chairs and my belt around your waist…then I’m gonna have to take you to the next level of pain. It’s your choice Chairboy. Vacate the title or suffer at the hands of the Extreme Machine.
[As Deadly leaves with his trolley, he notices a young kid trying to break into his limo. He picks up a cinder block from his trolley and sneaks up behind the kid, smashing it over his skull. He drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Deadly drags him by his leg back into the construction site, leaving a trail of blood leading from the limo straight up to a container of wet cement. He picks the kid up by the hair and executes the Deadly Bomb right into the cement.]
[To the cameraman] How long does it take cement to dry? [The camera shrugs] Oh well, it’ll teach that filthy piece of trash a lesson.
[Fade out]
![]() -The scene is set in the hallways of a dimly lit apartment building. Walking down the hallway in semi-darkness we see Marcus Allen checking the numbers on the doors. Finally he stops outside of a door marked 34B. Marcus turns to the camera and begins to speak-
Marcus: Good evening ladies and gentleman. I have just arrived here at the residence of the EWA Euromerican Champion Jarod Crow. It isn’t really what I expected; most wrestlers own their own house at least. But that’s beside the point.
-Marcus knocks on the door and waits for a second. No-one answers. He knocks again and after a moment, the door slowly opens. And Jarod Crow steps out of the door, partially closing it behind him-
Marcus: Mr Crow, may I have a quick word with you?
Jarod: Marcus, what the hell are you doing here? Marcus: I was just hoping I could get a quick interview, about some of the things that have happened recently in the EWA. Jarod: That depends on what your questions are. Marcus: Well first of all I’d like to ask you what you know about Ty Lomax. You stated in a promo last week that you recognised him, and I was hoping you could hazard a guess as to his identity? Jarod: As far as Ty goes, I did say that I had begun to recognise him. And yes, right now I am pretty sure that I know who he is. But he chooses to keep his identity a secret and I have the utmost respect for his wishes both as a wrestler and a person. So I’m afraid that I cannot tell you what I know.
Marcus: Why not? There must be a reason beyond your respect for him as an athlete?
Jarod: There doesn’t have to be another reason beyond my respect. Ty Lomax said himself that respect is the single word that means more than love or hate. So my respect for him is the only reason I need. But I’ll humour you. First of all, my feelings towards Ty go way beyond respect. If he is whom I think, then he has been around a lot longer than I have and has achieved more than I am ever likely to. So I don’t just respect him, I look up to him; I envy him, because he is a true student of the game. Secondly, as beat up as I am right now, the beatings I took from the IPWA are nothing to what he could do to me. So I’d like to stay out of hospital if that’s all right with you. Finally I still want his help against the IPWA and if I reveal his identity now, the chances of that will be shot to hell. So Ty, if you’re listening you still haven’t answered me, and I still want you in that match.
Marcus: Okay fair enough. Next question is this. Now that the leader of the IPWA has been revealed as Rick the Brick what are your immediate plans? Jarod: Well seeing as I had originally planned a six-man tag match against the IPWA, the emergence of Rick the Brick has offset that plan a bit. Well it doesn’t really matter. I will simply change the match to accommodate him. So I hereby change my request from a six-man tag to an eight-man elimination match. That’s right guys. Two teams. The IPWA on one side and myself and three others on the other. When a man is eliminated either by submission or pinfall, he must leave the match. The team that is eliminated first loses. Marcus: But who will be the other three? You’ve already asked Ty Lomax and Bridge has already said he wants in. But do you want on your team?
Jarod: At this point I don’t really care, so I’m throwing out an open invitation. If anyone wants in, then let me know and you’ve got it. And let me remind you Marcus that Ty Lomax still may turn me down. And Bridge appears to have a problem with me so he may change his mind.
Marcus: Speaking of Bridge, he has recently stated that he wants a match with you following what he appears to consider a mistake in the refereeing of the TV title match last week. And added to that Damian Smith still hasn’t forgotten that he thinks he should be wearing your title right now. So what are your thoughts on them?
Jarod: Well first of all let me state that yes, I did make a mistake in the match last week. I didn’t call it right down the middle, and if I had then Bridge wouldn’t have lasted nearly as long in that match. So, if you want a match with me Bridge you can have it as soon as we’re done with the IPWA. The same applies to Damian Smith. I haven’t forgotten that if the refs had been watching in our matches then Damian would indeed have this title. So you can both have title shots once I am done with the IPWA. Marcus: But the question remains, what kind of matches will they be? Bridge has stated that he will wrestle in any kind of match you want, and the same probably applies to Damian Smith. Jarod: Well I’ve put a lot of thought into this already and I have decided that once I am done with the IPWA I will defend my title in an “I Quit” match against Damian Smith as he is such a submissions expert. And then as I know Bridge is an entertainer above all else, I will defend against him in the most entertaining match I know … a Ladder Match.
Marcus: Wow, those are big matches, but you’ve said several times that you will have these matches only when the IPWA have been dealt with? Do you know when that will be, and have you any message for them?
Jarod: First of all I know that the IPWA aren’t just going to go away if they are defeated, or even any time in the next few months. But to make matters simpler, I will defend my title against Bridge and Smith, the week after the Eight-man Elimination match. Now if you’ll excuse me Marcus, you’ve taken up enough of my time.
-Jarod re-enters his apartment and closes the door. Marcus shrugs and walks away-
-Fade to black-
![]() ( The camera is blinded by a brilliant white light. Nothing is visible except the burning coil inside the enormous light bulb. A voice from off camera, seemingly from an intercom, pages a name telling the person to pick up a white courtesy phone. The silhouette of a hand appears near the canister that houses the bulb. The hand turns the canister so the camera is now able to see what lies behind it. The walls are a pea green with carts containing medical supplies and defibrillators lined up along the room. The camera pans back to the right to see a man in a white lab coat standing facing away from the camera. He speaks with his back turned, his voice carries a heavy southern twang.)
Doctor: Looks like its gonna heal nicely. It'll scar but we can take care of that if you want!!!
Off camera voice: No thanks Doc. Just leave it!!
( The camera inches closer to the doctor still standing with his back turned; then pans back to the left where Truck Maloy sits on a stretcher with the flood light shining down on his head. A red irritation marks the spot where the doctor has just removed the stitches from the EWA Champion's head. Truck reaches up and rubs the new scar that runs across his forehead about two inches long.)
Doctor: Now we need to discuss your future!
Truck: Future?
Doctor: The concussion you suffered last week was pretty severe. You skull not being broken or cracked from the blow you received is just shy of a medical miracle.
Truck: Are you saying that I can't wrestle!!
Doctor: Absolutely not! I'm saying that you simply should not wrestle!....The ability for you to wrestle is still there but the danger of you suffering another concussion is extremely high, especially depending on how soon you get in the ring. It could result in some long term brain damage down the road!!
Truck: Down the road? Down the road? Doc I don't live my life wondering what's gonna happen, down the road. I live on the road. If something gets in my way I just run it over.
Doctor: Still....I think it is in your best interest....
Truck ( interrupts.): My best interest!! Doc you don't worry about my best interest!! That's my job. You just sign the release form and I'm going back to work.
Doctor: Okay, I'll do whatever you decide then but I just have to tell you as part of the ethics code.
Truck: Point taken!!!!
( Truck gets up and grabs his EWA Championship belt off the stretcher and retrieves a slip of paper from the doctors hand. Truck puts his cowboy hat on over the scar and nods to the doctor as he walks out the door. The camera stays with the doctor on Truck's exit. The doctor takes a deep breath and sighs as he turns back to a table and writes in a small file. He closes the file and drops it into a basket on a desk where he sits. The camera fades to black.)
![]() =Scene is the EWA arena. An anxious crowd is ready for the next match when a loud explosion followed by pyros erupt in the arena. The lights then go out and a hush comes over the packed house. After a few minutes they come on and in the centre of the ring stands a beast of a man with two gorgeous woman hanging on either arm. The beast is Leviathan, who has a mic and waits for the arena to quiet there cries of what?==
Leviathan - Now incase you don't know. I am Leviathan. I'm here in the EWA not for your cheers but for gold and that is EWA gold.
==crowd slowly boos. Leviathan starts to smile==
Leviathan - Great as usual. That is music to my ears. My presence here in the EWA is not for your enjoyment away. Now my mission is simple destroy whatever EWA superstar to capture the gold. Who are they? Steven "Heartbreaker" Rage, well Mr Rage I'm the bone Breaker. Jarod "Mr Victim" Crow, you will be a victim when I lay my hands on you. Mac Malloy, good old diesel breath. Hey he has enough problems with doors I here. Which then leaves the Chairman. Extreme hah you wouldn't know extreme if it crawled up your arse and bit you on the colon. The choice will be one with a hostile takeover in the EWA. An extreme opponent for the extreme beast. Word to all those wise arses out the back don't mess with Leviathan because you will get in too deep.
==Crowd is booing. As the lights turn blue then another loud explosion with
![]() (The scene opens.
The camera pans and focuses on the 'Too Tough Gym'. The outside of the gym looks run down as if it hasn't been used in a while.
The camera moves closer and an arm stretches out and pushes open the door.As the camera enters a hustle and bustle can be heard and seen of wrestlers working out, punching punch bags, practising moves on each other. The camera pans round and sees The Animal's practising on some unsuspecting victims in a ring on the far side of the gym. The camera wades its way past the other wrestlers finally making it to the ring. Austin executes a E.L.E on his sparing partner why BDA nails a Daddy Drop on his just across the ring. They look up and head towards the camera. Austin swings backwards over the ropes to the outside and BDA follows rolling underneath. They both pick up a towel and wipe there faces. BDA sits on a stall by the ring Austin does the same and signals for another to be brought over for the camera man. You hear the sliding of the stall behind the camera and the camera man sits down.)
Austin: I have a few things I wanna say about the IPWA.
(Austin snarls in disapproval and BDA looks disgusted at the mention of them.
Austin: But Im gonna save what Iv got to say for the night. BDA wants to say something.
(BDA coughs clearing his throat.)
BDA: I want to rally all the true EWA guys together and tell them to join us in the fight to rid the EWA of the scum that is the EWA.
(BDA voice gets more confident as he continues speaking.)
BDA: Further more I think that Mr Flaws should realise that we are the best tag-team in the EWA and deserve to wear the tag-team belts.
(Austin looks round with a raised eye brow.)
Austin: We are the only tag-team in the EWA!
(BDA looks at his brother puzzled.)
BDA: But what about the guys we are facing on Blitz?
Austin: They aren't an official tag-team!
(BDA looks more puzzled.)
Austin: And where do you get off demanding the tag-team championships?
BDA: You said you wanted them!
Austin: Yes...When there are some decent tag-teams to win it fair and square.
(BDA looks to the floor puzzled and Austin slaps him round the head.)
Austin: You stick to your one liners and I'll stick to the speeches!
(BDA looks at Austin angrily rubbing his head. Austin shakes his as the scene finishes.)
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