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![]() 1) El Spastico: Guess who's back?
![]() 2) Dave Deadly: Wanted: Dead or Alive
![]() 3) The Corruptor: Something never before seen..
![]() 4) Steven Rage: Someone needs a lesson
![]() 5) Damian Smith: Getting ready to smash The Brick!
![]() 6) Mac Maloy: The Truck runneth over
![]() 7) Bridge:Checking out
![]() 8) Leviathan: Fear me....
![]() Backstage we see a camera man giving a sign to an announcer as they are about to start a documentary on the EWA.
<Camera Man>: Okay, 3..2..1 action!
Announcer: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is a documentary on the state of the EWA, and first we have a special interview with...
(El Spastico walks by holding an ice bag infront of his unmasked face.)
Announcer: Hello, uhh Spastico, can we have an interview with you for this TV documentary?
Spastico(Turning around and putting a mask on): What the f..okay wait a second.
Announcer: Okay Rick, get the camera rolling in 3..2.. Hello everyone, I'm here with El Spastico to talk about the EWA and it's current situation.
Spastico:JJ Blaze, Johnny Thunder, Jake Logan, JC Swinger, what do they all have in common? They are all losers! They were all offer phat, phat contracts to wrestle. What did they do? They didn't put any ability into their work and no trying to do well! I go out almost every night, either in independant leagues of the EWA, and I wrestle to the fullest. I'm disgusted that they could throw away all the pushes and love they have been given in the ring, especially JC Swinger. He was in the EWA since nearly the very beginning, and he can't be bothered to participate. So I'm challenging him to a match at Blitz, and he's going to go down and learn his lesson. If I can't have him, I wann beat Johnny Thunder, that little piss ass who I've dominated several times.
Announcer: Okay, that was El Spastico, in the Bateman Center NEW YORK, talking about the EWA, see you after the break.
![]() Marcus Allen: Welcome back to EWA Undercover folks. Last night we saw one of the greatest EWA pay per view events ever – Wholesale Aggression. We saw Rick the Brick become the new EWA Champion, we saw Jarod Crow beat Bridge in an incredible ladder match, but perhaps the most brutal match of the night saw Dave Deadly beat Chairman and Lockdown to become the new EWA Extreme Champion in a Windy City Brawl. Dave Deadly was scheduled to be here for an interview tonight but has unfortunately run into some difficulties. Watch…
[We see footage of last nights Windy City Brawl. Clips of Deadly firing a shotgun at Chairman, driving a taxicab through a shop front and finally stealing a car, driving it into a wall in an attempt to crush Lockdown and finally speeding off in it once the match was won. We can hear the police sirens coming closer as Deadly speeds off with the Extreme Title.]
Marcus Allen: Well folks, I’m told we have the Extreme Champion on the phone now, live from an undisclosed location. Dave Deadly, let me ask you, how does it feel to finally become the EWA Extreme Champion?
Deadly: Hello? Hello? Who the f#*k is this?
Allen: Erm…its Marcus Allen from EWA Undercover.
Deadly: Marcus Allen? [Sighs] You know I am the EWA Extreme Champion. Do you know how insulting it is to be interviewed by a nobody like you? The only reason I’m on the end of a f#*kin’ phone line instead of being on DeadlyVision is that I may be in a little trouble with the Illinois Police Department. Now why would that be, Martin?
Allen: Errr…actually its Marcus…
Deadly: Shut the hell up!!! You see, it appears that the ‘Powers That Be’ at EWA Headquarters didn’t actually sanction the Windy City Brawl last night. As a result, nobody informed the Illinois Police Department that there was gonna be one hell of a fight on the streets of Chicago! Here I am, Dave Deadly, The Extreme Machine, The EWA Extreme Champion and I’m laying low, hiding from the law! Tonight was supposed to be a celebration! The Mayor of Chicago had prepared a celebratory party for Dave Deadly, Chicago’s Hero! But now I’m public enemy number one!
Allen: Well sir, I’m sure the question everybody is wondering is whether or not Dave Deadly will be at Blitz on Tuesday Night?
Deadly: Listen Milton, I’m wearing my Extreme Title around my waist right now. The Extreme Title is where it belongs. It was my destiny to become the Extreme Champion. You wanna know if I’m gonna be on Blitz on Tuesday Night? Well, I proved to everybody that I was Too Hot For PPV last night. Believe me, nothing would please me more than stepping into that ring and showing my belt to all the fans and the wannabes in the back. I wanna stand tall on one of those turnbuckles and allow all the freaks in the audience take a picture of true EWA greatness. So I’ll tell you now, if I can get to the Bateman Centre on Tuesday Night and stand celebrating in that ring in front of all my adoring fans I will. But first things first, I’ve gotta watch my back and stay out of laws way.
Allen: Dave Deadly sir, thank you for joining us tonight.
Deadly: You’re welcome Melvin. You know, this is a phone call your grandchildren will ask you about a few years down the line. They’ll say “Tell us about the time you spoke to the EWA Extreme Champ…[A police siren is heard and Deadly quickly hangs up.]
Allen: Will the Extreme Champion show up on Blitz? It looks like we’ll have to wait until Tuesday night to answer that one folks. I’m Melvin Al…errr…I’m Marcus Allen, folks, see you next time.
[Fade out]
![]() (Scene Fades in to a bar, where the Corrupter is spotted sitting on a stool, drinking a beer. Marcus Allen approaches the Corrupter with his camera crew)
Corrupter: What are you guys doing here? I'm trying to enjoy my drink and the game.
Allen: Yes... well.. I understand. What do you think about a quick interview?
Corrupter: Hell, boy, you came all the way for a quick interview?
Allen: Yes, because it's my job. Corrupter: Last I saw, your job was plugging EWA crap.
Allen: Please don't be hostile. This is a friendly conversation between friends.
Corrupter: Oh, alright. Go ahead with your stupid questions.
Allen: Ok. What do you feel about Wholesome Aggression? Why did they leave you off the show? (
Corrupter returns his attention to the television monitor)
Corrupter: Well, the fact is, I came back too late to participate in the show. As for the show itself, I thought it sucked donkey nuts. What business does Rick the Brick have being the world champion? I still think I got more talent than that lunk of junk. But then again, Mac Maloy sucked as champion too, he defended it too little, and it was time to pull the belt off his waist.
Allen: Do you support the IPWA?
(Corrupter looks at Allen with a disgusted stare)
Corrupter: Hell no! If I did, I'd call Brick and get a spot on the team, but I would never be part of that group of cowards.
(Corrupter chugs the last of the brew as he wipes his mouth clean)
Corrupter: Fact is, I got a match against their three pussies. I just hope the Animals can hold up their end of the bargain. If they lose the match, then I have no choice but to kick their asses as well.
(Allen looks at the camera)
Allen: Well, I guess we came at a bad time... I'll come back when he is a little more...sober.
(Corrupter jerks his attention back to Allen)
Corrupter: What did you say? Are you saying I'm drunk? ARE YA?!
(Allen winces and shakes in fear)
Allen: No... I just-
Corrupter: Never mind about that! Get out before I give you something the fans have not seen before! My finisher!
Allen: Ok- (Allen rushes out)
(Scene fades out)
![]() The cameraman walks into a fancy Italian restaurant in Chicago. It pans left and right as the cameraman walks to the back room saved for the exclusive, "beautiful" people who have connections around town. The executive room is filled with shady characters all sitting around a table and at the head of the table wearing a dark grey pin stripe suit, white button down collar shirt a black vest and a black tie is Steven Rage. He raises his hands to silence the group and looks around the room.
Rage: So I brought out a **beep** midget and slammed him through a table. <laughs>
The entire room echoes with laugher until Rage rasies his hand again.
Rage: But now he spits in my face. He has not only attempted to embarrass me.....but he insulted me and attacked me! The p***k spits in MY **BEEP** FACE!!! Does he think I am here to amuse him? Does he think I'm funny? Some kinda **beep** clown to amuse him? Well I think its time to be extremely expressive to this little punk so he knows that I mean business! So after this week I want the **beep** RAT to see that I mean business! So I believe that someone should pay him a visit at Blitz while I have my match. You know boys ensure he has an accident this week! So when he least expects it lets have someone teach him a lesson eh? And I got the perfect guy in mind!
\W/ Damian Smith raises an eyebrow as he looks on at a letter in disgust and then he raises his eyes to the screen. Shakes his head as he watches the matches and then looks at the screen and grimaces as he watches the IPWA emerge victorious. Disgusted with the matches he then shuts the screen off and turns and looks at the camera and speaks. \W/
Damian: " The only one worthy, Brick? You haven't the foggiest idea what i am capable of, do you? Yet i know what you're capable of so i leveled the playing field. In come the Behemoth. Who do i speak of. My counter part in crime and dare i say it an American. yes i turned a stone and swallowed my pride. I needed real back up and i brought him in to create my back up plan. The Prez has Leviathan and i have Behemoth. What was my little plan in all this. I needed to level the playing field. You see Brick i don't trust you or anyone else and obviously the only man i can trust to run with the ball and not drop it is Behemoth and myself. Im not going to sit here and state how much im going to dismantle you and hurt you in the ring. I simply want to let you feel what it is that makes the Wolf tick. My actions are going to speak plenty loudly for me. What do you think of them apples brick. You know a brick is nothing more than morter and water. yet a stone is all natural. The Wolf is all natural and doesn't go chasing after something when it fails. The times come Brick. Will The Wolf defeat you. You say no i say perhaps or perhaps i am merely there to embarass you in front of thousands of fans in the arena and millions of fans world wide on tv. brick its time to meet the GEWF prez in one fell swoop. I had a Federation and yet i closed it down. You failed as well in your endeavors and brought your talent with you. Well i brought one of mine. The only one i will ever need. Welcome to the EWA Brick. Ive only just begun to make this look like a big mistake on your part.!!"
\W/ Smith moves towards the screen and turns on the tape and watches as Smith is using several different submissions on Simon Fury and then he pauses it showing the pain on Fury's face and then Damian Smith grins as he looks at the camera. \W/
Damian: " One down and several to go Brick. What better way than to face off against the leader of their merry band of miscreants. For what the greatest prize of them all. The EWA championship. Hmmm seems to me your ego has stepped ahead of you. Worthy or an easy opponent which is on your mind?? I will gaurantee you one thing Damian Smith is no quick and easy win. You will go the distance against me. EWA nah this is for me. I did the EWA as a whole and nobody could carry the load. Now don't get me wrong im still in the game for the EWA. I just don't think anyone in this company is truly a team player everyone has their own agenda. I Damian Smith will show you how worthy i really am and i will make your regret your decision. Welcome to the EWA Brick its a nice day to lose your title isn't it!!"
\W/ Damian Smith just walks away from the camera as the camera fades to black. \W/
![]() ( The camera is completely dark with the sounds of night creatures singing their songs of the dark. Crickets, coyotes, owls all call to the dim light that starts to fade into the scene. A bright full moon illuminates the picture as starts begin to dance around the black sky. The camera pans down slowly as shadowy tree tops fill the horizon. A orange light bellows from under the tree line. The camera pans forward to the light of a campfire. Between the fire and the camera sits a silhouette. The figure throws a log onto the campfire as the camera gets closer and closer. The camera's light illuminates the back of the man as it inches near. Large words printed in white lettering scroll across the back of the T-shirt. They read "The Truck Runnith Over". Beneath is a picture of a large black rig with it's headlights beaming.
The camera slowly circles the man and the fire until the bright, hot, orange light reveals the face of Mac Maloy. Truck stares deeply into the burning abyss. In his right hand is a large bladed survival knife that glistens from the light of the fire. In his left is some sort of figurine that is unrecognizable as the dancing flames between Truck and the camera hide its true shape. Truck slides the blade along the figurine as shreds of it shave off into the fire.. Truck's eyes never leave the fire, letting the hands carve the shape on instinct alone.
Truck takes one last swipe of the blade across the figurine. He raises the blade up and tosses it flipping the handle out of his hand and catches the blade and instantly throws it at a tree off to his right. The camera follows the knifes trek through the air until it impales the target, the trunk of the tree. The camera pans back to Truck. Truck releases his gaze from the flame and focuses it on the figurine as he lifts in front of his face where it is now visible to the camera. A wood carved Trident. Truck eyes the detail that his blade has made on the wooden figure. Truck reaches his hands right hand up and grasps the Trident with both hands and snaps it in half and throws it into the flame. He fixes his eyes on the slow burning wood briefly. Truck reaches down and picks up something off the ground. Another figurine already carved. This one in the shape of a crow. He drops it into the fire next to the broke Trident. Truck lets his face show a small smirk across his lips.
The camera pans down and zooms into the flame where the two figurines burn at amongst the other hot coals. They are charred black. Slowly they begin to turn from black to a glowing red as the camera fades to black.)
![]() //EWA Undercover opens up with a picture of Marcus Allen standing outside a Chicago hospital.//
Marcus : I'm here to get an interview with Bridge,if possible after the bloody ladder match at Wholesale Aggression.
//Marcus is followed threw the hosipital main doors and arrives at the main desk//
Marcus : Can I have the room of Jack Knight?
Nurse : Room 313, first elevator on left and third floor. ICU and you may need to wait.
Marcus : OK, let's go.
//Marcus heads to the elevator and up to the third floor. Marcus walks over to the nurse of the ICU.//
Marcus : Excuse me nurse can we see Jack Knight?
Nurse : Sorry you can't.
Marcus : Because his injuries are bad.
Nurse : No, because he got up and left this morning.
Marcus : So, his injuries are not that bad?
Nurse : No I didn't mean it like that. He just got up and said he was leaving. Didn't have time to spend all day lying on his arse, had to recover the "Bridge" way. Whatever that is? The doctor's weren't happy he left.
Marcus : Did they try and stop him?
Nurse : Yes, called a couple of orderlies. They tried to restrain him but they are now in the room he was in.
Marcus : Do you have any footage of what happen?
Nurse : Yes, it's down with security. Level 1 room 102.
Marcus : Thanks!
//Marcus motions to the EWA crew and they head off to the security room. Marcus walks out of the lift and searches for the room. Finally he reaches a doorway that has security 102 on it.//
Marcus : Hello anybody here?
Voice : Yeah come on in.
// Marcus walks in and the camera shows two men sitting watching the TV monitors.//
Marcus : Hello, I'm Marcus Allen form EWA Undercover.
Security 1 : Yeah I seen you on TV. You here about Bridge I guess. that F@#$er just nailed four orderlies without breaking a sweat. Bud and I saw it and thought just let him go. I don't get paid enough to be dumped down the laundry shoot.
Security 2 (Bud) : We just watch it again. Do you want to see it.
Marcus : Sure. Get this on tape.
Security 2 (Bud) : Rewind it Lance.
//Lance walks over and rewinds the tape then presses play and sits back down.//
Marcus : Ok make sure you get this.
//There is no audio on the tape. the first we see is four orderlies rushing down to a room in the ICU. A minute passes then one orderly flies out the door and is knocked out against the wall. The tape then shows two ordelies backing out the door. Bridge follows and motions for them to get out of the way. One rushes but gets back body dropped on the tiled floor. The last tries to throw a punch but is blocked and recieves a kick to the stomach. This orderly is powerbombed down a shute and is not seen again. The orderly on the tiles tries again and hits Bridge in the back. Bridge holds his ribs and turns around. Bridge throws rights which the orderly reels from. Bridge grabs him by the head and rams him into the wall. The tape ends with Bridge walking off holding his ribs and smiling.//
Marcus : What happened to the other orderly?
Lance : He was found knocked out in the room, we don't know what happen.
Marcus : So Bridge just left?
Bud : Yep, he walked pass us. Lance and I looked at him and he said "don't be stupid, I'm already pissed off." So we let him pass and come back here to file a report. I ain't gonna be licking paint off walls just to keep that bastard here.
Lance : Damn right, those guys he destroyed weren't stringbeans you know.
Marcus : Thanks, I think we have all we need. Back to the studio.
////Fade to Black////
![]() ....fade in....
The EWA camera crew of Undercover opens up with a empty ring with just a lone figure sitting on a stool in the corner. The figure is recognisable as the EWA Beast Leviathan. Leviathan is rolling his head and a disturbing cracking sound is heard. The head of the crew gives a thumbs up signalling that they are ready to start filming. Leviathan stands and has a mic in his hands.
Leviathan : You know at Wholesale Aggression I was giving to instructions which I carried out to the full term of the agreement. The first was to teach that punk Steven Rage a lesson in humility. But knowing the self appreciating ego he has I don't he would realise any thing. I took his miserable career to the brink only stopping to give Mr Styles a opportunity to cover his sorry ass. Mr Styles showed why he is a booker and not in the ring. Now Rage before you get your floral underwear in knot, shut your mouth and think. If you open that piece of carbon tubing you call a mouth and direct any comments my way, next time I will not stop. Rage I treated you and destroyed you like a bug. Rage you are in too deep against Leviathan.
Leviathan stops and walks around the ring. He seems to get angrier and then takes a seat to gather his thoughts. After a minute he rises again ad moves towards the camera.
Leviathan : Next I come to the main event of Wholesale aggression. Here the president asked Leviathan to go down and even the score against the IPWA. First I picked up Fury and nearly crippled his arse. Then Mancuso felt agony at my hands. Third the Third Reicher himself, New Adam, was left star dreaming. And Last The new EWA World Champ suffered the devastation of the Depth Charge. Brick I will address you after I mention Big Daddy Drool. Now Tonka for the third time I have helped you, only for you to get in my face and lay some feeble offence on me. Tonka you lost your title and I mean YOU lost it. Don't blame me. The President is gonna want an explanation and if he docks my pay, I will beat that explanation out of you Tonka.
Leviathan pauses and laughs
Leviathan : Brick, are you able to sleep at night? Can you feel the footsteps getting closer? Come out and say it Brick you fear me. Fear the power within these arms. The power that can detroy all you hold sacred. YOUR IPWA, YOUR NEW TITLE, YOUR CAREER AND YOUR VERY LIFE. Brick giving Damian Smith the title shot has only delayed the final outcome. I will meet you in the ring and I will destroy you and pin you 1..2...3. Brick beware the deep end that's where Leviathan Lurks.
Fade to Black..............EWA
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