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![]() (roleplays from July 24th-26th)
![]() 1) Lockdown: Message to Deadly
![]() 2) Leviathan: looking to crumble The Brick
![]() 3) The Chairman: The Extreme Corporation is born
![]() 4) Mac Maloy: Wholesale Agression
![]() 5) The Animals: The Animals and The IPWA??? NAHHHH!
![]() 6) Dave Deadly: Dancin with the hometown boys
![]() 7) Bridge: Aftermath of the 8 man
![]() 8) Leviathan: Negotiations with the booker
![]() 9) Bridge: No Doctor's Clearance
![]() 10) (NEWCOMER) Gary Wooldridge: He will reign supreme
![]() (Scene opens on Lockdown in his dressing room. He is watching a tape of Deadly vs. Chairman extreme title match.)
Lockdown: That's just awful.......Oh come on , he telegraphed it.....Rookie mistake....I can't watch this anymore. (Lockdown turns off the VCR, and turns toward the camera) Deadly... What the hell was that!? Chairman gave you every opportunity to win that match. He did everything but hand you the belt on a silver platter and pin himself. You have some potential but you just jack it all off. I was hoping that another guy from Chicago would come in here and represent, but you act more like you're from Gary, Indiana. You MUST be from the north side, because any southsider that runs around acting the way you do wouldn't make it to the third grade without some reconstructive facial surgery. Deadly Vision?? I'm surprised you're not blind yet with all that verbal masturbation you do. You walk around acting like a jackass. I'm telling you right now--CHILL OUT, ROOKIE. I dont need to tell you what happens to new guys in the pen who come in and start running their dicksuckers right away, like you have been doing. Let's not forget that you only won the first #1 contender match because the IPWA took the rest of us out. I'm not bitching, just reminding you how the game is played. Which brings me to J.C. Swinger. Deadly, I heard you complaining...Asking what right does Swinger have to interfere in your match. Well son, live by the sword, die by the sword. But Let me give you a piece of free advice. If I were you, I'd make an example out of Swinger this Tuesday. Beat him so badly that the entire locker room will think twice before interfering in another of your matches. You don't have to worry about me while you exact your revenge. That's not something I would normally do, but in this case I'll make an exception. After all you're a fellow Chicagoan. Good Luck, Dave, and REPRESENT!
(Cut to Commercial)
![]() BONG!!!!! BONG!!!!!
(Black screen)
Leviathan : You didn’t thank me the first time.
BONG!!!!! BONG!!!!!
(Black screen)
Leviathan : The second time you got in my face.
BONG!!!!! BONG!!!!!
(Black screen)
Leviathan : I had to teach you to respect me. I have a mission and will wait MY TIME!
BONG!!!!! BONG!!!!!
(Black screen fades to reveal a shrouded figure sitting alone in a darken room)
Leviathan : Mr Truck. My occupation is to break the IPWA, but you chose to be promoted on that list. I will remind you, YOU attacked me after I assisted you, the wreckage you were. ONCE AGAIN. Mr Styles asked for the Beast to help the EWA. Help my fellow superstars. To this I said No, then he offer me more and I said yes. I showed for all to see, what I am capable
of. I made my statement with JJ Blaze. His beaten body, should have reminded you of the carnage I can cause. Yet you had to lay a hand on me. You had to refuse my help. I warned you before Blitz, do not piss me off. I will take it the diesel you are drinking has gone to your head. I warn you Truck, If I do turn my attention to you. The Truck will be on Blocks just like JJ Blaze.
(Leviathan pauses then takes the shroud off)
Leviathan : Now I direct this to Rick the Brick. When you could walk in a ring and do whatever you wanted. You were big, you were tough, you were the most feared man in the EWA. But Rick I saw in your eyes at Blitz, that has changed. You now have an adversary just as mean, ruthless and sadistic as you. And this week I saw what happens when you are confronted by this.
(Leviathan laughs)
Leviathan : Fear Rick that’s what I saw. Primal fear, I am an unknown to you. I have twice laid you out in the ring and that scares you. Never has it happen to you. So come on, face the Beast. Or at least throw one of your little pigs so I can impress my ability to you. Prove to all, that Rick the Brick has met a man that can make the Brick crumble. For no matter how you see it, eventually all roads lead to Leviathan and that you cannot escape.
(Leviathan laughs)
![]() (Scene – Bateman Center)
The crowd is hushed in anticipation of the entrance of the next EWA Superstar. “You’re Not The Boss of Me” by They Might Be Giants hits the speakers and the crowd responds with loud boos.
From behind the curtain appears the Chairman, sporting a new “Extreme Corporation” T-Shirt, accompanied as always by Miss Wise, who is carrying his purple custom chair. The pair begin to walk down the ramp, and are met with a shower of wrappers and assorted garbage. Chairman graps Mis Wise’s arm and the pair turn around, and walk back up the ramp to the top of the stage. Miss Wise unfolds the chair and the Chairman stands atop it, grabbing a wireless microphone handed to him from a backstage assistant.
CHAIRMAN – “Cut my music!”
(The boos seem to get louder…)
CHAIRMAN – “Thank you, Thank you. You know something, losers? The Chairman has been YOUR EWA Extreme Champion for over five weeks now! Man, time flies when you are having fun, and kickin’ ass!! Lets stop for a moment and reflect on my many achievements thus far…”
(The pair turn to face the Psychotron, which lights up and shows a series of highlights set to Queen’s “We Are The Champions”, including the Chairman hitting his Hostile Takeover finisher on Lockdown at the 06/18/02 Blitz to capture the Title, standing atop a man in a chicken suit holding the Title in the air, throwing a mini Lockdown over the top rope, hitting a Tiger Driver on Dave Deadly through a stack of chairs, and locking Tina in a Sharpshooter whilst Miss Wise laughs in the background….)
CHAIRMAN – “Wasn’t that beautiful? It brings a tear to my eye. And that is just the beginning of a long and distinguished career for the Chairman here in the EWA. So you morons better get used to it!! Speaking of how busy I am, rumour has it that I may be double booked at the upcoming Pay Per View...Wholesale Aggression. Rumour has it I am defending my title, but against whom? Rumour has it that I am taking part in the Steven Rage Invitational, but when? It doesn’t really matter – I mean I could take part in every match on the card and win every single one. I’m just that polished, I’m an all rounder, a jack of all trades and master of every one so to speak. I am the Euromerican Extreme Champion, but also, if any of you inbreds were to look at my bio on the EWA website, I am categorised as a technician. So I can hold my own in any sort of match. But you all knew that already. Lets start with me defending my extreme title. After my cleverly planned sneak attack... it still took two buffoons to beat JC Swinger, and then they couldn’t even get that right. Now Ive got possibly two people meeting me for my belt. WEIRD. You know something, Crapdown and Nerd Deadly, I honestly think you would make a great team...if you recruited two capable wrestlers and then killed EACH OTHER!! The cops would put it down as a lovers tiff gone wrong – CASE CLOSED! Which brings me to...JC Swinger, the man, the myth, the has-been... I told you that you and your skanky mom, Tina would get yours, and you did. And now, you are just a blip on the radar, disappearing out of view. Nice knowing you!! Just try and mess with us again and you’ll be in for a HOSTILE TAKEOVER!
(The Crowd boos and a “Chairmans an asshole!” chant picks up in response to his ramblings)
Ummmm...WHATEVER! So, even though the card is not up yet... Ill be at Wholesale Aggresssion...Ill have some some barbwire and other sharp implements in one hand and my chair in the other. I’ll have my technical know how in my brain and flowing through every neuron in my body. And all the while Ill have the Extreme Belt around my waist before and after. One more thing, that announcer B.A. He usually sucks big time! Bur I got to give him credit...you see, B.A. coined the phrase “Corporation Extreme”
at the last Blitz and I like it. I got T-Shirts and other merchandise printed up...”
(Points to the “Extreme Corporation” T Shirts he and Miss Wise are wearing.)
CHAIRMAN – “...and whether it is Lockdown, or Dave Deadly, or both Ill be facing for MY Title, and whether this Invitational actually takes place, Im inviting each and every one of you to take part in some work experience at the EXTREME CORPORATION. My office is in that squared circle...”
(Points to the ring set up in the middle of the arena)
CHAIRMAN – “...and there is a great chance that EACH AND EVERY ONE of you will receive a PROMOTION….or two! HA HA! Lets go, Miss Wise!”
(The pair fold up the chair and leave for backstage, smirking all the while.)
![]() ( The camera slowly fades in from black. A glistening light begins to shimmer and rock back and forth. The camera fades in more and we see the light bouncing off water. In the water floating cubes of ice dance around a large zip-lock bag that's sunken to the bottom. The camera pans back away revealing the large gray plastic container. A hand enter the picture. It reaches in grabs the bag lifting it out of the depths of the ice water. The camera follows the hand out of the water as it continues to pan back. Truck Maloy sits in a chair slumped over. He sits the bag of ice on his neck. He jerks his head left releasing dampened cracks from his spin. He jerks his head right popping the last vertebrae. Truck sits back in his chair holding the ice pack on his neck with a shadow crosses the floor. Truck looks to his left at the figure and then slowly stands up. The camera pans left catching Truck Maloy and Marcus Allen in the picture at the same time.)
Marcus: Truck forgive us for the intrusion but in just a few short days you'll have probably one of he most grueling matches in your life. A cage match against the IPWA leader, Rick the Brick. Will you be one hundred percent for the match at Wholesale Aggression considering the devastation you suffered last week in the eight man elimination match?
( Truck removes the ice pack from his neck and transfers it to his left hand. He lowers it down and then drops it back into the water. Droplets of water fling into the air as the bag splashes down. Truck looks back over at the chair and retrieves the EWA World Title that rests on the back of it. He slides the belt over his shoulder and then turns back to Marcus Allen.)
Truck: You know Marcus, last week Truck Maloy stood in the ring and got maybe the biggest ass whippin' of his life. I got hit by The Fourth Reich. A move that would probably snap any normal man's neck. I got hit over the head with chair shot after chair shot that would have probably scrambled any normal man's brains into mush. After all of that when it came down to all the marbles, it Mac Truck standing in the ring with the last IPWA member Rick the Brick. Then that big sumbitch, King Neptune, came down to the ring and hit me with the Depth Charge, and as you can see, I'm still here. Because Truck Maloy is no normal man. Come Wholesale Aggression I will guaran-damn-tee you that Truck Maloy will be firing on all twelve cylinders runnin' full tilt boogie.
Marcus: Speaking of Neptu...I mean Leviathan. Last week EWA Booker Mike Styles sent Leviathan down to the ring to interfere and help EWA win the match. Yet,....you attacked Leviathan and he turned his aggression out on you. Why would you attack another member of the EWA at a time when we needed a victory over the IPWA so badly.
Truck: Because unless you've got peanut butter in your ears, I had warned Leviathan to keep his nose out of my business. I had Rick the Brick exactly where I wanted him. One on one in the middle of the ring, no IPWA members in sight. I was about to release one of the biggest beatings in Rick the Brick's career when Styles decided to come down and put his boy into play. Leviathan likes to run his mouth about how my time is limited. He likes to remind me every week how he's gonna be coming for my EWA title. Leviathan you won't have to wait long, trust me. Cause after Wholesale Aggression. After I take Rick the Brick and beat him from pillar to post. I'll be coming after you!!
Marcus: Don't you think your getting a little ahead of.......
Truck (interrupts): One more thing. At the Pay Per View when I get that big bastard in that cage. If anyone, and I mean anyone comes down to the ring and decides to get involved in my title match. I will be coming after you. And Flaws, Styles or whoever is holding on to the other end of Leviathan's leash. That means I'll be coming after you. Make no mistake about it. President or not. If you dare try to interfere. You will learn....why you don't.....play....in traffic.
( Truck walks off the camera as it fades to black.)
[The scene opens with a card board cut out of IPWA members Adam & Mancuso.. The mouths can be seen to berigged up so they look like they are talking. The mouth starts to move on the Adam cut out and a badly disguised impression of Adam begins to speak.]
Fake Adam: Hello (A little snigger can be heard coming from under the camera) I am THE NEW ADAM and I am part of the IPW...
[A little clip of the fonz from happy days flashes up on the screen. The fonz is going 'Ayyy'. Aloud laugh can be heard from underneath the camera again.]
Fake Max: Yes that is right. We are part of the IPW..(The clip flashes up again.)..And we are here to tell the Animal's that we will beat them at Wholesale Aggression (laughing still can be heard.) Isnt that right Adam?
Fake Adam: Yes Max you are correct we will beat the hell out of them.
Austin: So you guys are gona beat us? (Points to himself.)
[The card board cut out of Mancuso replies.]
Fake Max: Yes we are because we are better than you.
Autstin: (laughing) Dont make me laugh. Your just a card board tag-team.
Fake Adam: What do you mean?
Austin: Well isnt it obvious?
[The cut outs just stay still.]
Austin: Obviously not (trying to hold a straight face.) Well just look at the facts. The Brick becomes your leader, the guy who was working for the EWA...
[Austin walks to the other side of the camera.]
Austin:...When he gets the EWA under his control OR has driven it into the ground. ('Like either will happen' he mutters under his breath) He will get rid of you Adam (hand gesture towards the cut out of Adam) and you Mancuso (hand gestures towards the cut out of Mancuso).
Fake Max: That will never ever happen.
Austin: Perrr...Then he will get in some other suckers to kick your sorry asses out of the EWA.
Fake Adam: That will never ever happen.
Austin: OH but it will (Looks smuggly at the camera)...And as for beating us...(shouts) BDA!!!
[The two people behind the cut outs scarper as BDA comes flying into shot. Austin steps out of view and all that can be seen is flying card board. Suddenly BDA's head pops up over into shot with a large peice of card board in his mouth.]
BDA: (Muffled) Consider Yourself EXTINCT!!!
[BDA's head ducks back down and a number of snarling noises can be heard. Austin steps back into shot.]
Austin: AND to make this intresting, why dont we make our tornado tag match IN A CELL!!!???
[Austin laughs evily as the scene fades out.]
//Parking area of the Bateman Center at Blitz where Bridge is sitting on the tail of his Pickup. An EMT officer is checking him over as Marcus Allen walks over.//
Marcus : Bridge, Can you tell us what happen ?
Bridge : Marcus before I talk hand me that cooler.
//Marcus reaches over and grabs the cooler and hands it to Bridge//
Bridge : Damn, just Beer. Marcus check the front and bring me bottles. I need stronger medication than this.
//Marcus opens the pickups door and brings Bridge two bottles of Jack Daniels//
Bridge : Just what I need.
EMT Officer : You can’t have that. You have 24 stitches, concussion and possible brain lacerations.
Bridge : And your point is?
EMT Officer : Your in no point to drink Alcohol.
Bridge : And your in no condition to tell me what to do, buddy. At the moment I am one pissed off unit. And this is the only thing stopping me from walking back in that building and going medieval on those IPWA bastards.
EMT Officer : Why do we bother with you guys?
Bridge : Glutton for punishment I guess.
// EMT Officer finishes patching up Bridge and walks away//
Marcus : So Bridge, now can you tell us what happen?
Bridge : Keep your pants on Marcus. What happen well? Well here is what I can remember.
//Bridge pauses and rubs the stitches on his head//
Bridge : Well after the IPWA jumped me, I was put in the meat wagon. Now I had to use some gentle persuasion to get nice driver to turn around. When I entered the arena, I only had one thing on my mind, PAYBACK. The IPWA are owed a Shitload of PAYBACK. Now if the inflated ego called Rick the Brick didn’t interfere, Jarod had Fury eliminated thanks to my humble assistance. After that it’s blurry. I ended up in the ring blindfolded thanks to the bandages. And here is where I pissed off, at myself for letting the EWA faithful down. Hey I admit it I powerbombed Crow to China, but I thought it was an IPWA member. In the heat of battle, something’s don’t go as planned and this didn’t.
//Bridge pauses and shakes his head//
Bridge : For this I am sorry to Jarod, I am sorry to the EWA, but most important I am sorry for the fans. They didn’t get to see the real Bridge. The entertainer but next match I will make it up to them with my best performance.
Marcus : What about the problem between you and Jarod Crow?
Bridge : There is no problem, Marcus and that’s it. It was an accident and thats it. End of story. As is this interview, I need to take the rest of this medication and get ready for Wholesale Aggression cause I’ve got plenty to go around.
//Camera fades as Bridge takes a drink from the bottle//
(EWA undercover camera opens standing at the car park to the Bateman Center. A white limousine rolls up. The door slowly opens to reveal the passenger)
Leviathan : Hey camera pleb where is Mr Styles office.
(Cameraman points to the arena doors)
Leviathan : Good you can take me to him.
(The EWA Cameraman walks backwards trying to keep the vision on Leviathan. They Reach the door of EWA head Booker, Mr Styles. Leviathan knocks on the door and gets no answer. He tries again and still gets no answer. He now tries to turn the handle but finds it to be locked.)
Leviathan : Stand back, now.
(Leviathan puts his fist through the door and reaches in to unlock it. Both Leviathan and Cameraman walk into the office, only to find Mr Styles is nowhere to be found.)
Leviathan : Look at me. Now Mr Styles, you have suspended the beast. Why because I flatten your precious EWA World Champ. I helped him at your request Styles; yet HE attacked me. I thought I got my meaning across with the JJ Blaze. But apparently I have to make another statement. Now Mr Styles I will ask you politely lift the suspension or I will not be held responsible for my actions.
(Leviathan kicks the camera in the stomach, forcing him to drop the camera. Leviathan lifts the cameraman up and powerbombs him through Mr Style’s table shattering it into pieces. He now walks over and picks up the camera and looks directly into it.)
Leviathan : Now I suggest to you Mr Styles, rethink the suspension or suffer my conscience!!
(Picture is left with cameraman unconscious on the shattered table)
![]() //Scene opens with Bridge sitting in a doctor surgery. Bridge is sitting on the bed with bandages across his head and body.//
Bridge : Give it to me straight Doc, Will I be ready for the PPV?
Doctor : NO WAY!!!
Bridge : So there is a chance?
Doctor : Absolutely not, these injuries you suffered, should see you out for at least a month.
// Bridge ponders what the doctor has said and looks back at the doctor//
Bridge : Thanks Doc but to quote the movie “The Holy Grail”, this is only a flesh wound. And nothing is going to stop me from taking the Euroamerican title from Jarod Crow.
Doctor : You won’t get clearance from me.
Bridge : Doc, there is always a Dr Nick Riveria around here somewhere.
Doctor : I’ll tell the athletic board to stop you.
//Bridge stands and grabs the doctor by the throat//
Bridge : Listen Quack. You will shut your mouth, I will be at that PPV and nothing will stop me. I have to be there for my own pride. To show Jarod Crow that it was accident. And most importantly for the EWA faithful. This match will raise the roof. At the end all that see it will say only two words “Holy Shit”.
//Bridge releases the Doctor.//
Bridge : Now do you understand me?
Doctor : Get out Neanderthal, I never heard of and never what to see you again.
//Bridge grabs his clothes and leaves//
Bridge : Thanks Doc. And by the way I not Dutch.
//Picture fades as Bridge leaves the office.//
All the lights in the arena go off. The whole place is silent. The screen begins to flash quickly, black then white; black then white. It does this several times. Then it goes blank again. The arena is still in darkness. A picture of Gary Wooldridge gradually appears in the middle of the screen. He is standing, clear view of his muscular body, head facing down. The name Wooldridge flashes quickly in white text on the black background above the picture.
The picture fades away, the name still flashes. Voices chanting the name Wooldridge can be heard, quiet, getting gradually louder. Then, the chanting stops and a male narrator with a deep voices says: "Out of the shadows of a run-down place, came a man full of grace. He says he's the best and so do the rest. He's out to prove that he's got the groove."
The chanting returns, louder and louder, until it's as if the chanting is actually in the arena. While the name WOOLDRIDGE continues to flash at the top of the screen, pictures of him training hard in the gym are shown below it.
Then everything suddenly goes dark and silent. About 6 seconds later, fireworks explode and the music "Bad to the Bone" by Steppenwolf is played, faster than usual, and footage of Gary Wooldridge wrestling are shown quickly below his flashing name. The lights in the arena begin to flash quickly too for a few seconds and then again, everything goes dark and silent.
Than Gary Wooldridge appears on the screen, in the same stance as the picture shown earlier. He speaks, never facing the camera. "The time has come. The time has come for me to make my presence felt. My presence in the EWA shall be felt. And it shall last for a long, long time. I WILL REIGN SUPREME."
The picture again fades away and the chants of WOOLDRIDGE return. The name WOOLDRIDGE still appears flashing at the top of the screen, until now at the end, a melting effect happens to it and it slides down to the bottom, and out of view. It's all black in the arena. The words: HE WILL REIGN SUPREME appear on the screen in bold red on a black background. The words fade away, and completes the end of it.
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