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![]() 1) The Corruptor: Taking the invitational
![]() 2) Bridge: The ladder to success
![]() 3) The Jackhammer: Challenging Rage
![]() 4) Steven Rage: Leviathan? Just another hurdle
![]() 5) The Chairman: Your fate awaits, meet some freinds of mine
![]() 6) Dave Deadly: Doing my duty
![]() (Scene fades in)
(The Corrupter is on the phone in the weight room)
Corrupter: No, no, the deal is this, tonight I'm going to go for it all. I'm going to the Rage Invitational and I'm going to whip everyone's asses.
(Marcus Allen enters with the microphone)
Allen: Mr. Corrupter, Can I have a word with you? (
The Corrupter looks peeved at the interruption)
Corrupter: Can't you see I'm on the phone here? (Talking to the phone) I gotta call you back, yeah, it's Allen again. (Hangs up)
Allen: I'm so sorry about the interruption. But I got orders from Mr Flaws to interview you.
Corrupter: Shoot.
Allen: Soon, you get in the Rage Invitational. What are your thoughts about that?
Corrupter: Allen, you have asked that before, when I arrived to this arena. Stop asking repetive questions. Ask something like, "Corrupter, what will you do WHEN you win the Invitational?"
Allen: Ok. Ok. What will you do when you win the invitational?
Corrupter: That's better... I will go after the IPWA and Ricky boy Brick, and once that thorn in Mr Flaws' side is eliminated, I'm going for Truckie's world title.
Allen: Mac Maloy?
Corrupter: No, Mack Truck, of course Mac Maloy! He's been a stagnant champion, a non-factor, and you saw how Brick took care of Maloy? Well, that's not going to happen with me. I don't give a damn if Brick is the most strongest and most intimidating person here. If I'm going to get a beating... it's going to be a beating I gotta take.
(Corrupter finishes lacing up his boots and walk off on Allen)
Allen: Well you heard it from Corrupter...
(Scene fades out as Allen looks around)
//Camera opens with a picture of a folded ladder in the middle of the EWA ring//
Voice : Ladders are useful. They help you climb to places you want to go.
//Picture of an ladder standing in the middle of the ring//
Voice : Ladders are symbols. To climb the heights of your career and life.
//Scene now cuts to Bridge standing in the center of the EWA ring. He is staring at the ladder and then wear the belt will be hanging.//
Bridge : And the get what you want. Jarod Crow, between you and me there is some bad blood. Some ligit and some accidental. Come Wholesale Aggression their will be more blood between us. This time it will probably be shed in an effort to entertain. But mosttly it will be for gold. The EWA title that really is the EWA, the EWA EuroAmerican title. Now come the PPV, I promise to all the EWA fans to pack the big guns and give them what they missed at Blitz. Pure Bridge.
//Bridge climbs the ladder and sits on the top of it.//
Bridge : The time is now, and its the time of BRIDGE 101!!!
![]() (The camera enters the locker room, where Jackhammer and a referee are the only people present.)
(Jackhammer is stretching in the locker room, whilst talking to a referee.)
JACKHAMMER: You know, I came into the EWA to whoop people's ass, and reach the top of that mountain. I've been TV champion in other companies. Hell, I can be TV champion here anytime I want. I mean, I'm way better than Steven Rage. That dumbass punk ain't got a clue how to wrestle. I could whoop his ass all over the arena.
(Jackhammer sits down and starts lacing up his boots)
(Referee sneers, and speaks as if to say "I'm not interested")
REFEREE: Yeah, I'm sure you could beat him, Jackhammer.
(Jackhammer looks up at referee and speaks with a focused expression on his face)
JACKHAMMER: You damn right I could. And I'm ready to prove it anytime he wants.
(Jackhammer stands up and puts his hands on his hips, and has that look upon face like he's reminising)
JACKHAMMER: Yep, 9 time Tag Champion, Two time TV Champion, Intercontinental Champion, Hardcore Champion. I've had two PPV title shots...
(He starts getting more aggresive in his tone and body language)
...but NEVER been to the top!
(Referee feels a little uncomfortable, unsure about whether or not Jackhammer is going to go for him)
JACKHAMMER: I want to be the best there is DAMN IT!
(Jackhammer's face begins to turn red and he's getting angrier and angrier)
(Referee steps back towards the door, with a face full of fear)
JACKHAMMER: I deserve it. I've worked my ass off my whole ten years in this business. I deserve to be an icon.
(Jackhammer pushes the referee out of the locker room)
(Jackhammer faces away from the camera)
JACKHAMMER: I want to be the best. I got to be the best. I NEED TO BE THE BEST.
(Jackhammer turns and stares right at the camera)
JACKHAMMER: And it starts right now. When I challenge you, Steven Rage, to a match. Just to prove that I am that much better than you are. To prove that I can beat your ass. I don't care whether your title is on the line or not, there's time for that later. I just want to KICK YOUR ASS, PUNK.
(Jackhammer is breathing heavily, with an evil smile on his face)
Scene fades out.
The camera opens focusing on a white screen with a small stool in the middle of the screen. Steven Rage walks out in front of the white wall with a mic in hand. Around his waist is the TV Title snuggly worn above Rage's leather pants. He lifts the mic to his mouth leaning his head back and closeing his eyes.
Rage: Well Well Well ONCE again I am here to entertain and suprise each and everyone! Tonight I have a remarkable break through that will astonish the members of the roster, the suits in the front office and each and everyone of the stupid fans watching! Tonight I have made remarkable progress with the man who refers to himself as a monster. I am announceing a new alliance with the ONE, the ONLY....Leviathan! You can only see events like this with ME! I mean who else is talented and amazing enough to bring this level of intensity to the EWA? Just to prove that he has no hard feelings about the things I said earlier! Just to prove that this is for real.....Leviathan is here tonight to tell the world about our new alliance! So lets ALL welcome him out to talk to us about his choice to join forces with Steven Rage! So without further adu straight out of the DEEP END of the shallow gene pool........LEVIATHAN!
Rage motions for someone to come out into the view of the camera. A midget wearing a balding clown wig and a child sized trench coat with the word "BITCH" in big pink letters on the back walks out and stands on top of the stool. Rage reaches off camera and grabs "Leviathan" a microphone then handing it to him. Rage and "Leviathan" keeping a straight face the whole time.
Rage: Welcome out here man! I'm glad to see you here. I heard you had a reputation of showing up a LITTLE late....so I'm sure this is a SMALL suprise for some of the people in the EWA.
Leviathan: <in a mouse like voice> Well yeah Rage its great to be here with the EWA TV Champion! I just hope I can live up to the huge expectations you set for everyone day in and day out.
Rage: Well what can I say I'm no where near being a MOUSE of a man so I have some pretty BIG footprints to try and follow in. But I'm sure you won't come up SHORT like you have in the past!
Leviathan: Well what can I say? You are a great entertainer and an excellent athlete I feel DWARFED even standing in your presence. I truly worship you....I wish that I could be HALF the man you are!
Rage: <snickers> I know what you mean Leviathan. I know its a TALL workorder for you to accomplish but you will GROW as a person after learning from me. You know what I have a ITTY BITTY question for you. What does Leviathan stand for? What does it mean?
Leviathan: Well it means just what the jacket says! Leviathan means bitch! Because thats what I am. I'm just a little bitch......<Rage interupts>
Rage: Then now I'm starting to wonder why I am talking to a bitch like you!
Rage picks up Leviathan and lifts him into a powerbomb position as Leviathan screams like a girl. The camera pans to the ring revealing a table then Rage throws him through the table.
Rage: Well maybe I need to find a BIGGER hurdle to try and face in a heated rivalry than some little wanna be! So Leviathan IF I ever wanted to take you out I could do it any time...any where....any place! So until I come after you don't be so concerned.....until I feel you deserve a match with THE EWA ICON above all ICONS.....you need to find a way to deal with you Rage Envy and ease out of my face before something bad happens to you!
Rage walks out of the camera view as it fades to black.
(Scene - A dirty street in downtown Chicago. A rickety old bus rattles to a stop, and the doors slowly open. A dischevelled looking old man struggles down the steps, obviously finding it difficult to alight the bus. A voice is heard behind him...)
VOICE - "Hey old timer, let me help you get off!"
(With that, a sickening thud is heard as the old man is kicked in the back, and he falls to the concrete below. Behind him, the troublemaker exits the bus, and it is the Chairman. He looks down, offers to help the old man, and then spots the EWA cameraman. He withdraws his offer, and hurries over to the camera.)
CHAIRMAN - (talks to cameraman)
"Thanks for meeting me here, and for bringing my supply of plunder."
(The camera pans to the side to reveal a shopping trolley full of various hardcore items.)
CHAIRMAN - (clears his throat and stares into the camera)
"Three...Two..One...Greetings viewers, its about 20 minutes before my big Windy City Brawl title defense against Crapdown and Nerd Deadly, and here I am, on location, prior to the match, to get last minute comments from all involved... Firstly, lets hear from Nerd Deadly..."
(Chairman reaches into his back pocket, puts on a pair of sunglasses and looks into the camera...)
CHAIRMAN - (puts on an effeminate voice)
"Ummm yeah the Extreme Machine is here and I know I say it every time, but this time I'm...ummm.. sure that I will win because its the Deadly era or something really catchy like that. You better watch out, Chairboy because ummm yeah I'm real Deadly and stuff. And in case you didnt see it on Crappyvision, me and my *Special Friend* Crapdown are going to ...ummmm.... yeah! One last thing..... I really care for you Crapdown, why dont you return my calls, baby?"
(The Chairman takes off his sunglasses)
CHAIRMAN - "Thanks for those informative comments, Nerd. Im sure the EWA Extreme Champion is pissing himself....LAUGHING. Now onto Crapdown, although I shouldn't say "onto Crapdown" - he might get the wrong idea...
(Chairman hunches his shoulders, puffs up his cheeks like a monkey and starts drooling...)
CHAIRMAN - (In a gruff voice) "CHAIR....MAN....URGGHHH...F#CK...JAIL....LUBE....EAT...GRRRR.....ASS......YUM....COCK....SHIT!!!!"
(Chairman composes himself and then shakes his head disapprovingly)
CHAIRMAN - "Truly scary stuff there from Crapdown. And now, comments from the Chairman of the Extreme Corporation, the EWA Extreme Champion...Oh thats me. Well what can I say that hasn't already been said by these two also rans? Probably a whole lot!
Im standing here, at the ass end of the universe, waiting for these two morons to turn up, probably together, to battle for MY belt. Well I think I have the advantage as these two assholes will be constantly breaking up each others pins...I mean you can't SHARE the belt! On the other hand, I am a lone wolf, and as long as I hurt both of you, I dont care who I pin!!
Nerd Deadly, you said you want to give me a guided tour of the streets of Downtown Chicago. Well I dont need a tour, because this town sucks, no matter where you go! However, I will give you both a tour, a tour of the EXTREME CORPORATION, and I will personally introduce you to my co-workers, Mr CHAIR, and Mr CONCRETE, and Mr HAMMER, and Mr GLASS, and Miss BARB WIRE, and ... you get the drift!
Well thats about it from me! I'll start to wheel my trolley around the corner and wait for you two love birds to show your ugly faces, and get BEATEN AGAIN!
[DeadlyVision opens on a piece of paper. A hand suddenly comes into view holding a pen and signs a name ‘Dave Deadly; Next Extreme Champ’. The camera pulls out and we see Dave Deadly sitting at the Bateman Centre box office signing autographs.]
OK, OK. I know I said I was gonna stay in my hometown of Chicago and prepare for my match but as you can see…[points to the long line of fans] duty calls. You see, right here on Sunday night, the EWA will stage Wholesale Aggression. Since I’m gonna be spending my time on Sunday beating the hell out of two guys back home in Chicago, I decided to give the Wholesale Aggression audience something they’re gonna miss on Sunday Night. Me. Besides, a little PR work never hurt anybody. This just gives the fans in attendance the chance to meet the next EWA Extreme Champion in person. By the way, I hear JC Swinger went crying on home back to Beverly Hills. Well boo-hoo. The poor Extreme Icon is too tired to play anymore. I told you that I’d embarrass you last Tuesday Swinger, and with the help of my hometown buddy Lockdown I did just that. As for Chairboy, these are your last few days with that title belt. Maybe you can get that tramp of yours to take a few pictures of you wearing your little belt before I snatch it from your lifeless little hands on Sunday.
[As Deadly finishes, he hands over a signed photo to a young fan standing in front of the table.]
FAN: Gee thanks Mr. Crow. I’m your number one fan.
[Deadly slowly pushes the table aside, rising to stare right down into the face of the fan.]
DEADLY: What did you just say?
FAN: I-I-I said I was your biggest fan.
[Deadly smiles and holds out his hand]
DEADLY: That’s what I thought you said. It’s always a pleasure to meet a loyal fan.
[As the fan shakes hands with Deadly, he pulls him close, kicking him in the gut, before unleashing a Deadly Bomb straight through the autograph table.]
I’ve had enough of this sh#t. I’m going back home. If anyone wants me, they’re gonna have to come down to Chicago to find me. That’s where I’ll be. A few days ago, when I beat the living hell out of those low lives on the street, I told you I was all warmed up and ready for Sunday. Well Sunday better arrive soon, before more people are added to the Deadly casualty list.
[Deadly storms out of the Bateman Centre and gets into his car.]
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