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![]() (all roleplays are pre PPV)
![]() 1) Leviathan: Your in deep water
![]() 2) Dave Deadly: Respect your elders
![]() 3) Steven Rage:Release..the tension
![]() 4) El Spastico: For the thousands watching on radio
![]() 5)The Corruptor: Undercover negotiations
![]() (EWA camera opens with a closeup of the EWA pyschotron on the screen comes "YOU'RE IN DEEP WATER" and AC/DC Hells Bells sounds. Out from under the pyschotron comes Leviathan. Leviathan walks down to the ring and motions for a micrphone.)
Leviathan : Thanks.
(Leviathan looks out to the crowd then laughs as the boo's rain on him.)
Leviathan : And thank you plebs. Now I'm here for all the same reasons as before. And since only one ignoramus has decided to address what I said the other day, he shall have the most of my attantion this time.
(Leviathan takes a moment as he waits for the crowd to quiet down.)
Leviathan : Now Mac Malloy (Crowds cheers)
Leviathan : Truck, Big Daddy drool. Now the President is back it won't belong before I say bye bye to the suspension of Mr Styles. AS for Mr Styles, you can run but you can't hide. Back to Truck I don't give a rat's hole about what you do or what you have done. When the time comes again and we meet. You will feel the Depth Charge again and that is a fact not fiction like the usual dribble that comes out of your mouth.
Leviathan : I would like this time to talk about Steven "Heartbreaker" Rage. ( laughs) Heartbreaker more like anus taker. Now Rage you are so smart and tough you beat up Midgets. So bright you copy the Chairman's ideas's. Oh and I suppose I your bitch. Rage you are beneath me, not even worthy of the Depth Charge. Those little promo's you cut are they suppose to threaten me. Am I suppose to run and cower like a child. YOU threaten to come after me. A Self-Imposed EWA ICON. ( laughs again). The only good thing you do in the EWA, Rage is comedic relief. When I get in the ring and destroy Rick the Brick, then Monster Truck Malloy. There is nothing better then to sit down and watch one of you promo's.
(Leviathan now refocus's with a serious look.)
Leviathan : RAGE, when the BEAST is given the ok from the President to track you down and perform a ring assisted lobotomy on your sorry ass. Then you will be given an actual thought. Until then ,shut the whining little sh*t hole you call a mouth or soon the only thing that will be coming out of it will be a straw. It's Time to INCREASE THE BEAST!!!!!
[DeadlyVision is back on the run down streets of Downtown Chicago. Police Sirens wail in the background. We see Dave Deadly stood smiling in the doorway of a building.]
I’m back! Hell, it makes me feel so good when I come back home, especially when I know I’m a day closer to becoming the EWA Extreme Champion. I saw your cute little impression of me yesterday, Chairboy. You must be real proud that you’ve pulled off a decent interview for a change – and all it took was an impression of the Extreme Machine! Anyway, I decided that I should do something for you in appreciation, so I managed to track someone down almost as soon as my plane landed a few hours ago. Look…
[Deadly motions to the doorway and out walks a frail old man.]
Look! It’s the guy you kicked up the ass yesterday! And I think he has a few words for ya Chairboy!
OLD MAN: I’m gonna kick your ass Chairboy.
DEADLY: HA HA HA! You hear that? Even this pathetic old man wants to kick your ass!
[Deadly picks a steel chair up off the step and smashes it in the face of the old man.]
You like that? Look, I even hit him with your weapon of choice! But listen up Chairboy. Listen up reeeaaal good. Sunday night ain’t gonna be about steel chairs and barbed wire. It’s gonna be about surviving a warzone. We ain’t gonna be fighting in no squared circle. It’s anything goes, Chairboy. Anything. So I think it’s time for you to wise up. Now I know you’re already here in Chicago and I know you’ve brought a trolley-load of sh#t. But once that match starts on Sunday, you’d better pray to god all your chairs are gonna be enough to beat the Extreme Machine.
[He looks down at the old man.]
Hey. You alright old-timer?
[He helps the old man to his feet. He begins to dust himself off and Deadly turns to walk away. But he swings back around cracking the chair over the old man’s head for a second time.]
See you round, Chairboy.
Steven Rage and Summer walk down a deserted alley in “The Windy City” and walk into a strip club. Rage sits down as Summer stands behind him. The censors are going crazy as nude girls are being forcibly blurred out so that their “privates” are not exposed to the young children who view the show. The girls <still blurred> dance around Steven Rage. It is obvious that this is upsetting Summer. Summer motions for the two to leave. Steven simply motions for Summer to strip and show the girls who the true pro is. Summer begins to dance and her body too is blurred so as not to corrupt the youth of the World. Steven Rage sits back comfortably and grabs the camera man by the collar pulling him out of view of all the events transpiring on the stage. Rage begins talking yet not for one moment looking at the camera.
Rage: Well I have one easy way to sum up this appearance of Steven Rage…………Welcome Back Mr Flaws! I was going to get you a card but a picture says a thousand words however strippers take your words away…and in most cases your money! Now I hate to ruin this with business so I have a professional taping the entire floor, Flaws……don’t worry I wouldn’t cheat you of Summer’s dancing ability. <smirks> I bet Bridge wishes he was here instead of using Marcus Allen’s hand and a bottle to “entertain” him. Oh sorry……back to business! Now it has come to my attention that some little peon who has suddenly arrived in the EWA wants me to be his first match! He claims he can win the TV Title at anytime…..<laughs> Well Jackhammer maybe you can win the TV Title at anytime…….as long as I’m not the Television Champion. See its fairly simple to explain Jackhammer………I AM THE ICON! I am the Mr. Pay- Per- View of the EWA…and frankly you just kind of suck. Actually, I do have a few questions for you though……<holds up one finger> Jack, Why is everything you do so clichéd? <holds up two fingers> Jack, Why haven’t you done your homework? You honestly think that I am a low card champion <laughs> I was one of the front runners for the EWA Heavyweight Title when we reopened, Jack, so don’t underestimate my skill and my ring knowledge…..<holds up three fingers> I’m curious Jack…..how is Jill doing? <holds up four fingers! > Your name sounds so familiar. Are you related to Jack Off? Jack Daniels? Jack in a Box? Oh no I’ve got it how about Jack Shit……Well I mean that’s what you have done to date in the EWA…..the only thing you’ve done has been to talk shit about me! That really isn’t a smart thing to do either but IF you still want a match after the Pay Per View I will give you one……I will give you a non title match against ME! So Bring your ass on down to the ring for the first Blitz after Wholesale Aggression! But if you so much as breath on me between now and then NOT only will I make you SOMEBODY but I’ll make you wish you never came to the EWA. Now you <points to the cameraman> GET OUT OF MY WAY! And you <points to Summer> get down here and show me those moves in the back room.
The two walk back into a VIP room as the cameraman is lead out of the Club by a huge bouncer. You hear the cameraman ask if the bouncer wants to be a pro wrestler and then fade to black.
The scene starts in a radio station, with the DJ just sitting down at his desk after a song, and announces on the air.
Radio DJ: Okay now, Listeners, today we have a special treat for you all, here to talk on Radio Capitol AM about wrestling and life in general Ewa Wrestler and soon to be Booker of his own federation, El Spastico!
(El Spastico walks in wearing a grubby white t-shirt, jeans, trainers and his lucha mask. He is eating a pretzel and his holding a mug of coffee, which is spilling down his shirt. It is easy to see that he has gained lots of weight. He sits down and puts a pair of headphones on.)
El Spastico: Hello viewers!
DJ: Uh Mr.Spastico, this is a radio station, we don't have viewers, we have listeners.
Spastico: Shut up, whatever.
DJ: So tell us about the state of the EWA?
El: Oh well, it's terrible, everybodies betraying everbody, so much backstabbing and people getting hurt. Kinda like Eastenders.
DJ: Well what are your feelings towards the IPWA, a group of bandits headed by Rick the Brick, who tricked EWA President Phil Flaws into paying them while he thought he was paying Rick to protect him from the IPWA?
El: I ain't got no feelings towards the IPWA, it was cunning what they did, but it wasn't as cunning as any of my Schemes I've used in the past.
DJ: Like when?
El: Like the time I faked an injury at the hands of Johnny Thunder after winning a number one contendership match, took time off while getting paid, and after a month off, I came back and claimed my title shot. Unfortunetaly I got injured while training in the gym the night before the match, so I lost.
DJ: So tell all the listeners about your time in the EWA for the past few weeks.
El: At the last PPV, I wrestled one of my greatest matches of all time against Corruptor. He had no stratergy, so I beat him up the whole match. The finish was a bit crap, when that donkey raping Steven Rage interupted Corruptors beating and knocked up both out with a sledgehammer and 'pinned' us. He wasn't even in the match! But, I spoke to the Booker during Phil Flaws absence, and he said I could have a title shot at the TV title, but when Flaws returned, I didn't have anymatch, and I'm getting tired of not fighting on shows, even house shows I don't get a match. I'm hoping I do one day and win a title.
DJ: I see. So, after moving from Mexico City to the USA, were do you now live and were did you meet your wife.
El: I stayed in some Las Vegas hotels and wons loads of money, due to the fact I'm a wizard at poker and Blackjack.
I moved to Memphis, and then Florida, where I met my wife Cindy. We live in Florida, where we have 3 kids and a private Jet, which I use to fly to TV tapings.
DJ: Ever considered changing your entrance music?
El: Funny you should say that, 'cos I gotta recording deal from a big company, and we are gonna redo a version of Night Fever. They hunted my down cos they think I'm so talent….
DJ: Okay the red light is flashing Spastico, that means you gotta go.
El: No it ain't, it’s still gree….
DJ: Just go, you egotistical maniac!
(Spastico gets up , folds the chair he was sitting on and smashes it in the face of the DJ.The DJ falls over and a certain white powder in small see-through bags fall out of his pockets. As Spastico is about to leave, he says in the mike)
El: And remember viewers, don't do drugs like this guy.
(The police march in and arrest the DJ, and Spastico says)
El: Bake him away Toys,..I mean take him away boys!!
![]() (Scene fades in to a banner of Wholesome Aggression hanging outside of the arena.)
(The camera zooms out to the screaming fans waiting for admission inside the arena)
Voice: Thank you fans, for waiting. Wholesome Aggression should be an excellent show.
(The camera cuts to The Corrupter sitting on his car, in the distance, and a man is with him)
The Corrupter: Yes, I know the deal. I understand what you want me to do.
Man: You better. If you don't win tonight, then I will do whatever I can to get you back in jail.
Corrupter: You want me to give Flaws the DOA?
Man: Exactly. Flaws, and his stupid little wrestlers. Flaws has been stealing money from the government. If you do this for me, then you can have your old job.
Corrupter: Isn't this illegal?
Man: Yes. It is, and if you tell anyone, then it's your ass.
Corrupter: Ok. I'll do it.
(The Corrupter lights a cigar as he watches the fans)
Corrupter: Pitiful people. Has no idea what I've got for them.
(The Corrupter and the man laughs as the camera fades out)
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