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![]() 1) Leviathan: Don't tell me what to do
![]() 2) Bridge: R & R, the Bridge way
![]() 3) Dave Deadly: Back home
![]() 4) Dave Deadly: Chicago ain't big enough
![]() 5) Bridge: Heartbreaker Sucks
![]() 6) Leviathan: A warning to Rage
![]() 7) Dave Deadly: Warming Up, Deadly Style
![]() (Camera opens up with Leviathan standing in front a white wall. Standing in his street clothes.)
Leviathan : Greetings all. This Vingette has three purposes and they all involve time. That valuable commodity which we all strive to conquer, yet seldom achieve. First purpose is simple, Styles lift the suspension or the rolling thunder, the pouring rain is gonna come down on you like a hurricane. Tick Tock Mike tick tock. I hope you feel that noose tighten as the only way you can escape the hangman is to rip up that piece of trash you wrought after Blitz.
(Leviathan pauses)
Leviathan : Second purpose is to address Rick the Brick, Cowering away behind his evil henchmen. Rick they don't want to come out to play when Leviathan knocks on their doors. So Rick after you and Truck do the Steel Tango. What say you and me take it to hell. Or at least throw me the one of you personal decorations.
(Leviathan pauses and takes a deep breath)
Leviathan : Third purpose is the EWA World Champ, Mac Malloy. The self-opinionated superman. Are you faster than a speeding bullt Mac. I heard you were a real laugh riot, especially when you call me Neptune. Your coming after me, don't interfere. You make alot of demands Truck. I will make only make one demand Truck and that is "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO." I have not broken a sweat here in the EWA and see on one here that can take me. Truck I will not take prisoner's, I won't spare lives all you will see
is my white light flashing as I split your diesel injected skull. Cause Mac you don't want to play in the deep end that's where LEVIATHAN LURKS!!! Boogie on that Bedford Brains.
![]() //Camera opens as Marcus knocks on the door of a hotel. Opening the door is Bridge.//
Bridge : Greetings Marcus.
Marcus : Hello Bridge, can I get some words from you about Wholesale Aggression PPV?
Bridge : Sure come on in.
//Inside we see empty beer & J.D bottles, playboys and comics.//
Marcus : Reading the classics I see?
//Bridge laughs//
Bridge : Of course. I'm a huge Batman mark. Not that sissy Adam West Batman, the real Dark Knight. And as for the playboys. Of course for the articles and research.
Marcus : Have you seen the last interviews with Jarod Crow?
Bridge : Try not as it interrupts my social life. But I caught some.
Marcus : What do you think?
Bridge : I'm not going to judge the man. But he's freaking me out. He did before with his Everybody's Victim monologues but now he's seems to be going Manson on us.
Marcus : Okay. What can we expect at Wholesale Aggression?
Bridge : Marcus I will be brief as the less said before the better plus I am really busy training. The fans will walk away with a feeling of totally awesomeness. I promise that Bridge will soar the stratosphere for this match. For Jarod Crow will get an A+ in Bridge 101.
//A naked woman with only a towel on her walks out of the bathroom door. Marcus looks at her then checks the playboy. Marcus looks at Bridge.//
Bridge : Research Marcus. Now excuse as I think another government grant is coming.
//Bridge shows Marcus the door.//
Marcus : Holy Shit!
//Fade to Black//
![]() [The scene: a street in downtown Chicago. It is almost deserted. A tramp sleeps in the doorway of an abandoned shop, covered with yesterdays Chicago Sun Times. A police siren can be heard in the distance, along with a loud bang, possibly a gunshot. A long black limousine rounds the corner, somewhat out of place in this neighbourhood. It pulls up next to the camera. The window winds down. Dave Deadly leans his head out.]
Downtown Chicago. Not the most ideal place to grow up. Homeless sleeping in doorways. Dealers and pimps around every corner. Believe it or not, this is where Dave Deadly grew up. Ok, maybe not in this street, but it was only a few blocks away that I had my first wrestling match. See that gym on the corner? That’s where I was first trained. That’s where I put the first few valuable months of blood, sweat and tears into this business. My first match, I was booked in at a bar just down the road. I think it’s been demolished now, just like my opponent was that night. I can still remember the sound of his bones cracking as I performed each and every move. And when I hit the Deadly Bomb, well, the sound was almost poetic. Chicago brings back a lot of memories for me. On Sunday night, I’ll win the Extreme Title here in my hometown. The homecoming of Dave Deadly! In fact, earlier today, I received a phone call from the Mayor of Chicago. The fact that everyone here in Chicago is behind the Extreme Machine is all the motivation I need to kick some ass and place that title around my waist.
[As Deadly speaks, a figure emerges from the gym across the street. He crosses and walks past the limo. He stops as he sees Deadly inside.]
MAN: Dave? Hey man, it’s you!
[Deadly gets out of the limo and stares the stranger down.]
JOE: That’s right, man! It’s great to see you again! [to the camera] Hell, me and Dave used to be sparring partners in the old gym! How you doing, man. Someone said you’d gotten a job over at WWE!
[The smile on Deadly’s face turns to furious anger. He grabs Joe around the neck and slams him up against the wall. Joe falls to the floor. Deadly reaches into the boot of the limo and pulls out a steel chair and a sledgehammer. He places the steel chair over the face of Joe, lines up the sledgehammer and smashes it into the chair. A sickening thud is heard as the chair wraps itself around the face of Deadly’s old friend. Deadly smiles as his tension is released.]
DEADLY: See you round.
[He gets back into the limo. The driver speeds off as the camera lingers on the steel mask Joe wears over his face.]
[A train speeds past the fourth floor window of the hotel. DeadlyVision is once again in Downtown Chicago. In the street below some kids run by, clutching a handbag, a woman screams. The camera turns to the bed in the rather cramped room. The room is reminiscent of Elwood Blues’ apartment in The Blues Brothers. Dave Deadly lounges on the bed, his hands behind his head.]
I know, I know. There are plenty of high price luxury hotels in Chicago. But you see, I need to get myself into the right frame of mind for my title win on Sunday night. That’s why I’m staying here, because right outside that window tomorrow night is where the windy city brawl will begin. That’s right, the rendezvous point for my title victory. I know you’re probably all wondering ‘Hey Dave, just what are your tactics for the title fight tomorrow night?’ That would be telling wouldn’t it? The only thing that’s for sure is never underestimate Dave Deadly. Chairboy, you’d better find something to bring that’s a lot more exciting than your little steel chairs. But be careful. You might get your weapons stolen by an old woman on your way over here. As I said before, this is the Dave Deadly Homecoming. There should be absolutely no doubt in your mind Chairboy; Dave Deadly will take your title from you tomorrow night. I’m tired of these little games you play, Chairboy. But the problem is, you’ve not only pissed me off, you’ve pissed Lockdown off as well. How unfortunate for you that you’ve picked on two big bad Chicagoans. So Lockdown, it looks like it comes down to you and me. As soon as I’ve taken Chairboy out, the Illinois boys are gonna give the home crowd something to remember. But it all comes down to one thing; I will walk away with the title. If you’re not happy about that then you’ll just have to try and stop me. I respect you, Lockdown. Thanks to you, JC Swinger was disgraced last week on Blitz. I enjoyed that. But once Chairboy is out the way, Chicago ain’t gonna be big enough for the two of us.
[Fade out.]
![]() //Bridge is standing in front of the EWA logo. Stretching his neck waiting for the green light from the cameraman.//
Bridge : Bout time buddy. First I would like to take some time and address a man. Now this man has fascination, afascination with only one thing. That is himself. Shit he stands in front of portrait of himself all the time. Now he said that I had a event with Marcus Allen and bottles. Now from the what I heard Heartbreaker you were well verse incavity exploration. Heartbreaker I have some advice to you, shut your mouth and give your arse a go. Thinking of it with all the bullshit coming out of it, you probably don't need it. Rage it ain't over between me and you. But then again I can defend myself not like a piece of furniture or motor vehicle. Before you say it, I know you took my title but lessons are learned from losses. And I learned a big one from that one.
Bridge : Now for THE MATCH at Wholesale Agression, my thoughts are simple. Jarod bring all your got as we are going to raise the windy city to the roof. Nuff Said. Bridge OUT!!!!
![]() EWA Undercover opens with Leviathan standing in front of a white screen with his back turned to the camera. His head is bowed and he is wearing a long jacket with the words BEAST on the back.)
Leviathan : My suspension is not lifted and those precious seconds run their course. Styles you loose now the title of Mister and soon if you do not see the error of your ways. All you will is a memory on the timeline you call life. Styles think, any corner I could be there. Any street I could be waiting. For once Styles think, life has precious moments that are remembered for life and this could be the one you are most thankful for.
Leviathan : Rage oh your angry. I get it. Levetator or Elevator you addressed me. That peaks my interest, it seems I have another admirer. Now Rage, I assume that you are an experience physician because to run the hole you call a mouth like you have. Means that you have the ability to perform a lobotomy on yourself. If you haven't come into my face and I will ably assist you in doing so. Rage respect is something you seem to not to be grasp. I have dominated the man you have never beaten and swatted the man who beat you on the way to the EWA World title. Rage be careful of the little trumpett you call a mouth, as it seems to be blowing loudly. I'm afraid that is all it can do, be full of hot air. Rage Beware of the DEEP END, Thats where LEVIATHAN LURKS!!!!!!
![]() [DeadlyVision is focused on a small bar on the corner of a dark street in Downtown Chicago. In the gutter just outside the door lies an old drunk. The door of the bar bursts open and out walks Dave Deadly. He sees the camera from across the street and walks over to it.]
You been waiting here the whole time? As you can all see, Sunday night’s Windy City Brawl has provided the Extreme Machine with a perfect opportunity to visit some of my old Chicago hangouts. If you get here early enough Chairboy, I’ll give you a scenic tour. But right now I’m heading back to my apartment. You see, there are just a few more plans to be made in the preparation for our little match this Sunday…
[As Deadly speaks, the camera is knocked from the cameraman’s hands. It falls to the floor and we here the crack of the cameraman’s ribs being kicked. Someone picks up the camera and films the cameraman’s battered body before turning their attention to Dave Deadly.]
STRANGER 1: Hey, what’s with all this fancy camera shit, man. Who are you anyways? Some kind of movie star or somethin’?
DEADLY: Buddy, you couldn’t have picked a better time.
STRANGER 2: What’s he talkin’ about?
DEADLY: Guys, how would you like to train with me in preparation for my big match-up on Sunday night? You win; you can take the camera and all my money.
STRANGER 3: Hey wait. This guy’s a wrestler. I seen him on TV. I think we should get outta here…
DEADLY: Come on. Three guys on one. How could you possibly lose?
[From off camera, two guys suddenly jump Dave Deadly whilst the other films the impromptu brawl. One holds Deadly whilst the other balls up his fist ready to strike. As he lunges at Deadly, he drops. The attacker lands a fist right in the face of his comrade. Deadly grabs him, picking him up ready for a Deadly Bomb, dropping him neck-first into a dumpster. Deadly picks his friend up from the floor, smashing his head against a brick wall and then dropping him with The Impaler face first onto the concrete. A pool of blood begins to wash over the street. The guy holding the camera tries to run but Deadly grabs him, handing the camera back to the DeadlyVision cameraman who has stood, holding his ribs. The final attacker is marched down the street by Dave Deadly, closely followed by the injured cameraman.]
DEADLY: I really need to thank you guys. You’ve really put me in the mood to beat the living hell out of my opponents at Wholesale Aggression. I’ve been a bit too relaxed recently. It’s about time I got fired up for this title match…you like hamburgers?
[Deadly has stopped outside an all night Burger Bar. He throws the stranger through the door and drags him into the kitchen. The staff flee, sensing the pain that is about to be inflicted. Dave Deadly picks the attacker up, holding above the sizzling grill. He drops him hard with a Deadly Bomb. The stranger wails in pain. Deadly just smiles at the carnage before turning back to the camera.]
DEADLY: Chairboy, Lockdown. Bring it on.
[Fade out]
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