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![]() (roleplays from July 13th - 20th)
![]() 1) Lockdown: It's an illness, honest it is!
![]() 2) Ryan Caron: Introductions
![]() 3) Jarod Crow: Doctor's Orders
![]() 4) The Corruptor: The "Age of Corruption" has begun
![]() 5) Leviathan: For whom the bell tolls
![]() 6) Bridge: The Bridge way
![]() 7) Jarod Crow: Let the games begin
![]() 8) Dave Deadly: The Extreme Era continues
(Camera cuts on and shows Lockdown in his dressing room. Standing next to him is Marcus Allen.)
Allen: Lockdown, You have made some pretty strong statements about the IPWA, yet you also said you will stay out of their business. Which is it Lockdown?
Lockdown: Gimmie that mic and keep your questions limited to your sexuality. The answer is... both! I've been as clear as I can be on that subject. I don't know what all you came here to ask me about, but it doesn't matter. I have an announcement. Chairman, I know I've been f**king with your head, but clean the manseed out of your ears, son. I never asked for a title shot. I just want a match. A chance to show the world what a ho you really are. A chance to show you who your Daddy is. The thing is, I think you already know that. You're just scared. Its in your nature. You're a ho. You think you're so smart... trying to duck me just by refusing my challenge. You're not smart at all. In fact, it's no wonder that mining company canned your ass. You refuse my challenge, but accept one issued by Steven Rage? Well Chairman, my announcement is... I also accept Rage's challenge. And Steven, this is YOUR tourney, so I'm asking a favor. Make sure I draw Chairman in the first round. We can discuss compensation later. For now, Let's just say I owe you a favor. Now, it has come to my attention that the front office is not pleased with my frequent use of off color language. I beg your pardon sirs, but I have, as of late, been diagnosed with a medical condition that causes me to cuss involuntarily. I have a note from my doctor right here.
(reaches into his breast pocket, and retrieves a piece of paper. He holds it up to the camera revealing a hand written note in black marker, on notebook paper.)
It reads:
Please excuse Lockdown's language. He has Turrett's Syndrome
Signed, Lockdown's Doctor
Lockdown: You know Allen, I feel a fit coming on (starts twitching) Sh*t, F**k, F**k, F**k, Cu*dum**ter, F**k .... Whoah! sorry about that!
Cut to commercial.
(Scene opens up at the interview area were Marcus Allen is holding a mic to the new comer Ryan Caron.)
Marcus: Well let me be the first to say welcome to the EWA. Now you have asked to get interviewed why is that?
Ryan: I asked because I want all of the EWA know who I am.
Marcus: Okay anything else? (Ryan looks at the Staff member with a rude look on his face.)
Ryan: Yeah something else, Listen up EWA, the name is Ryan Caron now I am a lightweight wrestler but I can still hold my own against heavier guys. I opening up a challenge to anyone for Blitz. When I get a chellenger and we have our match, I am going to make one thing perfectly clear you will lose.
Marcus: Sounds like your really full of yourself? Now what would to happen if someone like Damian Smith or even the Chairman challenge you? Do you think you can beat them?
Ryan: You mean a guy dressed in purple and carries a purple chair where ever he goes, please.
Marcus: What about The New Adam, Simon Fury, or even Max Mancuso?
Ryan: I am glad you mention thoughs names, cause let me make it very clear to you three and your boss, during my match I dont care with who, if you three even think about interfearing, no matter what the out come is I will kick all of your asses. To me all you three are is a bunch of cowards who can fight someone one to one, well you see I came alone what does that tell you?
Marcus: Are you challenging them? Cause I have seen them in action and I have to say that they are tough.
Ryan: You know you keep talking good about these guys, I saw what they did on Blitz and they didn't look so tough, I am starting to think that maybe your with them.
Marcus: What thats retarted.
Ryan: Is it? Tell your boys that if they want to try me then just bring it. (
Ryan walks away from the Staff member, and walks back into the locker room area. Marcus just looks shocked after being accused of being part of the IPWA.)
The scene is set in the bleak hallways of a doctor’s surgery. The camera moves through an open doorway to find a balding, middle-aged doctor finishing up his examination of a patient by shining a light in his eyes. As the camera pans round we see that the patient is Jarod Crow. The doctor finishes his examination and begins to speak
Doctor: “Well Mr Crow, I’m sorry but I can’t find anything physically wrong with you that could be causing the pain you talked about.” -Crow glares at the doctor a moment and takes a deep breath before continuing
Crow: “Then why does it hurt so much?”
Doctor: “Well I said there wasn’t anything physically wrong with you. However … I believe that there may be something mentally wrong that is causing the illusion of pain. If you would permit me, then I would like to schedule an appointment with one of our psych counsels-“
Jarod cuts him off mid-sentence, his voice like ice
Crow: “I don’t need a shrink.”
Doctor: “Mr Crow I think you should reconsider … you clearly have some issues and I assure you that he is extremely compet-“ -
Once more Jarod cuts him off, this time angry
The doctor jumps back a few steps before continuing obviously affronted
Doctor: “Very well then Mr Crow. If you would like, then I can give you something for the pain.”
Jarod breathes out slowly, closing his eyes for a second
Crow: “No, it’s OK. I’m sorry; I just had to be sure. I’ll show myself out. I have a match to prepare for.”
Jarod walks out of the surgery as the doctor shakes his head. When he gets outside, Jarod slumps against the wall of the building and takes a lot of quick shallow breaths, before beginning to speak without bothering to turn towards the camera
“So you see, the pain is still there. A punishment for my cowardice. I could have fought them. I could have taken the fight to them. Stopped what happened. Stopped Rick the Brick. Stopped Simon Fury. Stopped Max Mancuso. Stopped New Adam. I could have stopped them. But I didn’t so now I must suffer the pain.”
Jarod holds his head for a moment, overcome by the pain, before he continues with a new fervour in his voice, almost frantic
“But I have the chance. I can fight against the bullies. I can avenge my cowardice. I can bring Redemption to my tainted soul. All I have to do is fight them. Fight them on fair terms. If I do that I can achieve a small amount of Redemption. And I can have my Vengeance. I can carry out the whole damn fed’s Vengeance. I know that I can do it. I know that if I get the chance, I can fight through the pain, both real and imaginary and emerge the other side the Victor. But I may not get the chance.” “The match is not yet complete, I NEED YOU. THE EWA NEEDS YOU!!! Someone has to step forwards. I don’t care who. I don’t care if it’s Johnny Thunder, Damian “The Wolf” Smith, JJ Blaze, El Spastico. I don’t give a damn. I just need one more person to defend their federation. One more person who will stand up and fight … For the EWA. One more person. And when I get him, then watch out IPWA for the champion of the victims is coming for you. And in our match on Blitz, the Sins of the Many will be Carried Out, ON YOU!!!”
-fade to black-
(Scene fades in to a black stretch limo pulling in the arena and Marcus Allen rushes to the limo)
Allen: I understand that a major superstar has arrived in the arena. Someone who has not been seen for a good while. Let's go talk to this superstar.
(The door opens, as the Corrupter steps out)
The Corrupter: Hello, Marcus. It's nice to see you again.
(Allen is flattered by the statement. He looks down as the Corrupter takes the luggage out of the trunk)
Allen: Tell me what you have been doing while you recuperated from your injury?
(The Corrupter laughs) Corrupter: Simply put, picking my best spot. I've been sitting back at home waiting for the perfect opportunity to jump back in the game. I've kept myself in shape, and I've been studying the EWA.
Allen: Now, what do you plan to do? Corrupter: Well, if you don't know, I've been invited to the Steven Rage Invitational, and I intend to win the invitational and then go after the big fish.
Allen: Well, are you talking about Mac Maloy?
Corrupter: Correct. Maloy has not been defending his title lately, so I see myself fit to take it away from the defunct superstar. You see, Flaws coined the phrase... "Age of Corruption". Well, it begins tonight. (The Corrupter walks off as Allen looks on.)
(Scene fades out)
#Large Bells Ring on a Black screen#
Leviathan : I told you.
#More Large Bells ring a black screen#
Leviathan : I warned you.
#More Large Bells ring a black screen#
Leviathan : The TIME of the EXTREME Beast was coming to the EWA.
#Again more Large Bells ring a black screen.#
#Then the EWA Undercover camera opens in the bowels of the Bateman center. The Boiler room where Leviathan is standing looking intently at the flames.#
Leviathan : IPWA its nothing personal. I'm afraid for you, its part of my contract. Even you Rick can see the beauty of what happen. Mr Flaws pays me well to kick all your asses. And that is the point the whole reason is money and a chance of gold. The EWA means little to me, its an opportunity to increase the Beast. Mac Malloy do not think that you are safe, any other time I would have sat and enjoyed the IPWA treating you like a rag doll. But money dictates the assistance I offered. There will be a time when my focus will be the EWA world title but now it is Rick the Brick and his three little pigs. Wherever you turn, look in fear. That is what I saw in your eyes at Blitz. The hesistation, the unknown. Once you step in the deep end, you cannot escape the dark water Devestator.
#Screen fades to black and Large Bells Ring on the Black screen#
Leviathan : This Blitz I will make a statement OF J J Blaze.
#Screen fades to blacka and Large Bells Ring on the Black screen As AC/DC Hells Bells is heard.#
//EWA Undercover comes back from a commercial with Marcus Allen standing with Bridge in front of the EWA backdrop. Bridge is wearing a t-shirt which has the EWA logo on it.//
Marcus : Well I'm here with Bridge. Bridge what an eventful Blitz we had last night. EWA standing tall?
Bridge : Marcus, I've said all along the EWA would stand tall against the IPWA. And that wasn't hard considering all the IPWA is random acts of cowardice. When confronted they shrivel up in their coccons and start sucking their thumbs. And coming next Blitz they are in for a universe of pain. Team EWA owes these bastards an ample dose of chair salad.
Marcus : So, all the members are on the same page?
Bridge : Hey, we can put our differences aside for the good of the company. And the two reasons I helped Crow was because he IS the EWA euroamerican champ and second I don't want to face a cripple in our upcoming ladder match. The Fans don't want to see that either. So until then its a truce and I will watch his, Smithy's and Ty's back. That goes for any EWA that needs a hand from the IPWA. They ain't taking any more cheap shots on my watch.
Marcus : So you see yourself as the unofficial EWA head of Security then?
Bridge : Not really. All I see is that I am the unofficial head of arse kicking. After a week off with no match, I have a whole lot of built up aggression which needs an avenue. Coming next Blitz it will explode and you will see why Jarod Crow and the EWA faithful see me as THE EWA entertainer. Its going to be raining soupbones on the IPWA.
Marcus : Are Team EWA going to train together before the big match up?
Bridge : Marcus, I will train as I always do before a match. The Bridge way - Beer, Women, Beer, Weights, Beer, Women and then more Beer and Women. Now if you excuse me its time for drop of the amber nectar.
//Marcus looks confused//
Bridge : Beer you dumbass!!
//Bridge walks of and shows the back of his shirt which shows "REMEMBER THE NAME" with NAME crossed out and replaced with PAIN//
The screen is dark. Nothing can be seen. Out of the darkness we hear someone breathing. Suddenly writing appears on the screen
-Pictures are shown of the eight men in the tag match on next week’s Blitz as a voice rings out of the darkness
- Rick the Brick … The EWA’s unmoveable object … a human wrecking machine
Max Mancuso … A forty-year old veteran … a former champion
New Adam … The so-called Adonis … the hope of a people … a picture of perfection?
Simon Fury … a figure of dominance … held every title in every fed
Damian “The Wolf” Smith … the man who by rights should hold the Euromerican title … the man who still wants it
Bridge … former TV champ … “the Thunder from Down Under”
“The Natural” Ty Lomax … the supposed rookie … the man behind the Oakley’s
Jarod Crow “Everybody’s Victim” … the Euromerican Champion … the champion of the victims … a man on a mission
-The pictures and words fade away as more writing appears
- 2 SIDES -Pictures are shown of all four of the members of each team together …
the IPWA sadistic and arrogant …
the EWA determined and angry
- The IPWA … Nothing to lose … everything to gain … something to prove
The EWA … They have a fed to defend … a livelihood to protect … they stand to lose everything … they need to prove nothing -
Even as the last words and writing are fading the next words flash up onto the screen
- 1 MATCH … my match.
-The darkness dies away and we see that the speaker is Jarod Crow. Dressed in his wrestling gear with the EWA Euromerican Title slung over one shoulde
r- “The final piece has been laid. All is ready. The EWA is ready. Are you? Are you really ready Simon? Max? Adam? Rick? I’m ready. I’ve been ready since I first saw you appear on “Undercover”. I’ve been ready ever since you came on at Blitz and hit me with the Texas Cloverleaf and the Fourth Reich. Oh I’m ready. So without further ado, let the games begin”
-fade to black-
[DeadlyVision comes up on Dave Deadly sitting in his hotel room. He has a bandage wrapped around his head and clearly hasn't slept in days. He stands up, looking straight into the camera.]
A few weeks ago, Dave Deadly arrived here in this stinking company. I warned you all that it was my time to shine. I warned you that the Deadly Era had begun here in the EWA. In my first match, I showed you all just what I was capable of. I took out Lockdown, El Spastico and JC Swinger in one single match. I told the Chairboy that come last Tuesday's Blitz, he would be an ex-Extreme Champion. I went out there to the ring and gave Chairboy a taste of my abilities. Last Tuesday night, the EWA witnessed the Deadly Bomb for the first time. Did you enjoy that Chairboy? You'll be picking barbed wire and splinters out of your back for weeks. [Smiles] But despite all of this, you fought back. You brought all your little chairs out with you. You tried to set me on fire with a flaming chair. You tried to shred me up with a barbed wire chair. Hell, you even planted me through a tower of chairs at ringside. But you know what? I still got up!
You see, the thing that really pisses me off about our match on Tuesday night is not that you beat me. Oh no, there will be a next time Chairboy, and when that time comes I'll beat you to within an inch of your life and then take that title from you. The thing that pisses me off is that JC Swinger saw fit to bring himself and his little tramp down to ringside and interfere in a match in which he didn't belong! JC Swinger - Mr Hardcore Icon - just what right did you have interfering in my match? You cost me the EWA Extreme Title you piece of crap! If it hadn't been for you I'd be sitting here now with the title wrapped snugly around my waist. But no, you came out and took me out with a Beverly Hills Number Cruncher. Well that's just too bad Swinger. You see you're now phase two of the Deadly Era. You said 'next time I'll show you no mercy'. Well believe me, I'm only just warming up. On Tuesday night' I'm gonna confine JC Swinger to the history books. Your Extreme career is over Swinger, care of the Extreme Machine!
Now get that camera out of my f#*king face.
[Fade out]
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