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![]() (roleplays from July 21st-23rd)
![]() 1) Mac Maloy: Wholesale Redemption
![]() 2) Bridge: Getting ready fro the 8 man
![]() 3) Dave Deadly: Living like Swinger
![]() 4) Leviathan: 3 courses of destruction
![]() 5) Jarod Crow: Mr Smirnoff helps the pain
![]() 6) Lockdown: How the other half live
![]() 7) Jarod Crow: I don't do autographs
![]() 8) Lockdown: Predictions
![]() 9) Dave Deadly: Back to Lockdown's roots
![]() ( The camera opens up on a dimly lit parking lot. A rumble from a diesel engine bellows slightly from a rig in front of us. It's parking lights on and we see Truck Maloy standing with his back turned to the camera. Truck fumbles around putting clothes into an old navy duffle bag and then throws it in the sleeper cab shutting the door. Truck starts to reach up for the drivers side door handle when Marcus Allen comes into the picture.)
Marcus: Truck....Truck!!!!
( Truck releases the handle and turns to the camera. His EWA World Title wrapped around his waist. Marcus walks up beside him.)
Marcus: Truck!!! Can we get a little word on your health status after the severe beating you suffered at last weeks Blitz!!
Truck: My health is just fine. It's not the first time I've taken an ass kickin'!!!
Marcus: Last week at Blitz the IPWA was hell bent on ending your career during your match with Rick the Brick when Phil Flaws' newest hitman Leviathan appeared and rescued you from certain destruction. Will you join Leviathan, and the rest of the EWA members in helping destroy the IPWA?
Truck: I'll start by saying this. It don't matter who is running the show as far as I'm concerned. I'm in this for one reason and one reason only. This (points to the belt). It's all about the EWA World Title to me. I could give two drops of mountain oysters what the IPWA and EWA have going on between them. However, the IPWA felt it necessary to come into the backstage area and step into the world of Truck Maloy. They jumped me from behind leaving me battered in the dressing room where I later had to have eighteen stitches put into my head. The IPWA made it their business to mess with me. So my only reason for having a match with Brick last week was to get payback for what they did. During the match the IPWA members decided to get involved and kept me from doing that very thing. The way I look at it Rick the Brick still has some payback coming his way.
Marcus: Any particular time and place this is going to happen!!
Truck: Damn right!!! At the next Pay Per View I'm challenging Rick the Brick to a return match. You see I'm not gonna sit around in the back waiting to catch Brick when he's not looking. I'm not gonna have 3 other guys come with me and hold him down so I can kick the hell out of him. No, no, no. Rick and I are gonna stand toe to toe...face to FACE. In the middle of the ring. He's gonna now exactly what he's in store for!!!
Marcus: What about the fact that President Flaws has hired Leviathan to take out the IPWA.
Truck: You mean that big freak bastard that thinks he's Neptune. I'll tell you exactly what I think of him. Last week he stepped in that ring and took out the IPWA single handedly. But I didn't ask him to. I didn't want him to. Leviathan came down to the ring and stuck his nose in my business. If Leviathan decides to ever do it again. If he gets any ideas of coming down to the ring and walking up those steps while I'm in the ring, then as far as I'm concerned he just stepped in my highway. And just like Rick the Brick is gonna find out at Wholesale Aggression; Leviathan will find out....why....you don't play.................in traffic!!!!
( Truck reaches up and grabs the door handle again and crawls into the driver's seat. He slams the door behind him and revs the engine a few times then pulls the horn chain.)
Marcus: Strong words, from a strong champion!!!!
![]() //8-men, 1 survivor//
Quick flash of IPWA and EWA team
//IPWA – the hostile Invaders//
Flash shows all the carnage the IPWA has brought on the EWA superstars.
//EWA – the defiant Defenders//
Flash of EWA members standing tall form last weeks Blitz.
//This Blitz find out who will win.//
//EWA Undercover opens with Marcus Allen sitting at the Undercover desk.//
Marcus : Welcome back as we profile this huge event at the coming Blitz, 8 men in a classic survivor series. Who will win? Well for my sake I hope it’s the Team EWA. Lets take time now to look at the interview I had today with Bridge in a local gym.
//The Screen cuts to Bridge hitting the punching bag. Beside him is a large white fridge. Bridge notices Marcus and stops punching and turns to greet Marcus.//
Marcus : Thanks for the time Bridge especially with the huge match coming up. How is the training going?
//Bridge motions for Marcus to follow and walks over to the fridge. He opens to reveal in is stacked with bottles of Hahn premium bitter and one lone bottle of water.//
Bridge: That’s for the dehydration. The rest is my energy source.
//Marcus shakes his head.//
Marcus : Doing it the Bridge way I see?
Bridge : There is no other way.
Marcus : What about the big match up, can we win it?
Bridge : What do you mean we, paleface? As far as I know it’s the red hot rookie TY Lomax, the reigning Euroamerican Champion Jarod Crow, the best damn submission man in the EWA Damian Smith and the Thunder from down under in this match not you. I will let that slide. You know Marcus ever since the IPWA arrived there is a man they have not attacked and that’s me. Why? I don’t know. But that is their first big mistake. Second they just pissed me off with the girly tactics of sneaking around.
Marcus : So your ready?
Bridge : I haven’t finished. You see I fight looking at a mans eyes, seeing the fear in them. Letting them know they ain’t passing the Bridge. Answer to your question, damn sure I ready. Ready for the pleasure and pain.
//The ladies shower room door opens and a beautiful woman sticks her head out.//
Woman : Bridge, oh sorry but the girls are ready for you massage.
Bridge : Sorry Marcus, but I need to complete my training.
//Marcus shakes his head again and motions cut as Bridge is seen entering the locker room.//
![]() [The DeadlyVision camera is speeding down Sunset Boulevard in a red convertible. The street is lined with palm trees and huge iron gates leading up to several celebrity homes. The camera turns. Sitting on the back seat, sunglasses on and wearing an Extreme Machine tank top is Dave Deadly. He sits back, relaxed as he speaks.]
Hey, when you come to California you ride in style! DeadlyVision is on location folks! About an hour ago, we landed in Los Angeles airport. We rented a car, took off towards Howard Hughes Parkway, onto Interstate 405 and now here we are on Sunset Boulevard! Hey Swinger! I think I can see your house from here! It looks like I’ve got a confession to make, Deadly fans. You see, I’ve never been to Beverly Hills before so this is all kinda new to me. In fact, later on I think I’m gonna kick back and relax on Venice Beach. Of course, since this is your hometown Swinger, can you recommend anywhere to eat? Some of you will be wondering what has persuaded me to catch a flight down to my opponent’s hometown and take a look around. It’s pretty simple. You see, by coming down to my opponent’s hangout I may better understand his in-ring motivation. JC Swinger is such an angry little asshole, so I thought I’d take a look at Beverly Hills and see what’s made him so tense. Well it looks fine to me Swinger. Maybe I’m wrong about this one. Maybe you’re just angry because the Extreme Machine Dave Deadly has stolen your spotlight. Just think of the opportunity you’ve missed jackass. If you hadn’t have interfered in my match with Chairboy on Tuesday night you could have been the number one contender and taken on Dave Deadly for the title. The Extreme Machine vs The Extreme Icon. Think of the box office. But it’s too late now moron. Instead of taking you on for the Extreme Title – which I’d have been happy to do – I’ve now got to take on you and that loser Lockdown. Instead of beating you in a triumphant fashion in the most explosive Extreme Title match in history, I’ll now beat you on Tuesday Night Blitz in a number one contenders match with a nobody named Lockdown.
How embarrassing for you. But hey, never mind Swinger. After all, you’re way past your career highlights now. I suppose the only thing left for you to do is throw in the towel, hang up your boots and move back here to sunny California.
[Deadly pulls out a map of movie star’s homes]
Anyway, I can’t sit around talkin’ all day, I’ve got sightseeing to do. Catch you later Swinger.
[Fade out]
![]() (Marcus Allen is standing outside the locker rooms. On the door to the locker room is a Trident.)
Marcus : I waiting here to get a word from Leviathan, President Flaws new hired wrecking ball.
(The door opens but it is not Leviathan but the drop dead gorgeous Athena, Leviathan's assistant.)
Athena : I will see what they have. Oh Marcus is here.
Marcus : Can I get a moment with Leviathan?
Athena : Marcus wants to talk.
(Athena waits the turns back to Marcus.)
Athena : You can go in.
(Athena walks away and Marcus enters. Inside the locker room is Leviathan, sitting watching TV with his entourage.)
Leviathan : Marcus, welcome what can I do for you?
Marcus : Thanks, Can I get some thoughts on my recent interview with Mac Malloy?
Leviathan : Mac Malloy, What was it he said? Get on his HIGHWAY and I will be hit in a TRAFFIC JAM. I get it, he is a truck so he uses metaphors to align himself with this idealology. I am surprise you didn't mention ROADKILL while your at it. TOOT TOOT Mr Malloy. I accept the thank you for the assist I gave you. One thing, I see you understand mythology, personally I see myself as Poseidon, Ruler of the seas, Brother of Zeus and Brother of Hades. Now Mr Malloy, that belt you admire is temporarily yours until I am allowed off the leash. So until then shine it up real nice. Because even you can understand this, when I finish with you they are going to need a TOWTRUCK to cart away the WRECKAGE.
Marcus : Thats strong words considering Mac Malloy is the current EWA World Champion.
Leviathan : Personally, I prefer to let my actions speak louder. But Mr Malloy relies heavily on bravado and metaphors. You can see how much I much I had to say with the carnage of the IPWA.
Marcus : About the IPWA, were you invited to the 8-man and what is the next level in your battle with the IPWA.
Leviathan : No I wasn't asked and personally don't care about it. The IPWA are nothing but two bit thieves, hell they ripped off my last promo. Hades didn't I copyright the Tick Tock thing?
(Leviathan turns and looks at Hades who shakes his head no)
Leviathan : Damn, loss of revenue.
Marcus : So your prepared for them?
Leviathan : Marcus, look at me. I am not afraid of the IPWA, but they are scared of me. This blitz I make a statement of JJ Blaze. This is just an entree. The IPWA will be the main course and mac Malloy you just might be DESSERT!!!
(Fade to Black)
![]() The camera looks around a dimly lit and extremely shabby apartment building the lights overhead are almost all dark and the few that are lit flicker constantly. The wallpaper is peeling, revealing the dirty white plaster beneath. The floor is covered by what must have once been a fairly luxurious carpet, which is now dirty, and ripped. Faded golden numbers and letters mark all the doors. By all accounts this was once a fairly up-market establishment, but it has now fallen into disrepair. A woman wanders down the hall; she has long red hair, a pretty face and is wearing a closely cut suit. She is young, probably in her early twenties. In one hand she carries a microphone, in the other she holds a small piece of paper. As she walks down the hall she glances from the numbers on the doors to the piece of paper and back again. Finally she stops outside of a door marked 34B. There are no distinguishing marks simply the number and letter on the door in faded gold. She takes one more look at the piece of paper then puts it in her pocket and mutters to herself
- Woman: “Yup, this is the address that Marcus gave me. I can hardly believe that a pro wrestler would live here, yet alone the Euromerican Champion.”
-The woman knocks at the door, we here a brief shuffling behind the door, and then it creaks open and out steps Jarod Crow. He looks decidedly worse for wear. He is wearing a crumpled black shirt and creased black jeans. There is several days’ worth of stubble on his cheeks and despite the relative darkness of the hall he is squinting and partially covering his eyes with one hand. He looks at the woman and appears slightly bemused, not knowing who she is. He waits for her to break the silence and when she does not he does it himself speaking in a tired somewhat flat voice
- Jarod: “OK who are you and what the hell are you doing knocking at my door?” -He does not spot the camera, and before he can the woman has gathered herself up and she begins to talk
- Woman: “Mr Crow I’m a reporter with the EWA, my name is Juliet Baker. Marcus … Marcus Allen that is gave me your address to come and interview you. He said he had be- I mean other things to do.”
-Jarod looks half annoyed and half amused by Juliet’s introduction. He pauses for a moment and then speaks
- Jarod: “Don’t try and kid me Ms Baker, Marcus said he had better things to do than interview a deranged superstar who rants on about bullies and probably needs a shrink. Am I right? … You don’t need to answer I know I am. And he’s right he does have better things to do, and so do you. Anyway I thought I told Marcus I didn’t want any more reporters snooping around my apartment?” -This comment makes Juliet very uncomfortable and she quickly says
- Juliet: “Oh, in that case I can leave. I didn’t want to intrude on your privacy.”
-Jarod laughs a little before speaking- “Don’t worry, just a little joke on my part. Come in.”
-He turns his back and begins to walk into his apartment before adding sarcastically
- Jarod: “Make yourself at home.”
-As they both make their way through the door the camera can see little through the darkness. Juliet flips the light switch, and Jarod wincing shielding his eyes at the bright light that invades the room. In the now illuminated apartment, we see that it is very sparsely furnished. A couple of hard wooden chairs, a small rickety table and a small TV and VCR make up the most of the furnishing. The object that makes the most impact in the room however is the one that is the most out of place. A large, ornate bookcase sits in the corner of the room and is filled to the brim with books, some new and glossy, some much handled and dull. A door, half ajar leads to another room, which is shrouded in darkness and lying on the floor is an empty bottle that once contained vodka. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Juliet tries to make some conversation, starting with the most obvious topic, and the Spartan furnishings of the room
- Juliet: “Well Mr Crow this is certainly not what I expected. Most wrestlers have much more luxuriant places. Is there a particular reason why the is so little furniture.”
Jarod: “Not really. I have everything I need right here. I don’t need anything more elaborate. I have a television, places to sit, and eat. And a place to keep my books.”
Juliet: “Yes I suppose you’re right. May I say that you do have a very impressive collection of books Mr Crow?”
Jarod: “When you grow up like I did, if you don’t find something to do when you’re alone, then you’ll go crazy. I simply prefer books over other things.”
-Juliet looks embarrassed at the word crazy, and a slow blush begins to creep up her face. Jarod ignores this and awaits her next question. Juliet looks around the room, looking for something to draw the attention away from that subject. He eyes rest on the bottle lying on the floor and she gestures to it before speaking
- Juliet: “So Mr Crow do you drink a lot? I couldn’t help but notice that bottle.”
-Jarod’s voice becomes cold as he answers the question
- Jarod: “I don’t see how it’s any of your business Ms Baker, but no, I don’t drink often. That bottle is there simply because I was drinking to dull the pain.”
-Again Juliet appears extremely uncomfortable at that comment. She once again looks around the room searching for something to change the subject. Finding nothing she reverts to old ground
- Juliet: “Ummm … Mr Crow I have to say again that I’m very surprised by what your apartment is like and where it is. Most wrestlers at least have their own houses. If not a mansion, like J.C. Swinger has. I’m sure that you get paid enough”
Jarod: “Like I said. I have everything I need right here. And as for my pay, I give about half to charity, orphanages mostly.”
Juliet: “Oh of course, you grew up in an orphanage didn’t you, what was it-”
-Jarod cuts her off sharply in mid-sentence
- Jarod: “Ms Baker I doubt you are here to discuss my home, my drinking habits, or my past. So if you would kindly get to the point?”
-Juliet gulps then hesitates before answering
- Juliet: “OK then Mr Crow. I’m a bit embarrassed about this but recently your mental health has come under speculation. You have been speaking a lot about a pain in your head that you refer to as a punishment for something. And the doctor you visited last week said that there was nothing physically wrong with you. He also suggested that you might need to see a Psychiatrist and so I was sent to investigate. You had suggested that after you had finally faced the IPWA that the pain would go away and I was wondering if that was in fact the case?”
-Jarod is silent for a moment considering his answer. When he does speak his tone is full of anger
- Jarod: “Ms Baker, first of all no the pain has not gone away, hence the vodka bottle you noticed. I was trying to drown out the pain. Secondly my mental health has been better, it’s true. But it’s also been worse. If not much. That’s all I have to say on that subject.”
Juliet: “But if you’re still in pain will you be able to give 100 percent in your upcoming ladder match against Bridge? And what are your feelings towards Bridge causing your elimination in the 8-man tag match?”
Jarod: “I have fought through pain before and I will again. As for Bridge he did cause my elimination, but it was a mistake. And at Wholesale Aggression, I will be able to make sure that he doesn’t make any more “mistakes”. Now if you would kindly leave, I have to get to the gym. I’ve got a match to prepare for.”
-fade to black-
(scene opens on Lockdown standing alone in front of Comiskey Park on the South side of Chicago. Camera zooms in to a tight shot of Lockdown.)
Lockdown:J...C...SWINGER... You poor, miserable bastard. This Tuesday, on Blitz, you're gonna enter the ring with a couple o boys from Chicago, Illinoyz. While you're sitting in your hottub, sipping on your pretty little drinks with umbrellas, Deadly and I are rolling bitches like you for their Rolex. You run around talking that shit about "Hardcore Icon", and "The first EWA extreme champion." Well boss, what have you done lately? Probably nothing but hang out by the pool and get soft. You certainly haven't done anything here in the EWA. Swinger, face it. You fell off. You walk around here flashing all that cash you're so proud of, but do you really think you're the only one around here with money? Hell son, most of us have money. Steven Rage has so much he's putting 25 grand up at Whloesale Aggression. And you don't think I got sent to the joint for skippin Sunday school, do you? I Damn sure didn't get my reputation by selling Girl Scout Cookies. Swinger, all you are is a wanna-be. You act all tough so your little country club pals will kiss your ass and think you're SOOO cool. I see you for exactly what you are--- A scared little coward. You don't have enough heart to win a triple threat match against Gary Coleman and Webster, let alone a couple of Windy City Hustlers. After Blitz, you may not even remember your own name, but youll damn sure remember mine.
(Fade To Black)
![]() -The scene is set in a busy high street. Currents of people stream past. In all different colours they are constantly moving and swirling around. But in the sea of people in a myriad of colours is one rock in black. Jarod Crow is standing in the middle of crowds that threaten to sweep him away. He is perfectly calm; he simply stands there and lets the river of people wash past him. As the camera gets closer he appears to have his eyes closed and is simply soaking in the sounds and the atmosphere. Suddenly he breaks from his reverie and begins to move through the flowing masses. He turns into a slightly less crowded street. As he walks a small child approaches him. He looks about nine or ten and as he gets closer to Jarod and the camera we see he is holding a notebook and a pen in his hand-
Kid: “Excuse me sir? Are you Jarod Crow?”
-Jarod looks down at the kid quizzically-
Jarod: “Yes, what of it?”
Kid: “Are you kidding? You’re the Euromerican champion in the EWA!”
-Jarod looks at the kid coldly and repeats himself-
Jarod: “What of it?”
Kid: “Wow I can’t believe I’m meeting Jarod Crow. Can I have your autograph?”
-Jarod says nothing for a moment, not sure quite what to say, then he says-
Jarod: “You don’t want my autograph kid. Go look for Mac Maloy or someone.”
-The kid looks hurt. That’s not necessarily a bad thing-
Kid: “But you’re my favourite wrestler, I don’t want anyone else’s autograph.”
Jarod: “Look kid I don’t deserve your admiration or anyone else’s. I’m not in the EWA to be a hero. I’m there for two reasons: to fight the bullies and to entertain people. But I don’t deserve to be anything else.”
-The kid doesn’t understand. He wasn’t supposed to-
Kid: “You mean you’re not going to give me you’re autograph?”
Jarod: “Just run along kid, I’m going for a drink.”
-With that Jarod, walks away from the kid. Jarod is obviously in a bad mood from the encounter with the kid and he keeps walking angrily towards a nearby bar. He enters and sits down at the bar and speaks to the barman-
Jarod: “Hey, could I get a coke please?”
Bartender: “Sure, one jack and coke coming up.”
Jarod: “No, just a coke.”
Bartender: “Are you sure you look like hell?”
Jarod: “I’ve got a headache, that’s all.”
Bartender: “A little whiskey will clear that right up, you’re sure you don’t want one?”
Jarod: “Trust me, it wouldn’t.”
-Jarod takes the coke and begins to sip it. He only takes a few gulps before the door to the bar bursts open and a man walks in followed by the kid from earlier. The man is about six inches taller than Jarod, and appears to be a bit more muscular. The kid points to Jarod and the man walks over to him-
Man: “I understand that you refuse to give my son an autograph Mr Crow. Is that right?”
Jarod: “Like I said to your kid, he doesn’t want my autograph, he may think he does, but he really doesn’t.”
Man: “Who the hell are you to tell him what he does or doesn’t want. You’re his favourite wrestler, he admires you, and you say you won’t give him an autograph. I mean you’re a wrestler you’re supposed to care about the fans!”
Jarod: “Listen, I never asked for your son’s admiration and I sure as hell don’t deserve it. As for caring about the fans, I put my health and career on the line for them every week. Next week I defend my title in a ladder match against a guy called Bridge. I’m going to get pummelled within an inch of my life to entertain the fans and you dare to day I don’t care about them?”
Man: “Alright listen to me and listen good, I don’t care about who you’re facing next week, I don’t care how dangerous your career is. All I care about is that my little boy ran over to me a minute ago and broke down crying because you wouldn’t give him your autograph. So I would advise you to sign something for him or I’m going to get rough. Do you hear me?”
Jarod: “Just go away. I’m sick of people like you telling me what to do.” -Without warning the man strikes Jarod as hard as he can across the mouth. Jarod falls to the floor and gets up slowly with his hands curled up into fists. He is bleeding from the lip and his eyes burn hatred- Jarod: “I’m not looking for a fight. Please back off”
Man: “You mean you’re not going to fight back?”
Jarod: “The only time I fight is at an arena. The last thing I need is more sins weighing down on my shoulders. Now please leave.”
-Again the man brings his fist back for a punch, but as he throws himself forwards Jarod ducks and moves out of the way. The man turns around, but Jarod is already leaving the bar. The camera follows Jarod outside where he is leaning against a wall. He sees the camera and begins to speak, his voice full of anger, not at the man, or the kid, but at himself-
“I don’t deserve it, not any of it. I don’t deserve their admiration. I don’t deserve their respect. I don’t deserve the respect of my peers. I don’t deserve praise. Not from anyone. This victim deserves the respect of neither Bridge, nor Ty Lomax, nor Damian Smith, not a single person’s respect or admiration or praise. When I think of what I have done and what I have yet to do, I cringe, knowing that I have been rewarded for the little I have done. I don’t even deserve the belt that I will fight for at Wholesale Aggression. All I can do is hope that I earn it.”
-Jarod closes his eyes for a moment and takes a breath his face unreadable-
“Wholesale Aggression. You’d think that name would be appropriate but it isn’t. In my match at Wholesale Aggression, I won’t be aggressive because I actually feel any aggression towards Bridge. Sure he got me eliminated in the 8-man tag and rest assured I am angry with that, and for that I will pay him back. But that is not why I will fight with all the aggression that is in my being against him.” “The real reason is that I still need to earn the belt that I carry. In every match that I have fought for this belt, something has happened. Something cheapened my victory. So this time I have to not only win, but also prove myself. Prove myself to the fans by putting on a great match with the EWA’s best entertainer. Prove to everyone in the locker room that I don’t need help to win matches by winning this one alone. And finally prove to myself that I deserve my title. Which is why that at Wholesale Aggression Bridge, The Sins of the Many will be Carried out ON YOU!!!”
-fade to black-
(Scene opens on Lockdown and Marcus Allen standing in the interview area backstage.)
Allen: Lockdown, what are your thoughts about the Rage Invitational at the upcoming PPV, Wholesale Aggression?
Lockdown: It's gonna be fun. It's been a while since I've been in a match with rules, but I'm looking forward to it.
Allen: Any predictions?
Lockdown:Yeah. Lockdown wins, and Chairman leaves in a body bag. I mean let's look at the competition. Ty Lomax, and Jake Logan are just a couple of scrubs. Hell, Logan is just a bad Stone Cold rip-off. As for the other guys, they're nobodies. I don't even think I have ever heard their names before they were put on this card. Yes, I will leave with the gold, the cash and lets not forget the best prize of all... seeing Chairman beg for mercy. And He's not gonna get it from me. See he made the biggest mistake of his life when he tried to clown me in front of a capacity crowd. Chairman, Deadly is gonna win that number one contender match cause I'm gonna help him. I want you to watch what we do to swinger real good, cause you're next. I'm gonna give you such a drubbing, there won't be much of you left for Deadly to pin to the mat when he takes your belt away. Oh, one last thing, I am NOT f**ked up with violence toward women, so if Miss Wise decides to interfere,... well lets just say she'll be so ugly that her swimsuit calendars wont even sell in a Leper Colony.
( fade to black)
[DeadlyVision cuts to Dave Deadly. He is standing next to a partially obscured sign, which is mounted to a huge brick wall. We can only make out the words 'Chicago, IL' on the sign. Deadly stands in his 'Too Hot For Tuesday Night T-Shirt. He looks fully recovered from his EWA Extreme Title match last week.]
You know folks, since I last spoke to you guys I've decided 'hey, why feel so sorry for myself?' You see, this week on Tuesday Night Blitz, I have the opportunity to take out Lockdown and JC Swinger and once again become the number one contender for the Extreme Title. I've done it before and I'll do it again. Chairboy, you may have won the first round but next time we meet I'm gonna pry that title out of your lifeless little fingers.
Lockdown and Swinger.I've beaten these two has-beens before.and I guarantee I'll do it again. Until then, I decided to come back home for a little while.
[Deadly notices the sign behind him and points to it.]
Hey, what's this? 'Illinois Department of Corrections?' Isn't this where you started out Lockdown? Y'know it's funny, but I come from just down that way. In fact I used to walk past this facility every day on my way to school. Funny old world, huh Lockdown? I don't know whether you remember our last encounter, but it was you who I pinned to become the number one contender. Remember when I smashed you in the face with the timekeeper's hammer? Remember getting dropped through the announcer's table and laying unconscious in a pool of your own blood? I thought not. You see, the beating I gave to you two weeks ago is nothing compared to the beating you're gonna take this Tuesday night. If you were watching this past week, you'll see that I've only just begun warming up. Chairboy took my threats too lightly and was almost destroyed because of it. In fact, if it hadn't been for the 'Extreme Icon', Chairboy would now be an ex-champion. This is a warning Lockdown. Stay out of my way on Tuesday night. That title shot is mine, as is the head of JC Swinger. Save yourself a lot of pain and stay at home on Tuesday night.
[Deadly looks at his watch anxiously.]
I'd better get going, [to the camera] I'll meet you there.[The cameraman nods.]
[Deadly hails down a cab and jumps in.]
Take me to the airport.
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