![]() |
![]() 1) Leviathan: TICK TOCK
![]() 2) Jake Logan: Rise of the South
![]() 3) The Chairman: Taking Over
![]() 4) Bridge: IPWA..what?
![]() 5) The IPWA: Finishing the game
![]() 6) Lockdown: Lowdown on the IPWA
![]() 7) Ty Lomax: Talent?
![]() 8) Dave Deadly: Fan Mail
![]() 9) Steven Rage: Open Invitation
![]() 10) Bridge: Fighting the good fight
![]() 11) Lockdown: Demands
![]() #TICK TOCK appears on the screen#
{Screens of the Chairman winning the EWA Extreme Title]
[Screens of Steven Rage winning the EWA TV Title]
[Screens of Jarod Crow winning the EWA Euromerican Title]
[Screens of Mac Maloy winning the EWA World title]
[Black Screen with seconds running down ]
[Time for the Extreme Beast]
[Screen shows a picture of a man sitting in a ring with a towel over his head. He is enormous and begins to rise as the camera moves in close. And the towel is removed to show the Extreme Beast is Leviathan.]
Leviathan : Days are the most painful to bare. Hours signal that time is approaching and the Extreme beast can be unleashed to decimate the rank and file EWA superstars on his path for gold. Minutes ensure the Heart is burning and pumping with adrenalin.....
[Leviathan pauses and licks his lips]
Leviathan : Seconds taste delightful as they send energy coursing through my veins. For I know the hunger is about to be quench and have what I desire. Which one, you have to wait and see, because my mind is made up and the frustations are about to erupt. Beware to all. Don't go in the deep end, thats where Leviathan lurks.
-------Fade to Black---------
![]() As the camera comes on there is a big stryfoam deer target with a picture of Sebastion Knight on it. Out of nowhere an arrow comes flying across the screen and hits the picture right in the head. The camera turns around and Jake Logan is standing with a bow in his hand. Logan looks admiringly at the bow and then at the target.
" You know for someone who hasn't shot one of these things in a few years it looks like I still have it."
Placing the bow on the ground, Logan walks to the target after pulling the arrow out he takes the picture and looks at it.
" Did you hear him bitching in that alley, I'm glad you did it Logan, I'm happy you did it. Sebastion if what I did to you at Blitz makes you happy then your gonna freakin love whats gonna happen to you Tuesday."
" You say that your gonna begin a reighn of havok and terror on the EWA, well you whiney little bastard, it' ll be real damn hard to create havok and terror in the EWA when your punk ass isn't even in the EWA."
Logan rips the picture of Knight into and throws it on the ground.
" I took your heart, your soul, and your mind, thiers only two things I want left from you, that's your body and your career and this Tuesday at Blitz I'll take them too."
" So get ready boy the South is about to rise again and it's gonna rise right over you Sebastion Knight, Yeehaw bitch, Yeehaw."
![]() (Scene - EWA Undercover opens with Marcus Allen standing in front of the EWA undercover logo)
MARCUS ALLEN - Welcome back fans, today we have with us one of the EWA’s up and comers, the EWA Extreme Champion, the Chairman.
(The Chairman gives Marcus his usual smug look and snatches the microphone from him.)
CHAIRMAN – You may as well sit down Marcus, this is going to take a while.
(The Chairmans valet, Miss Wise, standing beside the chairman unfolds a chair and puts it next to Marcus, who stands there, somewhat bewildered.)
(Marcus gulps and sits down on the chair. Miss Wise stands in the background, arms folded, shaking her head from side to side in a disapproving manner.)
CHAIRMAN – OK viewers out there in TV land, the Chairman is here! As this is my first face to face live interview on EWA Undercover, I thought I would mark the occasion by taking over for a little while and take on a few issues that have been on my mind. It seems that since becoming champion, every has-been, every prima donna, every shmuck in the EWA has had something to say about me. Well the time has come for me to reply, in a new segment that I would like to call “The Chairmans Committee Meeting”. I think it will prove so popular that it will take over from Undercover, and our little friend here, Marcus will be out of a job! Boo hoo!
Where to begin? Well as my first point of business I will talk about some things in brief, get them out of the way before I start talking about the good stuff, and that is HURTING PEOPLE. So firstly, I hear that Steven Rage has sent out a challenge to all comers to take part in his little invitational event. Well sign me up for that!
You see, as well as the most extreme wrestler in the business, I am also a very astute businessman...not to mention good looking!
(Miss Wise nods and laughs)
And I have looked through the EWA rulebook and there doesn’t seem to be any problems with me winning multiple championships and holding them at the same time. My mission when I arrived here in the EWA was to go in search of gold, and will do just that, and work towards achieving the GRAND SLAM! Im up for it..if you are! And then, when I win the $25,000, I can put it towards a down payment for a new personality for Lockdown. Speaking of Lockdown, are you still even a member of the active roster? I thought you were retired. Oh well. I got an interpreter, you know, the types who translate from troglodyte to human, to make sense of your last promo, and apparently, you’ve decided to focus more on the wrestling, instead of looking at beastiality on the internet, or whatever!!! Well Lockdown, Miss Wise and I have thought about your challenge… and the answer is...NO WAY! I’ve got more worthy challengers coming my way. Maybe you could lodge a petition with the higher ups or maybe, you know, START WINNING A FEW MATCHES, but there is no way I’m giving you a title shot unless I am FORCED TO!!
(Chairman notices Marcus starting to fidget in his seat)
CHAIRMAN – I said sit down or I will make you sit down permantly, in a wheelchair!
Also Crapdown, everything you said about Miss Wise is probably true, and then some! But just remember, one day, when you finally you get the ASS on a POLE match or whatever it is you so desire against me, you sick freak, it would have been both Miss Wise and then ME you has F***ED you OVER!!
(Even Marcus smirks at that one)
Now, onto these more worthy opponents.
(Chairman pauses for a moment, and the rage can be seen to begin to well in his eyes. He snorts up a big loogie and spits directly on the camera lens, making it all blurry.)
Dave Deadly. By default, you became the Number One contender to my belt. Well done. Come the end of our match at the Tuesday Night Blitz, this will be how you will be looking at the world, all blurred and fuzzy. From what I can gather, you are all talk! Blah Blah this, Blah blah that, shopping for plunder with all the homeless people you call friends and family...it makes me want to throw up all over myself! You are all show! I mean wahts the hells up with Deadly vision? You would be more suited to some C grade movies or something, but stay the hell away from where you dont belong!
You see, I am a man of few words, but EXTREME action. And all your whining and bragging about how you are the extreme this and the extreme that was getting EXTREMELY boring. There is one extreme thing that you are not, and I am, and that is the…
(points to the shiny belt around his waist)
One thing that really annoys me is that I laid down the challenge for you to set any kind of match possible and what do you decide on...NOTHING! Just a plain old extreme match, I mean I wanted to have fun whilst giving you the HOSTILE TAKEOVER and a couple of PROMOTIONS, but its still just a plain old extreme match. For me, that’s like getting a Formula One driver to drive up to the shop in a four cylinder car or the captain of a cruise ship playing battleship in a bath, but hey, its your choice, and I am more than willing to SEAL THE DEAL!
To close off this weeks broadcast, Dave Deadly, you piece of fecal matter, you come on TV and tell us you like the IPWA, just as I had suspected. What a moron, and what an insult to the fanbase here at the EWA.
Bring your shopping cart this Tuesday, and make sure you book yourself an ambulance for about 2 minutes after the bell rings, because I want all the fans out there to bring their own plunder, their own weapons, and pass em to me, and we will see just who is the most EXTREME!! This match isn’t just about the belt, its about getting rid of anyone who even vaguely has anything to do with the IPWA.
Ive got my barbed wire chair, my flaming chair, my glass chair, my...
(THe screen scrambles as transmission is cut and the show goes to commercial)
![]() //Camera opens and we see Bridge sitting at table with paper. In his right hand is a pen and he seems to be writing but pauses looking in the air then returns back the paper. Again he is writing quickly. Bridge begins to mumble and is barely audible.//
Bridge : Imbeciles punching white arses.......mmmm that could be it.
//Bridge then returns to his paper. Stopping often and looking away.//
Bridge : Idiotic premature wanking agents......mmmm close.
//Again Bridge returns to his paper. Stopping often and looking away.//
Bridge : Impotent people with acne.
//Again Bridge returns to his paper. Stopping often and looking away.//
Bridge : Idiots performing wanking assists.
//Bridge stops and screws up the paper and tosses it in the bin. Bridge then pushes away the paper and looks a the barmaid. He shows he two fingers and she nods and heads back to the bar. Bridge then looks into the camera which he finally acknowledges.//
Bridge : Now I have been trying to figure out what IPWA means. But as far as I can see, to me it means nothing. Until these guys get in the ring with EWA superstars, all they have done is sneak attacks and talked about how good they are. Now I don't know about the EWA faithful, but to Bridge this doesn't mean shit. Words don't counter the Dambuster. You can't attack a man who is now hunting you. Keep looking behind you because all of the EWA want the chance to make you realise we mean business.
//Barmaid brings two beers to Bridge and looks for a tip. Bridge grabs the paper and writes something done and gives it to the Barmaid. She puts it down her top and thanks Bridge with a wink.//
Bridge : At the upcoming Blitz I will be there. Waiting for a chance for EWA revenge. So Fury, Manusco and New Madam watch your backs, because I don't want to sneak up on you. I want you to see the arse kicking coming. As for Brick, Mac is gonna give you a world of hurt. Its time for the EWA to regain control. Now I have to get back training the Bridge way.
//Bridge takes a drink as the camera starts to move away. Then Bridge tells them to halt and come back.//
Bridge : IPWA its time to rock the EWA foundation because I Predict Wholesale Aggression.
//Fade to Black//
![]() The screen fades to black. Three righteous, dignified, unfaltering letters appear lavished in grey.
E . W . A .
A voice, a really deep, gravelly one, begins speaking.
'It's grey...Everything is grey. There is no more Black and White anymore...
A flash of what is seemingly static takes over the screen. Suddenly the letters are back
E . W . A .
No good guys... no bad guys...nothing. Absolutely NOTHING!
Another flash of static takes over the broadcast. Then the letters re-appear.
E . W . A
Until now. Now there is something that will cure the ills of this place.
Another flicker of static. The letters flash again.
E . W . A .
Now there is something that will turn everything back to the way it should be.
Another Flicker. The letters re-appear once more.
E . W . A .
Now there is something that defines everthing this business is about.
Another Flicker, then the letters.
E . W . A .
A back-stabbing, blood-thirsty, two-faced game of cut-throat.
Another Flicker. EWA re-appears.
E . W . A .
A game that we invented.
Another Flicker.
I . P . W . A .
A game that we intend to finish.
![]() (Scene opens with a shot of Navy Pier in Chicago. Lockdown is seated on a bench, munching on the last couple bites of a bratwurst.He washes it down with a gulp of Coca-cola, and lights a cigarette.Exhaling the first drag of the fine tobacco product, he turns to the camera.)
Lockdown: The IPWA. It seems everyone around this federation is talking about them. "The IPWA this... the IPWA that... what on earth is the IPWA up to... the IPWA is kicking our asses... we have to stop the IPWA." Well shut your fucking cumdumpsters, you pussies. In this business, and this life, at some point everyone takes an ass kicking. It's part of the job. it's what we're paid to do. (In a mocking tone) "I'm president Flaws. The IPWA is killing my federation. My pussy hurts" "I'm Mac Maloy. The IPWA jumped me in my locker room. I need a douche." You might be thinking, "But Lockdown, they beat you more brutally than any of us." Damn straight they did. See, Rick is no retard. He had his errand boys- and thats just what they are. Errand boys sent by a grocery clerk.. to collect a bill. He had his errand boys attack me in an attempt to take me completely out of the picture. He failed. Rick and I go way back. He must feel that I am the man most capable of upsetting his plans. Well, Rick...Don't worry about it. I don't know what your plans are, or why all this is my fault, or what vendetta you could possibly have against me. I mean, do you really think I feel any fucking loyalty to the front office suits, just because they sign my paycheck? Anyway, as long as you stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours. I have my own business to attend to. CHAIRMAN! Don't think for a second that the IPWA has changed a damn thing between us!!! One last warning, Rick...Don't cross me again, or you'll have 3 extra bags on your hands...and they won't be filled with groceries.
(Fade to black)
![]() [We open the scene. We see Ty sat in a bus shelter. Shades on. Sat on a bench across the street.]
[As the cars Zip past, Ty is just sat there.]
[Waiting for something. or perhaps witing for nothing?]
[Watching time and the world fly past him.]
[or is he? Is he simply taking in his surroundings, learning every piece of information he can about the area around him, in case of an emergency.]
[In case of an attack.]
[With these IPWA guys around, you never can tell.]
[But When Ty is around, there is just... something... about him.]
[Is it the shades? The Style? Or The Charisma?]
[Just what is it about Ty Lomax that gives him the confidence to perform like a demon week in and week out.]
[Perhaps its the 6 Months he had off from Wrestling.]
[Or perhaps it's just his natural talent.]
Ty: Talent is the most overused word in the whole professional wrestling industry. Just what is talent? Is talent the way the Oxford dictionary puts it....
[Ty reads from the dictionary.]
Ty: "Natural endowment or ability of a superior quality"
[He pauses for a while, then slams the book shut, causing a loud crack.]
Ty: Or is it just a word that senior VP's use to describe their roster??
[Another pause. This time longer.]
Ty: In the wrestling world, there is no such thing as the former. No natural endowment of superior quality. Nothing but hard graft. Effort. And more than anything, a whole lot of guts. And when you can wrestle as well As I can after the years of Training I have put into my career, my hours upon hours of painstaking training andd body building, and dieting. When you can out perform anyone in the ring, you are not talented, hell your not even a natural. Your just a damn hard worker. And Hard work is what earns you a reputation.
[Ty removes a picture of Jarod Crow from his pocket, as he continues.]
Ty: Looks to me like Someone has already spotted my effort. An It's none other than the EWA Euromerican Champion. May i first tell you how much of an honour it is to be recognised by you. Sure I may have achieved more, but right here, right now, YOU are the man, and you are the one most deserving of the respect. The same respect you have shown me for maintaining my identity a secret. For that, I thank you. And for that, I owe you a favour. And how about that favour be an acceptance into the 8 man elimination match?
[If there were fans in this street, there would be a pop.]
Ty: Jarod, we are alike you and me. We respect the same things, and appreciate the hard work it takes to succeed in this business. I have achieved it before, and you are on your way up, and in this federation, you are already there. But that small Isolated group of people that seem to make life a bitch for the rest of the EWA just can't seem to keep there noses out, and dont appreciate a good thing when they see it.
[Ty auses while he lights a cigarette.]
Ty: What sort of stupid f**ks do you really think you are? You think toting your IPWA heritage means anything? Some shitty assed promotion that has obviously closedd it's doors due to poor business management, and from what i can see, and even poorer bunch of wrestlers.
[He grin's as he tokes.]
Ty: The fans obviously couldnt keep away. They were tearing the doors down to see an IPWA show. YEAH RIGHT. I could count the number of IPWA fans on one hand, and that includes wives and girlfreinds, because lets be honest, the entire IPWA roster was ugly as dogshit, and just like dog shit, I cant get you bastards off of my shoe. Your always there, giving the place a bad smell. Well Team IPWA, your going to have a shock when we get our match.....
[He takes another toke. Blows a quick irish waterfall, lets out a little chuckle before continuing.]
Ty: Because When we do get our match, I can guarantee you, i will not hold back. I will not give up, and by god I will not get inned. Sure its a big claim, but Ill be too busy Locking you in my sharpshooter, nailing you with my purple haze, and taking you down with my Eclectic, that you'll be crying for you mommy's before you can apply an arm bar.
[A picture flashes across the scene. It's Rick The Brick.]
Ty: Rick The Brick. [Laughing.] Rick the fucking Brick? [Laughing even more.] The leader of the IPWA Invasion is a man with a name like something out of a Guy Ritchie Movie? Now, Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Guy Ritchie Movies, but you gotta look at tit this way Rick. Guy spend time developing Character and substance to his story. The only subtance you have is a thick gooey liquid in your head you like to call your brain. What makes it worse is that tiny brain has to control the pathetic lump of gelatin called your stomach, and for that I feel sorry for it. Do I fear you Rick? Do I give a damn about your little Invasion? F**k no. How about you buy some slim fast and get back to me.
[This Time a picture of The New Adam flys by.]
Ty: Hmm.... Theres also that other guy right? Adam? Adam Newton? I Don't now. Sounds like some mix between science and the bible. But to be honest, the man is an Errand Runner. Nothing more. Can he amount to anything in the EWA? I doubt it. Does he seem like the sort of person who could give "The Natural" Ty Lomax a run for his money? I think not. Does he seem like the sort of man who would tap at the mere thought of Me Applying my Sharpshooter? Yes... thats the man.....
[Another picture. Some nobody.]
Ty: Who the hell was that? Hey, wasnt that Max Mancuso? I don't know the guy. Although from What I hear his ability about equates to that of the WWA's Spike. And THAT my friend, is NOT a compliment.
[This Time Simon Fury flashes across the screen/]
Ty: At last, someone to work with. The one person from the IPWA that has caught my eye. Mr. Fury, i wish i could say i've been expecting you. The truth is, you are the one hurdle I see behind this whole IPWA invasion. it's not "The Boss" Rick The Brick, it's not rhw nobody Mancuso, and it isn't the shit for brains new Adam. it is you Fury, and that makes me want to beat you even more. Just knowing that you have gotten under my skin winds me up even more, and makes me want to beat your face off witth your own shoes. A task i'd be more than willing to complete. Right after our Survival match.
[Ty stubs out his cigarette as he wraps up.]
Ty: Jarod, I'm In. IPWA, watch out, because your about to encounter the man who is the closest to being a natural of the game then any other. Your going to encounter Ty Lomax. And thats a promise.
[As the bus pulls up, Ty hops in as we fade to black.]
![]() [DeadlyVision opens on a dressing room door. The name reads “‘Extreme Machine’ Dave Deadly – Future EWA Extreme Champ” The door opens and we see Dave Deadly sitting inside wearing his ‘Too Hot For Tuesday Night’ T-Shirt. Beside him is a sack full of mail. Deadly delves into the bag pulling out a handful of letters.]
You know folks, one of the most rewarding things of being a wrestling icon is that children from all over the world idolise you. Sacks like this here arrive at my door every day. So in today’s instalment of DeadlyVision, I’d like to enlighten you all by reading a few of the letters I receive from my fans and worshippers on a daily basis. Perhaps then I may be able to satisfy the EWA fans thirst for Dave Deadly. So here goes…
[He reaches into the bag and pulls out a letter]
Ah, little Tommy Walker from London, England asks ‘why aren’t you the EWA Champ? You could beat any of those other guys any day!’ Well, you’re right there Tommy. But at the moment, I’m not too concerned about the EWA Title. There’ll be plenty of time for that in the future. You see, all I care about at the moment is taking the EWA Extreme Title from Chairboy on Tuesday Night and making him look like a complete fool in the process. [Picking out another letter] Paul from New York asks ‘do you really think that you can beat the Chairman at Blitz?’ Well Paul, that’s a really stupid question to ask don’t you think? I’m not even gonna waste my breath on that one…but thanks for writing!
[Pulls out a few more letters]
Adrian from West Virginia asks ‘do you have any tricks up your sleeve for your title match on Tuesday Night?’ Well my friend lets just say that Chairboy doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into. I may have a few aces up my sleeve but you’ll have to wait until Tuesday to find out what they are. Little Jimmy of South Carolina asks ‘are you strong enough to beat Superman?’ [He laughs] Kids eh? Don’t you just love ‘em! Well Jimmy, if you really wanna know, yes Dave Deadly can beat Superman. In fact Dave Deadly can beat any super hero under the sun. You know why? Because I’m the best, I’m the Extreme Machine and I am the next EWA Extreme Champion. Next Question?Ah, inquisitive little Johnny wants to know why I’m not on Raw or Smackdown. There’s no easy way to tell you this Johnny, but the WWE sucks. That’s right kid, your Extreme Icon and role model Dave Deadly says stay in school and stop watchin’ that trash! Well it looks like I’ve got time for just about one more letter. This one comes from Eddie from Manchester, England. He says ‘I know your gonna beat that loser Chairman on Blitz, but what are you gonna do once you become the EWA Extreme Champion?’ That one’s easy. As I said last week, Chairboy is simply phase one of the Deadly Era. Once that title is safely wrapped around my waist I am systematically gonna work my way through every piece of trash who works for this pathetic promotion. Remember Chairboy; I’m giving you ‘till Tuesday night to vacate your title to me by forfeit. I strongly advise you do just that, because if you turn up at that arena on Tuesday night with that belt still wrapped snugly around your pitiful little waist you won’t know what’s hit you ‘till it’s all over. Well folks, I hope this has been an informative little session for you and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have. Keep that fan mail rollin’ in, maybe we can do this again some time. Until then, this has been your Extreme Icon and role model Dave Deadly. Good night.
[The camera fades to black]
S**t, f**kin’ stupid kids. What a complete waste of my f**kin’ time! I’ve got a match to get ready for…
![]() Steven Rage stands before a model of a pyramid holding a sledgehammer in his hands.
Rage: Well Well Well The time is slowly approaching where I will meet the man from Egypt, the crowd's favorite, the man who has not only encouraged me to do my damnest but also has laid claim to being the next TV Champion.....dethroneing me! He claims that he will lock that Death Roll on me and drain ever ounce of my remaining energy as he raises his arms in victory. Then he tells me he is going to win MY tournament, take my money then beat me again.....these are all things I find difficult to comprehend! He thinks that I am going to come down to the ring and lay down letting him take what I have strived so hard for! At Blitz I will show my truly evil intentions and bash him with every thing I can find.....if I get disqualified then so be it because HE will taste every sweet bit of my evil and animosity.......I will change him forever and he will leave on a stretcher! If he is lucky he wont be able to wrestle again......Lionheart let me! tell you now that the smartest thing you can do right now is to stay home! Don't come to Blitz! It is in your best interest or you will be decimated!
<Grabs a pair of safety goggles and puts them on. Raiseing the sledgehammer into the air.>
<smashes pieces of the pyramid everywhere>
Now looking forward to what is to come after Lionheart tucks tail and runs....We have my tournament for $25,000! One person has applied and I am extermely disappointed with that fact...I mean with caliber athletes such as Corruptor, El Spastico, Ty Lomax, Damian Smith.....and so on and so on....hell the offers should have been pouring in for a chance to win my money.....The tournament was intended to be an invitational so I am asking any of the athletes in the EWA who have an single ounce of desire for success or hell even a desire to make some easy money then sign up IT WILL BE HELD in 2 weeks so thats how long everyone has to drop your name in the hat.....So come on guys JUST DO IT!
![]() //The psychotron shows an EWA camera crew is sitting around checking their equipment in the backstage area. They are talking about the upcoming Blitz and if the EWA can withstand the onslaught of the IPWA. The crowd is buzzing. The crew turn around and see the door open and enters Bridge. He is wearing a Steven Rage T-shirt and his wrestling tights.//
Bridge : You guys set up?
//Crowd pops seeing Bridge.//
Cameraman : We will be but Marcus isn't here. I think he is in the toilet.
Bridge : Who cares. At least the shit is coming out the right end now. Now you get ready cause I have some things to say.
//EWA crew setup and then give the ok for Bridge to start to talk.//
Bridge : Now I am here to say Jarod Crow as far the 8-man elimination match is concerned my offer still stands. My hand is extended as a member of team EWA. I will watch your back just to make sure you are healthy and for the EWA faithful. I want you to know Jarod I'm EWA, its in the veins. As far as these IPWA clowns go they are about to become landfill. Its funny how these so-called Invaders have a german with him. Because the outcome will be the same as the World Wars. The Allies slow to react but thrashing your Axis arses all the way back to Germany.
//Crowd roars and Bridge pauses then looks at the camera with intent.//
Bridge : Now Jarod Crow,I want you to know the gripe I have with you will slide as your given me what I want. The direction I need, first the IPWA will become an afterthought and then a ladder match. I thank you Jarod because this match will see the elavation in more ways than one of Bridge to the next level. A match that has a brutal grace to it, a match for the EWA faithful. The purpose I need, I feel the temperature rising and the electricity building.Oh its time, time to rock the foundation. Bridge....
Crowd : 1..0..1
![]() (Bateman center. The fans are anxiously awaiting more high energy EWA action. Tonight will be the highlight of many a toothless trailer dweller's life. Without warning, Message In Blood explodes through the PA. Lockdown, with mic in hand, strides cockily down the ramp. He climbs into the ring and measures the crowd. To his disgust, there are actually a few cheers barely audible amidst the boos.)
Lockdown:NEW YORK CITY!!!!
(Crowd Cheers)
See New York, I'm doin a little survey. Are you here to see the IPWA...
(Crowd Boos)
Or are you here to see -- (Crowd begins to chant E-W-A, but Lockdown interrupts.) Oh come on retards,like I'm really gonna use that tired old shit. You should be ashamed of yourselves, getting all worked up for a six year old, second rate catch-phrase. I'm not even here to talk about the IPWA. They're not even worth my breath. Lets face it, IPWA is just a senior citizen, A test tube baby, And a man who, as champ, ran his fed into the ground, all led by a guy who's pissed that his business was successful. No, people, and I use that term REEEAL fucking loosely, I'm here to tell CHAIRMAN some good news. I have decided we're gonna have a match . That's right I made that decision all by myself. The fact that technically, I don't have the damn authority to do so don't make a f**k to me....Cause it's like this: Mr Flaws, if you DON'T give me the match, right here in this ring... in front of all these fans...with a referee, and security...when I say so, then I'll start the damn thing anywhere I please. I'll tell you plain and simple... if we do it like that, one of your champions will be put on the shelf for a while if you know what I mean. Lets face it Mr Flaws, you're in no position to start losing your talent right now. Now be a good boy, and do what Daddy says.
(Lockdown tosses the mic into the crowd, and makes his way backstage.)
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